C i t y   o f   S o l a n a   B e a c h


A u g u s t   3,   2 0 2 2

The following is provided as an update regarding City news, programs, and services.

Community News & Updates

Electric Bike Rules of the Road

With summer in full swing, you have probably noticed that electric bikes (or e-bikes) have become a common site in our neighborhoods and on our major roadways. The increase of e-bikes in the community has obvious benefits such as reducing car trips, increasing youth mobility and independence and promoting outdoor activities. However, it has also sparked safety concerns and the City would like to remind residents of the rules of the road so that riders, pedestrians and other vehicles can safely share the road.

In California, bike riders (including e-bikes) are subject to many of the laws applicable to the driver of a vehicle which, simply put, means bikes and e-bikes must follow the rules of the road. Below are some of the main California Vehicle Codes that all bike riders must follow.

  • Riders must ride in the same direction of traffic
  • Proper reflective equipment should be used during night operation
  • Helmets are required for those under 18 years of age
  • It is illegal to carry passengers on your bicycle unless your bike has an extra permanent seat or when using a child safety seat and no passengers are allowed on Class 3 e-bikes (see graphic below for description of different e-bike classes) 
  • Riders must stop at a red light; stop before right turn on red light; stop at a stop sign; and stop for pedestrians at crosswalks & intersections 

Coastal Rail Trail

Not all e-bikes are allowed on the Solana Beach Coastal Rail Trail. Class 1 and Class 2 e-bikes are allowed, but Class 3 e-bikes are not. The Coastal Rail Trail was created for the shared enjoyment of bicyclists and pedestrians. All bicyclists, including e-bicyclists, should take care when passing pedestrians by slowing down and giving them space. A soft bell ring or audio cue is also helpful for bicyclists passing pedestrians. We ask that all Coastal Rail Trail users ride and walk safely and courteously. Bicyclists who want to travel faster should use the bike lane on the roadway going northbound and sharrows in the southbound slow lane.


Please be neighborly and do your part to maintain the harmony of this great community. The City strongly encourages everyone to review the additional information on the City’s website if you own or use an e-bike and to please review these carefully with your children that use e-bikes within the community. The City strongly supports alternative modes of transportation and getting more people out of their cars, however, public safety is of utmost importance!

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Age-Friendly Community Next Steps

The City has partnered with the San Diego State University Social Policy Institute, San Diego Foundation, and AARP to develop an Age-Friendly Program to implement changes that will make our community more livable for people of all ages, especially older adults. 

Last week, we held three interactive listening sessions and had over 50 participants who attended to share their thoughts about an Age-Friendly Solana Beach and the priorities they think are most important to help the Solana Beach community age well. This insight and input will help us better understand what is important to our residents and to consider how we can foster an Age-Friendly Community. 

Thank you to everyone who has participated in these listening sessions. Stay tuned for updates regarding these next steps:


  • Compiling Data from Listening Sessions
  • Comparing it with Survey Data
  • Checking back in with Community through Action Sessions
  • Developing an Action Plan
  • Solana Beach City Council Approval


There will be plenty more opportunities to participate and help shape the final Age-Friendly Program. If you missed out on the Listening Session, no problem, just keep your eye out for future engagement sessions. The next steps will be included in future Weekly Updates.

Lifeguard of the Year: Joseph Pennell

Last night (August 2nd), our very own Lifeguard Sergeant Joseph Pennell was recognized as Lifeguard Of The Year at the San Diego Padres game in Petco Park. Sergeant Pennell accepted this award on the field during the San Diego Padres Salute To First Responders pregame ceremony and threw the ceremonial first pitch, which is a longstanding ritual of baseball where the guest of honor throws a ball to mark the end of pregame festivities and the start of the game.

The City would to like continue the celebration and give a big congratulations to Joseph for this impressive and noteworthy recognition. The City is honored to have Sgt. Pennell on our team!

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Community Events & Programs

Concerts at the Cove

Held every Thursday night from July 15th - August 26th , from 6:00-7:45 PM

Summer Concerts at the Cove continue this Thursday with the Nate Donnis Trio. Characterized by the baritone vocals of Nate Donnis, the precise/intricate rhythm section of Phil Woodring (Drums) and Denis Sluka (Bass), the Nate Donnis Trio is a local folk/rock band from San Diego. Stylistically their music gravitates toward influences such as Tom Waits, Wilco, and Eddie Vedder. Their latest album, "Chroma", furthers this tradition with rich arrangements and artfully crafted songs.

The public is encouraged to bring low-back beach chairs, blankets and picnics, and to arrive “Car-Free.” Please "ShopSolanaFirst" for munchies and other concert picnic items! No alcohol, tobacco, pets, or personal BBQ’s allowed during concerts. This event is free and open to the public.

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2022 Concert Lineup

Safe Routes to School Program

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Safe Routes to School is a nation-wide program that aims to create safer conditions around schools, and to encourage students, parents, and school staff to walk, bike, or roll to school. The City of Solana Beach, in partnership with the local Elementary, Middle, and High Schools, and the local Boys and Girls Club, has kicked off its own Solana Beach Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Plan. Provide your input to help Solana Beach students live a healthy and active life!

Call for Artists: Utility Box Wrap Program

The City and its Public Arts Commission are seeking artists to propose conceptualized art designs to wrap utility boxes around the city. The program aims to wrap seven (7) utility and traffic signal boxes with artistic designs at six (6) locations throughout our community. If chosen, the artist will receive a $450 stipend for each selected design. The deadline to submit a proposal is Monday, August 15 at 5:00 PM.

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Public Meetings

Be advised that, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the spread of the Omicron BA.5 variant, all public meetings will be held virtually through mid-August with no in-person attendance. All meetings are also subject to cancellation. Please refer to the City’s website for updates on whether meetings will be held virtually or in person.

City Council

Canceled Meetings for Summer Break

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Next Scheduled City Council Meeting

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Public Meetings Calendar

For meeting zoom link, directions on submitting public comment, or more detail please view the meeting's posted agenda on the Public Meetings webpage.

City Openings & Opportunities

Employment Opportunity

VACANCY:  One position - Civil Engineer - this vacancy will be filled as either a Senior Civil Engineer or an Associate Civil Engineer based on the qualifications of the applicants 

IDEAL CANDIDATE:  A self-motivated professional with a focus on providing first-class engineering services to the community by using innovating and effective solutions and services, must enjoy working in an environment and a City that moves quickly, be able to wear multiple hats, and possess a drive to succeed.  

JOB DESCRIPTION:  Senior Civil Engineer or Associate Civil Engineer 

APPLICATION DEADLINE:   Open until filled

View Job Announcement
Current Employment Opportunities

Citizen Commission Opening

VACANCY:  One Member - Public Arts Commission

TERM:  Completed term will expire January 2023

REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULE:  4th Tuesday of each month at 5:30 PM.

POSITION REQUIREMENTS:  At least 18 years old & Resident of the City

APPLICATION DEADLINE:  Tuesday, August 24, 2022 at 5:30 PM

Citizen Interest Form
Citizen Commission Webpage
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