Jewish Pro-Life Foundation Newsletter 30 July 2021 - 21 Av 5781
‘Now choose life’: The Jewish case against abortion
✡︎ Shabbat Shalom & Good Day ✡︎

A friend has been encouraging us to submit articles to Jewish media, conservative media, and pro-life media. His coaching resulted in the editor of Live Action News requesting an article from us about the Jewish case against abortion. To compose the article, we extrapolated the arguments we used in our Amicus brief for the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health case. Thank you, Live Action, for welcoming us onto your outstanding platform!

‘Now choose life’: The Jewish case against abortion
Feminists Choosing Life of New York, FCLNY, fights a courageous battle against the NY abortion behemoth. Currently, they are circulating a petition to stop the construction of a new Planned Parenthood in Brighton, New York.

Last Saturday, Alice Lemos zoomed into FCLNY's second of the series, An Unsafe Space! Feminists Engage!
Here's her report:

"I attended via zoom the second part of the program sponsored by FEMINISTS CHOOSING LIFE OF NEW YORK which was last Saturday. To my amazement, the woman arguing the PRO CHOICE SIDE gave many pro life arguments and argued STRONGLY against late term abortions.
Both sides pointed out the rare examples of when an abortion may be necessary to save the life of the mother.
The pro CHOICE WOMAN and the pro life woman – both pointed out the attacks on people with disabilities by the abortion industry and BOTH stated THAT IT IS WRONG TO SUPPORT ABORTIONS ON DOWNS SYNDROME BABIES."
Thank you, Alice, for this positive report!

To get the link to the meeting and to learn more about Feminists Choosing Life of New York, please visit their website:
And speaking of strong pro-life women...............
Kate Mulgrew, Star Trek’s groundbreaking first female captain, chose life
We've been contacted by another loving Jewish couple who can give a Jewish baby a wonderful life. Please, if you know of a Jewish unborn child facing a possible termination, please let the mother know about Shoshana and Boruch. Visit and share their website!
When we speak with Jewish women who feel terrible guilt about their abortions, we point out that the abortion industry works overtime to set traps for women who are under pressure to terminate a pregnancy. Here are three stories that show the determined effort, power, corruption, and money behind 'choice.'

Targeted for Depopulation: This Organization Is Training Thousands of New Abortionists in America – and YOU are Paying for It!

Major Abortion Groups Assemble, File Lawsuit Over ‘Unthinkable’ Texas Law Allowing Americans To Sue Abortion Clinics, Doctors

UNCOVERED: Late-term abortionists experimented on hundreds of women

Please join us for Monthly Mishpacha, where our pro-life Jewish family gets together for private conversation and connection.

Monthly Mishpacha is scheduled on the first Sunday of each month at 11 am ET. Our first meeting is this Sunday, August 1, 2021.

We will schedule a 90 minute session, but you can come in or leave at anytime. Because this will occur on the first Sunday of every month, it will allow us to also add a movie or video of interest without extra scheduling issues.

I've set up the registration so that you can register once and that registration will work on subsequent Sundays. Also, to maintain safety and confidentiality, I will receive an email confirmation of each registration so I know who to expect. If you want to invite someone, please send them the registration link below. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Please register in advance at:

So Boaz took Ruth, and she became his wife; and he went in unto her, and the Lord gave her conception, and she bore a son. And the women said unto Naomi: ‘Blessed be the Lord, who hath not left thee this day without a near kinsman’ . . . and they called his name Obed; he is the father of Jesse, the father of David. 
Ruth 4:13, 14, 17 

Consider how our history would have suffered had any of our heroines chosen to have an abortion. Sarah conceived in old age. She did not give birth to merely one son, but to the whole Jewish people. Had she chosen an abortion, we would not exist. 

Sherry Davison
Worship Corner
Rabbi Menashe Bovit is the rabbi at Bellerose Jewish Center in Queens NY, an online/brick and mortar synagogue composed of spiritual seekers who worship in an Ashkenazi 'Conservadox' style. Rabbi Bovit teaches with humor combined with love of Chassidism and Torah. He conducts online Shabbat services and Torah classes.
You can view his Shabbat sermons at
Contact Rabbi Bovit at [email protected].
Rabbi Shlomo Nachman is the rabbi of Beit Emunah, a Sephardic online community of spiritual seeking Jews and Noahides. He offers a wide range of Shabbat and holiday services, and Torah studies. Rabbi Nachman is known for his patience, sensitivity, scholarship, and dedication to traditional Jewish teachings.
You can access Rabbi Nachman's online services and classes at
Contact Rabbi Nachman at [email protected]
Tikvat Rachel, our healing program for Jewish women and men who suffer after abortion, meets weekly in our zoom room. Please contact [email protected] for login information. We're saving your seat!
Gevalt! She IS Alive Before She's Born!
"We must always take sides.
Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim.
Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented."
Eli Wiesel
Get the Facts!
Judaism: The Original Pro-Life Religion Book
View & Download the book here,
Looking for help after abortion? Start your healing journey by downloading our healing program here. Then contact us to finally share your personal story with a friend who cares. These calls and emails are confidential, caring, and safe. Call Cecily at 412-758-3269 or email [email protected].

"Weeping is lodged in one side of my heart,
and joy is lodged in the other"
The Zohar

Do you know an abortion minded Jewish woman? Tell her about our list of Jewish couples waiting to adopt!

Jewish Adoption Services

Jewish Pregnancy Care Services

Jewish Support After Abortion

Worship online with our Pro-Life Rabbis
Rabbi Nachman at Beit Emunah

Rabbi Menashe Bovit on Rumble [email protected]
Check out our archived newsletters at 
Contact Us

Cecily Routman [email protected]
Rabbi David Novak [email protected]
Rabbi Shlomo Nachman [email protected]
Rabbi Menashe Bovit [email protected]

Jewish Pro-Life Foundation
PO Box 292 Sewickley PA 15143