I pray this note finds you happy, healthy, and holy. Many of our lives are getting busier this time of year. For our families with school-aged children, this can be a time when parents feel like chauffeurs who exist to take their children to a variety of different activities. For others, whether it's work or other commitments, our schedules are still full. Yet amidst the busyness of life, our Catholic Faith reminds us that above all, we exist to be in a deep personal and fulfilling relationship with Jesus.
In this relationship, we find our true value and the meaning of our existence. Every person innately desires to be loved and to love; a union ultimately experienced with God. So let us be ever committed to this loving relationship with God through a commitment to daily prayer and faithfully participating in Sunday Mass. It is there that we unite our sacrifices of love from the past week to Christ’s Sacrifice and receive the Most Holy Eucharist where God shares His life with us.
I now move on to a few matters of business. First, we learned earlier this summer that Bishop Lou decided that our parish will be joined with St. Mary’s Parish in Downs to form a new parish, while continuing to offer Masses at both campuses. I have been directed to assemble a Transition Team, consisting of about 10 members from both St. Mary’s and St. Patricks, to help our parishes go through this process over this next year. I will begin meeting with this team this month. Though our parishes have not yet merged there are some measures being taken now to facilitate this merger. For example, beginning in October, this newsletter will also be shared with St. Mary’s parishioners giving us a means to communicate with all parishioners moving forward. Please continue to pray for us and all parishes during this process of Growing Disciples.
Second, the annual financial report for our parish is available at the link below. Third, an update on the rectory project: Our contractor is compiling bids for this project and I will be reviewing them with the Rectory Advisory Committee. As we make decisions, the overall cost of the rectory will become clear. The plan to fund the project is to utilize our Capital Improvement Fund. I ask you to prayerfully consider supporting this important project by contributing to this fund. A more formal request for a financial commitment for this project will be forthcoming. As always, I am grateful for your support of our parish.
In Christ,
Fr. Schultz