August 5, 2022

Town of Orangetown

Town of Orangetown

Rich in History

August 9, 2022 - Meeting Cancelled

  • The regularly scheduled Town Board Meeting on August 9, 2022 is cancelled. The next meeting will be held on August 23, 2022.

August 23, 2022 - Public Hearing:

  • The proposed zone change for a property on Gatto Lane in the Hamlet of Pearl River (postponed from 7/26/22 to 8/23/22)

  • To amend Chapter 43 in the Town Code to address zoning in the Hamlet of South Nyack (postponed from 8/9/22 to 8/23/22)

Due to construction at Town Hall, the September 11th ceremony will be moved to Veterans Park in Orangeburg, NY. Mark your calendars.

Public Service Announcement
Orangetown Police Department

As part of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s comprehensive safety strategy to prevent traffic deaths, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is launching a public education campaign across the country to address one of America’s most dangerous driving behaviors. The agency kicked off the Speeding Wrecks Lives campaign aimed at changing general attitudes toward speeding and reminding drivers of the deadly consequences.

The campaign, which runs from July 20-August 14, is supported by an $8 million national media buy featuring English and Spanish-language ads running on television, radio and digital platforms. The ads target drivers ages 18 to 44, who data show are most likely to be involved in speeding-related fatal crashes.

According to NHTSA data, 11,258 people died in speeding-related crashes in 2020, and speeding was a contributing factor in 29% of all fatal crashes. Even with fewer cars on the road during the pandemic, 2020 saw a dramatic increase (17%) in speeding-related deaths compared to 2019.

The data also showed additional concerning statistics in 2020:

·  Local roads saw the most speeding, with 87% of all speeding-related traffic fatalities occurring on non-interstate roads. 

·  Speeding contributed to 37% of the fatal crashes in work zones.

·  Speeding was a factor in more fatal crashes on wet roads than dry roads. 

·  Drinking and speeding is the deadliest combination. Of the drivers involved in fatal crashes, 37% were speeding and had a blood alcohol concentration of .08 or higher.

Early Voting at Town Hall

Early voting will be begin on Saturday, August 13th and run through Sunday, August 21st. If you cast your ballot on Primary Day, Tuesday, August 23rd, you will need to visit your regular polling site, which can be found here.

Energy Cost Savings & Clean Energy

Orangetown is proud to be a founding member of the Rockland Community Power energy program. Through this program, six Rockland communities came together in 2020 to create a large aggregate or buying group through which residents may purchase electricity supply at competitive, fixed rates. Both standard energy and 100% renewable energy are available through the program. Since November 2020, this program has helped over 21,000 Rockland residents make the transition to clean energy at a fixed rate.

Through this program, Rockland residents and small businesses have also saved over $5.58 million relative to Orange & Rockland (O&R) rates. Orangetown residents and small businesses alone have saved over $2.26 million dollars. Click HERE for more information.

Upcoming Events

Orangetown Parks and Recreation presents:

Mystical Majesty Band

Tonight, Friday, August 5, beginning at 7:45pm in Veteran' Memorial Park in Orangeburg. Mystical Majesty Band is the east coast's greatest Beatles cover band and is a 5 time winner of The Fest for Beatles Fans. Experience the worlds most iconic band and come celebrate many of the Beatle's greatest hits!

The Orangetown Parks & Recreation Concert Series is free and open to the public.

Back to School Supply Drive

Stay cool and hydrated!  Dress in light colored clothing!