Panther Post

January 7, 2022
Dear Sullivan Families,

We certainly are paying for that mild December weather this first week back in January! It has been a chilly first week back, but our students and staff were excited to see each other again and jump back into learning together. I hope your families had a wonderful winter break and had time to spend together and relax.

Our students and teachers have been working hard this week and we are off to a great start in this New Year. Next week, we will be taking the FastBridge math and reading tests, which help us monitor students' growth and adjust instruction to meet students' needs. Also, don't forget to mark your calendars for next week's Board of Education meeting on Wednesday and the PTO meeting on Thursday!

Have a wonderful weekend, and stay warm!


Traci Meziere
Anne Sullivan School
Quick Links to Important Information
Cold Weather Reminders
It is January, and it is COLD outside! Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather. Elementary students have outdoor recess whenever possible. Students perform better when they get outdoors, even if only for a few minutes. We follow the recess guidelines below:

  • Outdoor Recess: 10 degrees F and higher (including wind chill)
  • Inside Recess: below 10 degrees F (including wind chill)
When the weather is snowy, students must have boots, gloves, and snow pants to play in the snow. Those who don’t must stay on the blacktop area. Parents should assist children in preparing and wearing appropriate clothing for the weather conditions.  
Sullivan Snapshots
Game Club
Sullivan students in Game Club enjoy playing a different game each week. The games range from Sorry to Scattergories to Life, to Apples to Apples. Many of the games are new to the students, and it is great to see them having fun with friends!
5th Grade
5th Grade is working hard on writing goals for the New Year!  
In the spirit of the cold, snowy weather, 5th graders have been very creative in writing stories about what snowmen do at night. They listened to the book Snowmen at Night and then created a piece of writing to describe what they think happens at night. 
We are also going to kick off our first novel study units within the next week or two. We can't wait to read in small groups to evaluate, discuss, and deepen our reading skills.  
Pawsitive Panthers
Laila is a Pawsitive Panther! She has the best smile and loves being with her peers and teachers. Laila works hard at school and is truly Pawsome!!
David S is PAWsome. He takes responsibility for his work and comes to school each day ready to learn. He is polite, respectful, and responsible. Congratulations, David- you are a PAWSITIVE Panther!
Panther Expectations
Our core expectations of being safe, respectful, and responsible are in place whether we are learning in person or virtually. Our expectations matrix is included below for your reference. Please review these expectations with your children.
PTO Information
The next PTO meeting is January 13th at 7:00 PM. Join us on Zoom!

Here is the link:

Come hear about PTO plans for second semester.
Technology Information
Parent & Student Technology Guides: Make sure to check out our tutorials about how to use the programs and apps that we will use for instruction this year.
Important Dates
1/10-1/14: Fastbridge Testing
1/12: Board of Ed Meeting 7PM
1/17: MLK Day - No School
1/19: Ross/Sullivan Parent Coffee 6:30 PM
District News

We have been in contact with Northwest Community Health Group and they have provided the following opportunities for children and adults to receive the COVID-19 vaccination:
Children ages 5-11 vaccine services:
  • Beginning November 16, children aged 5-11 can receive their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine at the NCH Vaccine Clinic at: 3060 Salt Creek Lane, Arlington Heights, 60004.
  • Appointments are available on Tuesdays from 3:30 p.m. – 6 p.m. and can be scheduled through MyChart or by calling 847-618-0242. 
  • A parent or legal guardian must be present at the appointment. 
  • The parent or legal guardian will provide a driver’s license and insurance information. 
NCH Covid-19 Vaccine Clinic located at 3060 Salt Creek Lane is also providing Covid-19 booster vaccines:
  • Pfizer booster vaccines are provided on Tuesdays from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
  • Moderna booster vaccines are provided on Wednesdays from 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
  • It is recommended that booster shots be the same brand as your initial vaccine series.
  • Optimal booster shot timing is no earlier than 6 months after the second dose, and no later than 12 months after second dose.
  • Please be prepared to present your vaccine card to validate the correct dose will be administered and to record your booster.

Please direct any questions to the NWH Covid-19 Vaccine scheduling team at: 847-618-0242.
My child is vaccinated...Now WHAT?
Students who are in close contact with a COVID positive individual 14 DAYS PAST their 2nd Dose do NOT have to quarantine if they are asymptomatic. 

We are asking parents to share their child's vaccination card directly with the school nurse so that we can begin to track vaccination status and continue to limit the number of exclusions. 

Copies of vaccination cards can be emailed directly to the school nurse or sent to school with your student.
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