Change ticket prices after you've done sales
Get one-on-one Wintix/Webtix training
May be time to get a new ticket printer
Don't forget to update your software
Need to change ticket prices after sales have already been done?
Prices for almost everything have been increasing lately because of market and supply chain fluctuations still affected by the pandemic.

If you need to change your prices for tickets after tickets have already been sold, all you need to do is add some new price categories to your event.

Get schooled in Wintix and Webtix
Got new ticket sellers?
Want to refresh your Wintix and Webtix skills after
the longest year and a half of our lives?
Want to know how to get the most out of new, valuable software updates?

  • Get some dedicated one-on-one training. You can schedule increments of 1/2 hour or one hour training sessions with one of our expert technicians. Call Diane at 831-583-0641 or email info@centerstage.com.
  • Did you know there is a Wintix User Tutorial on our Help Desk? It provides step-by-step instructions on building and editing a show, selling regular tickets and season passes, and running daily sales reports and credit card logs. 
Time to upgrade your ticket printer?
Live performances are coming back in a big way!

That means you will be printing tickets again. It's a good time to take a look at your printer. Perhaps it's time to talk to us about upgrading your old Datamax, BOCA and Practical Automation FGL printers.

Diane Rowe is our printer guru. Call her at the
main office number below or email her at diane@centerstage.com She can help you determine if your old printer is still adequate or if a new one would be best.
Reminder! Lots of recent updates in Wintix and Webtix
Usually, we try to catch your attention with some silly picture or an illuminating screen shot. While trying to decide on a visual to help you "remember" about the recent updates, we ran across the very last video the late, great John Prine recorded before his tragic death due to COVID-19 in 2020. It's called
"I Remember Everything." We remember you fondly, John. And we will never forget all the challenges and suffering everyone has endured this last year and a half.
John Prine
"I Remember Everything"

Please remember to let us know if you encounter any issues or problems after you update!