There are many inspirational stories about patients overcoming challenges because of the many dedicated individuals striving to achieve the mission of Caritas Clinics: to improve the health of those we serve, especially the poor and vulnerable. We share these stories with you through our newsletters, but many deserving a voice end up on the cutting room floor. Each month we will share one or two short updates about staff and patients at Caritas Clinics by email, with a focus on individuals achieving good health and finding hope.

Angels Among Us

What Caritas does cannot be done without the help of outstanding volunteers and trusted relationships within our communities. They are lifelines to our patients. Belinda Klassen is one of those volunteers, and Denise is one of those patients.

Of the many barriers that exist in finding quality medical care, transportation for our patients is one of the most challenging. Denise frequents Welcome Central, a homeless shelter in Leavenworth where Belinda Klassen works. Even on her days off, juggling the schedules of her three children, Belinda finds time to drive Denise to Saint Vincent Clinic, then onto KU hospital for tests, and back to the safety of the shelter. And because of her caring and grace, Belinda takes it upon herself to keep an eye on Denise when she’s at the shelter, sensing if there’s change in her demeanor, if she is feeling poorly—anything we should know about that might require a doctor’s attention. That kind of compassion creates a ripple effect that extends to Denise, to other shelter residents, and to the community at large. We salute you Belinda, together with your co-workers who mirror your caring. The world needs more angels.

Thank you for your involvement and support of Caritas Clinics! We look forward to sharing more stories with you.