Marketing and Sales Executives of Detroit
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News & Updates

October 2024

A Message from the President

What is MSE Detroit Doing for Me?

Last month, we talked about reasons why a person should join a professional organization. Two of the top reasons are for networking and professional development opportunities. In September, MSE Detroit delivered on both counts.

We held a "Welcome Fall!" Meet and Greet on September 18th and enjoyed an evening of connections. On September 26th, our lunch seminar with Tom Rea, "Mastering Social Media: Tools, Strategies and Tactics for Success," was itself a rousing success! So much so, we are working on a "Part 2" for November--stay tuned for details.

By joining Marketing & Sales Executives of Detroit, you are making a strategic move to invest in your career, stay connected to your industry, and continually improve as a professional.

We want to encourage you with another Networking Opportunity--join MSE Detroit for "A Carvin' Good Time!" on Thursday, October 24th at Buddy's Pizza in Troy. Registration information is below.

Watch your email for more information on "Mastering Social Media, Part 2" in November.

Enjoy this colorful transition to fall, and hope to see you at our October Meet and Greet!


Ann K. Bruttell

MSE Detroit President

Owner, Meeting Coordinators, Inc.


Please plan to join

Marketing & Sales Executives of Detroit for

 "A Carvin' Good Time!" Meet & Greet!

Thursday, October 24th, 2024

5:30-7:30 PM

Buddy's Pizza

987 Wilshire Drive, Troy

Join us for pumpkin "carving", conviviality, and networking!

$35/MSE Detroit members;

$45/non-members, guests;

$125/event + MSE Detroit membership

(Members may bring guests at the member price!)

Everyone will take home a personalized, decorative pumpkin!

To register, please click HERE.

A Huge "Thank You!"

to Tom Rea of Rea Social Solutions

for a fantastic seminar,

"Mastering Social Media: Tools, Strategies, and Tactics for Success!"

on September 26th.

Watch for information about "Mastering Social Media, Part 2" coming in November.

Your Trademarks are Valuable Assets and You Should Protect Them

By Bill (William) Honaker

Intellectual Property Attorney/Speaker at IP Guy

October 1, 2024

A client called about a competitor using his trademark without permission. We sent the competitor a formal request to stop.

The competitor responded by requesting “the documents” showing we had a trademark. We have a trademark, but it is not registered and there are no documents. In the U.S., use of your mark creates trademark rights. You don’t have to register it to have rights, but having registration provides many benefits.

One benefit is having the registration certificate. The United States Government issues you a certificate showing your registered mark. In this situation it would have been nice to have it and send it to the competitor.

The competitor thinks we have no rights without “The Document.” She’s wrong, but now it will take further convincing. We may even have to file a lawsuit. This increases the costs to get the matter resolved. A registration certificate would have likely ended the matter.

I’ve written an article on why you should register your trademark. You can read that article here.

Here is a list of the benefits to Federal Registration:

  • Your trademark is presumed valid, which gives you an important advantage in court.
  • It’s considered valid throughout the United States.
  • After five years your mark can become incontestable. Incontestability shields the mark against many challenges.
  • You can use the ® which shows the mark is Federally registered. The ® is widely recognized as a symbol of your trademark rights.
  • The federal courts have jurisdiction over disputes involving federal registered trademarks.
  • Your registration is self-policing. The mark is easy to find when others are considering choosing a mark. It’s on the USPTO website. A quick search will show others to your mark, and they will likely pick something different. Few businesses want to choose a trademark that will get them into litigation.

The Takeaway

The cost to register a trademark is low, especially compared to the value it brings. Don’t forget these valuable assets; get them registered.

About the Author:

Bill Honaker, “The IP Guy” is a former USPTO Examiner, a partner with Dickinson-Wright, and author of the forthcoming book, "Invisible Assets – How to Maximize the Hidden Value in Your Business." Email, or call him at 248-433-7381.

MSE Detroit LinkedIn Page

We would like to invite you to follow MSE Detroit’s updated LinkedIn site at

Looking forward to connecting with you and seeing you at our events.


are available for all MSE Detroit Programs.

Check out our sponsorships HERE.

Looking for a customized sponsorship?

