Public Service Loan Forgiveness deadline is October 31
Don’t miss out on this one chance to save thousands of dollars by having your student loan balances forgiven.

What is it?
Temporary changes to the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program rules that allow you to receive loan forgiveness you would never get under the current program rules.
·     Missed payments? You qualify.
·     Denied forgiveness in the past? You qualify.
·     Making only partial payments on your loan? You qualify.
·     Making $0 payments on an Income-Driven Repayment Plan? You qualify.
What do you need to do?
·     If you have Direct Loans and have applied for PSLF, you don't need to do anything at this time.
·     If you have Direct Loans and have NOT applied for PSLF, you need to apply.
What types of questions will you be asked?
·     When did you borrow?
·     What's your current repayment plan?
·     What's your current balance?
·     Have you ever consolidated?
What are your resources?
Access the links below if you need help through this process. If you prefer to talk it through with someone, call MTA Benefits' partner Cambridge Credit Counseling at 800.757.1788, ext. 5373. You will get quick answers to your questions.

·     Visit

Register for this Wednesday (October 26)’s MTA Benefits webinar to learn more.

SEA COVID Leave Meeting - Wednesday, October 26
If you are interested in trying to develop a plan to fight to get a COVID leave policy in place this year to ensure the health and safety of our members and students, please come to this Zoom meeting at 4:15 this Wednesday to develop a plan.
You will need to sign into the meeting.
Pre-K Educators meeting – Wednesday, November 2
This is a meeting for all Pre-K educators. We will be discussing issues of behavior, staffing and group size, as well as other issues that you identify. The meeting will be on Zoom at 4:15. Here is the link: 
You will need to sign into the meeting.
There will be a separate meeting for all LINKS, SEBS, and Alternative School educators later in November. 

Remember – Vote YES November 8th on Question 1 – the Fair Share Amendment – please talk to family and friends about voting yes!