H&H Child Care Training Center - Building Bridges to a

.............................World of Learning

Tuesday Updates

  • Get Ready for the New School Year
  • Earn 90 Hour Pre-Service Certificate by 09/01!
  • Classes for Professional Development

Get Ready for the New School Year

Going back to school is full of emotions, not only for the children and their families, but especially so for early childhood educators. There is a lot to plan and set up, and neither time nor money are enough to do it all. Not to mention that it is preschool!  

  • Many of the children who are coming into your classroom probably have never had to wait in line, get around a room with other kids, or even go to the bathroom without their parents. There are many things to learn!
  • At the beginning of school, the most important thing to remember is that we must teach our children how to do school before we can teach them any skills or content.
  • Think about your school day and make a list of all the routines the children will need to know to keep things running smoothly in the classroom.
  • Carefully choose what to do during the first weeks of school. We want the children to be able to do things on their own. It's a plus if the activity keeps their attention and gives them something to do that keeps them active. 
  • Children do better when they know what to expect in new situations. We recommend creating a daily visual schedule so the children can see what their day is going to look like!
  • To make the first weeks more meaningful, take photos of the children engaged in the different activities and use those pictures as part of the visual schedule and jobs chart.
Lesson Planning for Preschoolers
DAP for Preschool
Meaningful Lesson Planning for Infants/Toddlers
Developing Program Tranquility

Earn 90 Hour Pre-Service Certificate by 09/01!

The instructor-led courses are scheduled so the 90 hour certificates for Infants/Toddlers and Preschool will be completed by September 1... In time for the new school season!

Select the age group you want to work with, Infant/Toddler or Preschool. Add in the Growth and Development (G&D) course. The Methods and Materials course combined with the G&D course fills the MSDE requirements for providers. Please call or email mail our office with and questions. Contact info is listed toward the bottom.

45 Hour Preschool Methods and Materials - 8/13 thru 8/27 on Saturdays and Sundays
45 Hour Infant/Toddler Methods and Materials - 8/13 thru 8/27 on Saturdays and Sundays
45 Hour Child Growth and Development -8/11 thru 9/1 - Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays

Classes for Professional Development

Keep on top of your professional development! H&H Child Care Training Center has wide variety of classes on child development, lesson planning, and classroom management to help make your Back-to-School a success!  Browse through the list of scheduled classes for August. Don't forget to check out the discount coupons!

NOTE: All First Aid & CPR and Medication Administration classes are taught face-to- face in accordance with State of Maryland and Montgomery County COVID-19 guidelines and regulations. ..........................................................................................................................

Save $208  Open Up Your Family Child Care with a Discount

24-Hour Family Child Care Pre-Service Training - Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays

H&H Childcare Training Center

Phone: 1.833.2TEACH1(1.833.283-2341)

..............OR 240-261-4163 |

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