In this Email...

*Youth End-of-Summer Party and Farewell to Dennis*
*Waffle House Food Truck and Combined Worship*
*Endowment Lunch RSVP*
*Youth Go-Kart Celebration*
*9am Guest Worship Leader*
*Information Updates*

Click on the images below for all the details!
Youth End-of-Summer Party and Farewell to Dennis
Jul. 31, 5pm
July Combined Services
Sundays in July, 10am

Endowment Lunch RSVP
Aug. 14, after service
Youth Go-Kart Fun!
9am Guest Worship Leader
For the month of August, we are going to have a guest worship leader for the 9:00 Modern service. His name is Chip Hogsed and he comes to us with much worship leading experience, particularly modern and Methodist. Check it out and welcome him to Chamblee!
Information updates
Throughout July

In our ongoing effort to get our database up-to-date, your profile page is in print and available for you to pick up in your Sunday School class or in the Narthex before or after services. Linda King can help you get your information up to date and even take your picture. Stop by and grab your page. We will continue to have these available through July. If you need to setup your login, she can help you with that too. 

Thank you for your continued giving and generous hearts!