Sonoma County 5th District Newsletter

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October 9, 2024

Thursday Oct 10 - River MAC meeting: Parking Restrictions

At the October 10 River MAC Meeting, Matt Lilligren, Deputy County Counsel, will discuss the areas in the Lower Russian River currently being evaluated for additional parking restrictions, including Downtown Guerneville, Armstrong Woods Road, Monte Rio, and River Road near Steelhead Beach and the River Drive neighborhood near Mothers' Beach, and will seek Council & Community feedback regarding the potential options being considered.

Meeting materials and hybrid Zoom link

New Public Water Fountain in Occidental

water fountain

Please welcome the new water fountain at the Occidental Community Center! In partnership with Sonoma County Regional Parks and Sonoma County Public Infrastructure with funding from District 5, this water fountain provides a water filling station, water fountain and water bowl for our four legged friends. Through multiple partnerships Supervisor Hopkins is exploring ways to bring water filling stations and fountains to our rural communities for these hot days and to reduce plastic use.

Black Cod Week, October 18 - 27

Black Cod Week logo

You are “cod-ially” invited to support our local fishing industry while enjoying some of the most delicious, buttery black cod you've ever tasted. Our beloved Dungeness crab and Chinook salmon are facing tough times due to climate change, which has significantly impacted Sonoma County’s local fishing industry. But there's a silver lining - black cod! Unlike fish that swim in shallow waters, black cod thrives in deeper, cooler waters, making it a sustainable and abundant choice right off our Sonoma County Coast. So, we’re celebrating this local delicacy with Black Cod Week.

Where to participate

Graton Day: Join Supervisor Hopkins in celebrating

community and community spaces

Graton Day has a rich history, starting in the 1970s and evolving from a potluck to a full-fledged town festival. It was been a staple event until it was paused for 7 years due to the increasing costs of shutting down Graton Road for the festival. Now that the Graton Community Services District is building a new Town Square, they are reviving the event and any funds raised will go towards the continued activation of the Graton Town Square.

Saturday October 12 from 2 - 6 PM at Graton's New Town Square - 9155 Graton Road.

Graton Day 12 October 2-6 PM 9155 Graton Road

Public Workshop on General Plan Update at October 15 Board of Supervisors Meeting

Permit Sonoma is updating the Sonoma County General Plan, which has guided the community since 2008. This update is crucial to meet new state laws, reflect changing community values, and plan for a more resilient future. In December 2023, the Board of Supervisors approved a work plan that splits the update into two phases: Community Vision and Policy Development.

Staff are now seeking input from both the Board and the public on draft materials from the Community Vision Phase, including key topics from the Draft Community Engagement Plan. This plan will help guide discussions on important community issues that may be addressed in the updated General Plan. Additionally, a preliminary audit of the current General Plan will be shared.

A public workshop will be held to give the Board of Supervisors and the community an opportunity to provide feedback on these early-stage topics. This workshop is informational only, and not a formal public hearing. Everyone is welcome to attend either in person or remotely via Zoom, with details available on the meeting agenda. To provide public comment prior to the Board meeting: You may submit an emailed public comment to the project planner, identifying the specific item and agenda number on which you are commenting. The project planner is Haleigh Frye at Written comment can also be mailed to Permit Sonoma Attn: Haleigh Frye 2550 Ventura Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95403. All comments submitted to the Project Planner in advance of the hearing will be provided to the Board of Supervisors.

Visit the project website and join Permit Sonoma's email list for General Plan Updates.

Public comment during the Board meeting: Members of the public who join the meeting, in person in the Board Chambers, will have an opportunity to provide live comments during the hearing.

Additional Materials for the 10/15 Board Workshop
Join Permit Sonoma's email list

Upcoming Meetings & Events

Lower Russian River Municipal Advisory Council

October 10, 5:30 PM

Guerneville School Community Room

14630 Armstrong Woods Road

Main Topic: Areas in the Lower Russian River being evaluated for increased parking restrictions.

Graton Day

Saturday October 12, 2 - 6 PM

9155 Graton Rd

Harm Reduction & Narcan Training

October 14, 1 - 2 PM

West County Services Center

16390 Main Street, Suite C

Guerneville (Former B of A Building)

Learn what Narcan is, and how it works. Learn how to recognize an opioid overdose and be able to confidently respond in a timely, appropriate way. This training will also discuss basic Harm Reduction strategies, and what Fentanyl is and its impact on overdose rates.  

Black Cod Week

October 18 - 27

Cafecito Communitario

October 21, 8 - 9 AM

West County Services Center

16390 Main Street, Suite C

Guerneville (Former B of A Building)

Occidental Town Hall

October 23, 6 - 8 PM

Harmony School, Falls Building

Main topics: Roads, Occidental to Graton Pipeline, Community Space Project, Emergency Preparedness, Public Arts, Public WiFi, Pickleball and Community Center updates; as well as time for Q & A.

Fall Community Health Engagement Fair

Saturday, October 26, 1 - 4 PM

Guerneville School

14630 Armstrong Woods Road

Fifth District Supervisor Lynda Hopkins | County of Sonoma | 707-565-2241

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