Reminders regarding other construction impacts
Workers, trucks, and equipment will generally begin arriving on-site around 7 a.m. Construction noise from chain saws and other tree removal equipment will be mostly limited to the hours of 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. per the IFPL work restrictions during this phase of work.
Truck noise such as beeping is not easily mitigated as that is an OSHA-required safety feature and needs to be loud enough for someone to hear while wearing hearing protection. When possible, trucks will be routed around the site to avoid the need to back up.
Hauling will be being done in phases rather than continuously throughout the work. Hauling times will be limited to the hours of 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The logs will be hauled offsite via Patterson St, to E. 40th and then down Hilyard St.
During hauling, EWEB is prohibiting on street parking to allow for two-way traffic and allow access by neighbors. Safety was reiterated during the preconstruction meeting with the contractor, and an additional meeting will take place with the truck drivers the first day they are on-site to discuss safety and caution, particularly near Tugman Park.
Safety is priority #1. While we can’t anticipate or mitigate all impacts, we will be responsive to your questions or concerns. Please reach out to us directly so that we can quickly address any issues that arise by email at or by phone at 541-685-7899.