Here's our weekly update on news and topics STARRS tracks, monitors and shines a spotlight on in order to expose the Marxist CRT/DEI woke agenda in the military and to show the danger of this ideology and how it affects morale, readiness, recruitment and retention. Also the vax issue pertaining to service members. Our purpose is education and awareness for an informed citizenry.

Click on the HEADLINES to read the articles on our website, STARRS.US.

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Upholding the Warrior Ethos in the Military: Interview with MOH Recipient Drew Dix

Member of the STARRS Board of Advisors

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Goldwater Teams Up with Prof. Richard Epstein to Challenge Biden Admin’s Military Academy Power Grab

STARRS Mike Rose, USAFA '69,

is part of this effort

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Marxist Indoctrination and Infiltration at West Point

Col Rob Maness, USAF ret, STARRS Board of Advisors, interviews Matt Newgent, USMA '96 from the MacArthur Society of West Point Graduates

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Don’t Give Up the Ship book: CTG President Tom Burbage on the Ike Wingate Show

Capt. Tom Burbage, USN ret, USNA '69, President of the Calvert Task Group

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STARRS President Interviewed on KOA Radio

Col. Ron Scott, PhD, USAF ret, USAFA '73, STARRS President & CEO

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BOOK REVIEW: The Perilous Fight by Dr. Ben Carson

Reviewed by Capt. Brent Ramsey, USN ret STARRS Board of Advisors 

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Reactionary Regressives

By CDR Phillip J. Keuhlen, USN ret, USNA ’71

Don't call them Progressives,

call them Regressives

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Demographic Diversity Is Not Our Strength

By CDR Phillip J. Keuhlen, USN ret, USNA ’71

Identity in the Trenches:

The Fatal Impact of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion on U.S. Military Readiness

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The Logic of the Woke Military

By Will Thibeau, Army Ranger veteran

Part 2

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How the Department of Defense Went Woke

By Will Thibeau, Army Ranger veteran

Part 3

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An Anti-Woke Agenda for the US Military

By Will Thibeau, Army Ranger veteran

Part 4

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APP Releases a New Documentary: “Culture War: The Deadly Consequences of a Woke War Machine”

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‘Diversity’ Doesn’t Include Disabled Veterans Like Me

By Matthew Winans, US Army Veteran

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Military Reform: Reversing the Decline

By Col. Gary Anderson, USMC ret

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The U.S. Military is in CRISIS – The culture is TRASH and no one is joining


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EVENT: Diversity Without Division, Is It Possible?

12 September 2024

Evening event in Colorado

STARRS President Ron Scott will be speaking

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EVENT: A Public Conversation on Marxism in CT, Trafficking in America, Rank Choice Voting, and Election Integrity –

18 September 2024

Evening event in Connecticut or livestream, STARRS Chairman Rod Bishop will be speaking


What Military People Are Saying

Beyond the woke mind virus problem that has infected the military, another theme that is often seen--which is affecting recruitment and retention--is the severe loss of trust in the government and its policies and actions towards half the country:

“Nobody wants to die for a country that hates them. Plain and simple.”

“Total loss of confidence in the govt of the US. They are garbage. And I’m supposed to sacrifice my life for these corrupt politicians? Hell no. FU. Not to mention this woke BS." Former Marine Sgt in Ronald Reagan’s Corps of Marines

“If you are white and male this country hates you. Why would you fight for a country that actively hates you, discriminates against you, and tells you how much they hate you every single day of your life?"

“I’m not fighting for a country that would replace me with an illegal and have me fight for a cause that’s not mine.”

"I left the army after the stolen election. Don't care who wins as long as it's fair and true."

"Why would anyone want to join and give their life for a country that is being destroyed from within and opening borders, giving everything Americans work hard for away to other countries for free."

"The military has gone woke and our government is run by people who hate Americans."

"Current politicians and colleges pushed several generations of people to hate their own country. That is the only answer you need to why recruitment numbers are low. That's not even getting into the other major cultural factors affecting recruitment. I'm a 5th generation military member, grew up as a military brat and then joined the military. I got out after 6 years. There WAS a time where I'd actually still recommend people join because it does get good experience. Notice I said was, yeah not anymore."

E Pluribus Unum – Unity is America’s Strength

Wake Up, Stand Up, Speak Up and Never Give Up!

We are US military veterans and citizens concerned about the divisive racist and radical CRT/DEI ideology infiltrating the military and seek to expose, stand up against, and eliminate it in order to keep our country safe.

Volunteer to Help
Help Support Our Work


  • We STAND against the CRT/DEI/Woke agenda in the military & service academies
  • We educate on the dangers of this racist and radical ideology in the military
  • We monitor and call out the CRT/DEI/Woke agenda in the DoD through our website & social media
  • We seek the truth of what is happening in the military through FOIAs
  • We hold accountable the Academies and Services when they push this radical agenda
  • We speak Truth to Power . . . Hard Truths
  • We write articles and policy papers alerting people to this harmful agenda
  • We work with Congress and Panels to provide knowledge and ideas to combat the problem
  • We help like-minded organizations and media to get out the truth
  • We provide a network and listening ear to cadets, service members, veterans and families who are sick of this ideology being forced on them and worried about the future of our country. If you feel this way too, know that you are not alone!


Follow Matt Lohmeier on X and other platforms @matthewlohmeier


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