August, 2021
'The Voice' is Families Together in New York State's monthly newsletter with information that is important to families, and youth across the State of New York.
For further information visit our website:
Bob has been involved with Families Together in New York State for close to 15 years. He believes in the mission of Families Together and he wants to continue to see Families Together grow in positive directions and be the voice with families that struggle with children, youth, and adult children with social, emotional, and behavioral health challenges.
Bob is a Preventive Caseworker for Oswego County Department of Social Services. Bob is a NYS credentialed Family Peer Advocate. He was one of the first national certified Parent Support Providers, as well as being trained as an adult peer advocate through the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance. Bob has been a trainer for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports in New York State schools and the Parent Empowerment Program. In the past, he was an active member of the FTNYS board from 2011 to 2017. He returned in 2019 and currently serves as the Governance Committee Chairperson.
Which Parent Advisor unwinds by watching British crime dramas?
Mona is one of the New York City Regional Parent Advisors. She was born in Lebanon and immigrated to the US with her family when she was a little girl. Her family overcame a lot of oppression, injustice, and disapproval and that may be one of the reasons she is so drawn to this work.
She is a certified foster parent instructor and has a lot of experience, personally and professionally, with the foster care system in NYC. In fact, she was asked to become a credentialed FPA by the agency from which she fostered her daughter.
Her daughter is still young but an awesome gymnast! Her son is talented in the creative arts. She supports them to follow their dreams!
FANS Technical Assistance Office Hours
Multiple Dates
Substance Use Recovery Month
Multiple Dates
The ABCs of School Refusal
Thursday, September 8th
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Gatekeepers to Hope
September 10th
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Youth Leadership Forum
Upstate YLF
October 23rd-26th
Downstate YLF
November 11th-14th
Long Island Children's & Youth Behavioral Health Symposium
Wednesday, October 12th
8:30 AM - 3:00 PM
More information coming soon
For all in-person events:
Kathy Hochul, Cuomo’s No. 2, Prepares to Step Into the Limelight
In 14 days, once Mr. Cuomo’s resignation goes into effect, Lt. Governor Hochul, will become the first woman to serve as Governor of New York State. Ms. Hochul has been New York's Lt. Governor since 2014 and will be the 57th Governor of the state.
Hochul grew up outside of Buffalo, in a family that faced economic hardships. She graduated from Syracuse University, received a law degree at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., and entered private practice. Ms. Hochul quickly turned to government, serving as an aide to Congressmen John LaFalce and U.S. Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan. Ms. Hochul also served as a Congressional Representative for the State of New York from 2011-2013.
Ms. Hochul has been fielding numerous appeals from advocacy groups, including FTNYS, eager to brief her on our key issues, and from government leaders seeking to establish or expand relationships with her. We look forward to working with future Governor Hochul on the issues that affect New York families and youth.
More States Create Independent Foster Care Ombuds Offices
Foster youth and their advocates across the country are pushing for the creation of offices with the sole purpose of listening to and addressing their needs — from securing visitation with their birth parents and siblings to figuring out how to pay for college. These "Ombudsman" offices are independent of child welfare services and serve to identify systemic problems, produce publically available reports on said problems, and increase oversight on residential services. The offices, some over 10 years old, have had a dramatic positive impact on youth in these systems. In large part due to the advocacy of FTNYS and our partner organizations, New York State considered a bill to create such an Ombudsman here, but the bill failed to advance into law. FTNYS continues to unequivocally support an Ombudsman in New York and will renew our advocacy to model the success of other states in future legislative sessions.
State Seeks Feedback on Children's Waiver Redesign Up For Renewal Next Year
For nearly a decade, FTNYS has served as the voice of families and young people on the Children's Medicaid Redesign Team subcommittee. Now, the state is seeking input on the Children's Waiver in anticipation of its upcoming renewal on April, 2022. Personally and professionally, our movement knows the redesign has fallen short of delivering the high-quality and timely services that families and young people need to thrive. This is an important opportunity to weigh in and make clear what is and is not working.
Please reach out to with your thoughts, ideas, and questions you have for the state by September 13th.
Resources for families affected by COVID-19; Prioritizing mental and physical health while staying home.
Families Together is here to help.
2021 FTNYS Digital Advocacy Center.
Stay up-to-date with all our advocacy efforts and use emails, social media, and phone calls. We might have to stay home, but our advocacy doesn't have to.
Join Our Peer Supervisors Meetings
Last year, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in conjunction with NAMI formally designated 988 as a nationwide 3-digit number for mental health crisis and suicide prevention services.
NYS OMH and FTNYS YP will host a focus group to prepare NYS for the transition to 988 in July 2022. Your feedback is participation is requested to help inform the planning process!
Reach out to Tiara Springer-Love to participate in our focus group to shape the framework of the new 988 Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Crisis hotline.
Call: 518-478-3769
Youth Peer Meetings Are Here for You!
Join the Youth Power Advisory Council
Youth Peer Advocate (YPA) Level 2 Virtual Training
1-hour orientation:
September 13
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Training: Sept. 16-17 & 20-21
12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Virtual trainings are open to eligible advocates statewide and limited to the first 12 approved pre-registrants, so don't delay!
Continue with pre-registration only if...
- You have completed all of the YPA Level 2 online modules.
- You hold a YPA Provisional Credential.
- You have secured employment providing youth peer support.
You can attend the full virtual training and participate in 5 weekly coaching calls.
If you previously completed the Level 2 in-person/virtual training, you do not need to retake.
Check Your Credential Status
24/7/365 with our Credential Verification Tool!
*Please note this database only contains current, credentialed FPAs and YPAs. Expired or non-credentialed advocates will not be shown. For questions, please contact our office at (518) 432-0333 ext. 18 or email
New York’s FREE and confidential COVID-19 Emotional Support Helpline
8:00am – 10:00pm / 7-Days a week
Have you ever felt like giving up because of your financial difficulties?
Are you interested in sharing your experiences with a research team?
If you are interested in offering your input, we invite you to participate in a 90-min focus group via HIPAA-compliant Zoom (videoconference). We will ask for your opinion about the types of supports that could be most helpful. We will also ask for your feedback on our program activities and resources.