What Military People Are Saying
Beyond the woke mind virus problem that has infected the military, another theme that is often seen--which is affecting recruitment and retention--is the severe loss of trust in the government and its policies and actions towards half the country:
“Nobody wants to die for a country that hates them. Plain and simple.”
“Total loss of confidence in the govt of the US. They are garbage. And I’m supposed to sacrifice my life for these corrupt politicians? Hell no. FU. Not to mention this woke BS." Former Marine Sgt in Ronald Reagan’s Corps of Marines
“If you are white and male this country hates you. Why would you fight for a country that actively hates you, discriminates against you, and tells you how much they hate you every single day of your life?"
“I’m not fighting for a country that would replace me with an illegal and have me fight for a cause that’s not mine.”
"I left the army after the stolen election. Don't care who wins as long as it's fair and true."
"Why would anyone want to join and give their life for a country that is being destroyed from within and opening borders, giving everything Americans work hard for away to other countries for free."
"The military has gone woke and our government is run by people who hate Americans."
"Current politicians and colleges pushed several generations of people to hate their own country. That is the only answer you need to why recruitment numbers are low. That's not even getting into the other major cultural factors affecting recruitment. I'm a 5th generation military member, grew up as a military brat and then joined the military. I got out after 6 years. There WAS a time where I'd actually still recommend people join because it does get good experience. Notice I said was, yeah not anymore."