Call us at 248-643-6590 or


Book Recommendations

The National Association of Sales Professionals (NASP) recommends the following books for sales practitioners:

1. To Sell Is Human, by Daniel H. Pink


2. The Science of Selling, by David Hoffeld


3. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, by Dr. Robert B. Cialdini


4. The Only Sales Guide You’ll Ever Need, by Anthony Iannarino

5. Pitch Anything: An Innovative Method for Presenting, Persuading, and Winning the Deal, by Oren Klaff

6. Little Red Book of Selling, by Jeffrey Gitomer

7. Own Your Niche, by Stephanie Chandler

8. Heart and Sell, by Shari Levitin

9. Sell or Be Sold: How to Get Your Way in Business and in Life, by Grant Cardone

10. Winning with Data, by Tomasz Tunguz and Frank Bien

Seeking Board Members

Two MSE Detroit board positions will be opening soon. If you have "a passion for the craft" of marketing and sales, and are interested in working with MSE Detroit,

please contact Ann Bruttell, MSE Detroit president, at

We are also looking for Program Committee members!

MSE Detroit Members:

Would you be willing to be our "Member Spotlight" in the monthly newsletter?

Do you have a career accomplishment or press release to share?

Have you read a book on leadership/sales/marketing that you think others would benefit from?

Have a link to a blog/podcast/article that you think would benefit MSE Detroit members?

We would love to hear from you at

MSE Detroit is developing a series of programs for our members to present to Chambers of Commerce and businesses on the following topics. Should you desire to help us with this project and volunteer as an industry expert speaker, please let us know.

1. Digital Transformation and Innovation in Marketing

2. Customer Experience and Engagement

3. Content Marketing and Storytelling

4. Social Media and Influencer Marketing

5. Sales Strategies and Technologies

6. Data Privacy and Ethical Marketing

7. Market Research and Consumer Insights

8. Brand Management and Positioning

9. E-commerce and Digital Sales

10. Global Marketing Strategies

11. Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility

12. Leadership and Talent Development

13. Emerging Technologies

14. Crisis Management and Resilience

15. Networking and Collaboration

MSE Detroit Membership

To renew your membership or join MSE Detroit, visit:

MSE Detroit 2024 Membership Rates



$100 - Basic Membership – Receives monthly newsletter and all event notifications. Zoom webinar events are currently FREE for members; may register at member discounted rate for other MSE Detroit events/program/On-Demand Videos. May submit press releases for inclusion in the monthly newsletter.


$300 - Premium Membership - Receives monthly newsletter and all event notifications. Zoom webinar events are currently FREE for members; may register at member discounted rate for other MSE Detroit events/programs/On-Demand Videos.. May submit press releases for inclusion in the monthly newsletter. Executive Leadership Program Speaker Series priority access. This membership includes a $50 donation towards the MSE Detroit Scholarship Fund and will be listed in promotional material as a sponsor.


$25 - Student Membership - Receives monthly newsletter and all event notifications. Zoom webinar events are currently FREE for members; may register at member discounted rate for other MSE Detroit events/programs/On-Demand Videos.. Students may also request a mentor. (Must provide proof of student status; copy of a school schedule or letter from college/advisor needed.)


$125 - Retired Membership - Receives monthly newsletter and all event notifications. Zoom webinar events are currently FREE for members; may register at member discounted rate for other MSE Detroit events/programs/On-Demand Videos. Executive Leadership Program Speaker Series priority access. This membership includes a $50 donation towards the MSE Detroit Scholarship Fund and will be listed in promotional material as a sponsor.


$1,250 – Corporate Membership – Includes up to 5 memberships at the Premium Membership level. Each will receive the monthly newsletter and all event notifications. Zoom webinar events are currently FREE for members; may register at member discounted rate for other MSE Detroit events/programs/On-Demand Videos. The corporation may submit press releases for inclusion in the monthly newsletter. They will have priority access to the Executive Leadership Program Speaker Series. This membership includes a $250 donation towards the MSE Detroit Scholarship Fund and will be listed in promotional material as a corporate sponsor.

Marketing & Sales Executives of Detroit (MSED)
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