Weekly Bulletin #204
October 1, 2021
Coinbase hack proves need for RAIDA technology

Coinbase is one of the largest, best known and, recently, best capitalized digital currency exchanges in the world.

Yet even this giant is not safe from hackers as they announced today that thousands of customers had assets stolen. Coinbase's notification letter informs users "you were a victim of a third-party campaign to gain unauthorized access to the accounts of Coinbase customers and move customer funds off the Coinbase platform. At least 6,000 Coinbase customers had funds removed from their accounts, including you."

The hacks apparently took place between March and May of this year. We have to wonder why it took Coinbase six-plus months to notify users of the attacks, but the bigger issue is how one of the behemoths of the cryptocurrency exchange world could be open to such an attack in the first place.

Blockchain currencies and exchanges that support them lack basic security protocols that only RAIDA-based assets like CloudCoin can offer. The coming launch of the decentralized RAIDA exchange will give digital currency enthusiasts a safer, cheaper and greener alternative.

Is China buying up CloudCoins?
Adapted from a report from Jamie Waterman

Despite their crackdown on cryptocurrency mining, China is purchasing massive amounts of CloudCoin, according to CloudCoin founder Sean Worthington.

CloudCoin is a unique digital currency in that it is not based on the blockchain technology that most cryptos use. This gives CloudCoin several advantages over bitcoin, ethereum, and other blockchain-based currencies.

One of these major advantages is that CloudCoin is 'Quantum Safe'. Quantum computers will make blockchain vulnerable to advanced decrypting software. RAIDA (Redundant Array of Independent Detection Agents), on which CloudCoin is built, uses authentication as opposed to encryption to determine the ownership of a coin. RAIDA technology will also be the backbone behind secure servers, e-mail, and financial transactions everywhere.

CloudCoin is also a 'green & clean' digital currency. A growing number of socially and environmentally-conscious investors want to put their money into something they can feel good about. The amount of energy usage to process a bitcoin transaction caused Elon Musk to reverse his initial decision to accept bitcoin to purchase Tesla vehicles. Economic and environmental authorities are starting to take notice. The European Central Bank recently described crypto-assets’ exorbitant carbon footprint as 'grounds for concern', with bitcoin’s annual energy consumption being half that of the entire UK, and growing.

Storing and transferring CloudCoin requires virtually no energy, as they are just a piece of code on an image file. This makes CloudCoin an extremely convenient sustainable monetary system. CloudCoin can be scaled-up globally and still have an insignificant impact on the environment.

Bitcoin is also plagued by slow transaction times, with transactions taking from hours to days. In comparison, CloudCoin transactions take microseconds to transact. You can also transfer CloudCoin through messaging and email apps like Telegram or Gmail. And unlike other cryptos, these transactions are free.

Finally, unlike bitcoin, CloudCoins are recoverable if they are lost. Studies have shown approximately 20% of Bitcoin has been “lost”. This equated to over 140 BILLION dollars lost. CloudCoin has two separate methods of recovering lost coins. This truly sets CloudCoin above and beyond the rest.

With CloudCoin also coming very soon to literally tens of thousands of ATMS worldwide, CloudCoin will soon be on the lips and in the wallets of individuals, merchants, and investors everywhere.

GitHub offers ways to directly boost CloudCoin

Would you like do join dozens of CloudCoin stakeholders working to support the Consortium's mission?

Consider becoming a CloudCoin GitHub sponsor.

Sponsors play an essential role in promoting the ongoing work of the Consortium and can get insider access, briefings and other events. The Consortium remains committed to being more liquid, having better software, and, of course, continuing to raise awareness about CC and RAIDA.

Consortium founder Sean Worthington became the first sponsor by pledging $100 per month at GitHub.

GitHub is the world's largest suite of tools for open source developers, and becoming part of their sponsorship program is an important step forward.

Rodent of the week
This one made us laugh. Everyone who follows digital currencies has seen extreme volatility in the markets among the 99 percent of currencies that have no real practical use or application (unlike CloudCoin).

Trading of many of these currencies is largely speculation, 'pump and dump,' and guesswork.

Enter 'Mr. Goxx,' a hamster (Cricetus cricetus) in Germany who excels at picking which cryptos to buy or sell and when. We're not making this up. His exploits have been covered this week by CNN Business, Gizmodo, Market Watch and others. Mr. Goxx even has a channel live streaming his trades on Twitch.

His human partner reports that Mr. Goxx's trading acumen has outperformed the S&P 500.

Happy Birthday Ford Model T

The Ford Model T automobile was first sold 133 years ago today, October 1, 1908.

The Model T wasn't the first commercially available car, but thanks to Henry Ford's mass assembly method and other innovations, it quickly became the most popular and most affordable. The Model T sold for just $825 at a time when many cars were priced much higher.

This 'second-mover' paradigm can be seen with RAIDA and blockchain. Blockchain came first, almost 15 years ago now, while RAIDA improved upon the concept and offers a better, greener, more efficient, safer, cheaper and more scalable way to transact digital assets.

All CloudCoin related links in one place!

Can your talents help make a difference?

Are you interested in using your talents and experience to make a difference? Do you have a passion for learning about the revolutionary new world of digital currency? Would you like to connect with like-minded, liberty-loving people from around the globe?

Consider joining the CloudCoin Consortium. There are opportunities available in numerous capacities. Whether you can spare a few hours a week or devote several hours a day working from the privacy and comfort of your own home, or are available to join us in our California HQ, we encourage you to apply. If you have experience in any of the following fields, visit our Opportunities page with a resume or CV.

  • People looking to develop NFTs for art, collectibles or other use
  • 3D artists
  • Software testers for all operating systems
  • Tech support/customer service professionals
  • Mobile App developers
  • RAIDA network02 system administrators
  • Social Media pros and community managers
  • Marketers and PR experts
  • Content creators
  • Web developers
  • Filmmakers and video specialists
  • Graphic designers
  • Writers and bloggers
  • Attorneys/Paralegals
  • Grant Writers
  • Software developers/programmers
  • Software solutions salespeople
  • Minecraft developers/modders
  • Electron programmers
  • HR/personnel professionals