Streams of Awareness


March 26, 2023


I was watching out my kitchen window yesterday afternoon, and there perched on my bird feeder was a beautiful red cardinal in all of “his” glory.  (The bright red cardinals are male the brown ones are female….but you probably already knew that).  I had been praying this week for God to nudge me with a topic and this was it. 

Perching… a position taken that is not permanent but only a temporary resting place. And in reality, we all, who are believers in Jesus Christ  are in a perpetual perching position as we travel through life on this earth.  For this Earth is merely a perching ground where we live life and feed on opportunities, struggle through hardships, negotiate relationship, fly to the next event, weather the changing winds of time, and pursue hoped for successes.  Our final destiny is an eternal, permanent existent with our God in heaven amidst his glory.  


But perching, for us, though it represents a temporary landing place on this earth can also relate to a consistent state of pausing between life’s day to day experiences.  So today, think for a minute on what thoughts or activities are you are perched on.   Are you looking for a new job, changing a career, raising kids, figuring out how to manage finances, enjoying your status quo, managing a health issue, or possibly nurturing a deep seeded hurt, etc.? Or maybe you are just finding some time to be still and breathe, counting your blessings and taking time out to let God hover over you and give you peace in the midst of circumstances that surround you.   

The idea of perching suggests a temporary pause or moment of reflection before taking action. And action can be and is an important part of personal growth and development.  You can only perch for a while before action is needed to be taken.  God is always watching and gives us time to perch but also sends a little whisper when it is time to move on and fly in a different direction to a venue that would be better suited for you and the gifts that you have been given. Change is constant…..and it often times is not just about location rather a change in behavior, discipline, outlook, perception, or even a decided step to further seek God and contemplate his next move for your life.  

In human terms, the concept of "perching" could be used to describe a state of temporary rest or pause in someone's life.  Just as my cardinal might take a moment to rest and gather its strength before taking flight again, people can also benefit from taking a pause to reflect on their goals and aspirations before making big decisions or changes in their lives.

When we include God and pray for his wisdom and direction, there is where we gain the strength and fortitude to forge forward and become better able to adapt to what is to come and leave what has past in the past.  Perching is temporary, a time to rest and reflect but upon that reflection it is time to be  of great courage and spread our wings and make changes….changes that are positive, that might be a little out of our comfort zone but are directed to improve our perspective and enable us to a better reflection of who God has called us to be. 

When perching …. remember that it is not about how much faith you have but the love and power of the one who is the object of your faith. An  analogy shared when speaking of God ….which is more important God’s love or his power?  Think in terms of an airplane…. when asked which wing is the most important on an airplane…the answer is they are equally important…  for they are balanced…just as God’s love and God’s power are balanced. 

God is able to conquer the least and the greatest of our needs…When perching,   Feast on the seeds of God’s truth, wisdom and ultimate good that comes from knowing him and trusting him.   

Praise God wherever you are and whatever situation He has allowed you to be in . . . His glory will shine through!

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