FBC Raleigh News • August 2, 2022

If you have been tuning into any news outlet lately, you’re seeing the headlines about inflation. We’re all feeling it, from $4 per gallon to fill up your car at the pump to the rising costs of vegetables, bread, and milk at the grocery store, not to mention a recent spike in interest rates, soaring to the highest they’ve been since December of 1981. Last week, the News & Observer shared an article outlining the hike in Raleigh rental prices, up 48.9% from exactly one year ago. The average price of a 2 bedroom apartment in our beloved city is now $1,974.00. If you’re lucky enough to have a mortgage, I would guess that price is more than you pay per month for your home. 

I don’t have to explain how desperate and anxious these times are for so many in our community. We all feel it, but for the unemployed, underemployed, and house-less among us, this is a dire crisis. As you can imagine, our church feels the effect of the rising cost of rent through our daily financial assistance phone calls. We’re beginning to average 20+ calls per week, and the stories we're hearing are more pressing than ever. Last week, we helped a single mother of twoa four-year-old and one-month-oldwho was facing eviction. She was forced to take an unexpected leave from her job after her baby arrived a few weeks early. We also helped a single mother of a child who was recently diagnosed with epilepsy. The mother lost her job after having to take too much time off so her son could receive the medical care needed for his condition. We’ve heard heartbreaking stories of abuse, job loss, neglect, and of course, more covid stories than we could ever even count. As is the case for so many, one unexpected life event happens and it creates a ripple effect in someone’s financial life, taking months for them to recuperate. So many are living paycheck-to-paycheck with no safety net, “rainy day” savings account, or family to bail them out. 

With the help of our wonderful team of volunteers, we are doing our very best to be faithful stewards of the Mike Morris Fellowship Fund. Each week, our team of volunteers makes phone calls and collectively decides on whom we’re able to help. As a team, we sit down with the week’s requests on Monday afternoon, talking through each story and how we might best spend our weekly budget. This year alone, we have spent $21,338.37 of your generous donations on rental and utility assistance. As we look ahead to the last half of 2022, we recognize that we are not able to sustain this level of giving without an increase in donations. 

We are grateful for our continued partnership with Pullen Memorial Baptist Church, and they have agreed to use their volunteers and budget for one week per month. We want to continue helping as many people as we can during these desperate times, but if we continue at this rate, we will be out of funding by mid-December. Would you consider giving to the Fellowship Fund so we can continue the good work of keeping families in their homes? You may give online, or write a check to the church, designating "Fellowship Fund" or "Housing All" in the memo line. Please note that both of these accounts are used to help people in our community with rental and utility assistance. We are grateful for your faithful giving that allows us to continue helping so many of our neighbors in need.
Leah Reed


On behalf of the entire "Palm Sunday" team, Wes Goodrich and I wanted to send out a huge thank you to everyone that helped us make our short film a couple weeks ago. We really appreciate all of the people who reached out to encourage us, everyone who showed up to be an extra in the film, and the entire church staff who were willing to let film in the church for five days. We'd especially like to thank Chris Chapman, Troy Dye, Wayne Hager, Jennie Herrick, Maureen Howell, Lynn Lingafelt, Willard Mallette, Deborah Mastrodonato, Rodney Mobley, Leah Reed, and Also with 'Cue for helping us, working with us, and putting up with us throughout filming. We could not have filmed this project without all of your support.
—Patrick Nichols


Thanks to all who sang with the July Choir and/or provided breakfast food after our Sunday morning rehearsals. We will resume our Wednesday evening rehearsals this week at 7pm (through August) and we invite you to join us as we prepare for weekly services and our upcoming Summer Variety Show on August 21. Interested? Contact Warren Howell.


FBC proudly presents a Summer Variety Show & Ice Cream Social on Sunday, August 21, at 7pm. This fun evening of entertainment and inspiration showcases the multi-faceted talents of the FBC community, offering one solid hour of entertainment celebrating summer with gratitude, grace, and laughter. Homemade ice cream to follow. Save the date and invite a friend.

Childcare is available for babies through 3-year-olds from 6:45–8pm.   Please contact Lynn no later than August 14 so we can secure the proper number of caregivers.  


We're looking forward to our Variety Show on Sunday, August 21, and we need your homemade ice cream! If you would be willing to bring a freezer of homemade ice cream to this event, please sign up below. We will provide all the toppings, and don't forget to bring a scoop with your freezer. 

For questions, please email Lynn Loomis.
As we plan for the resumption of Wednesday Night programming in September, the ministerial staff would like some input from you. Before COVID, we had made some significant changes to the schedule that seemed to be embraced by the church, but COVID has altered everything. Sunday School classes are being asked to have a brief discussion about just a few questions, but you may also fill out the survey here. Your input will be greatly appreciated by us and by the Adult Ministries Council.


Most of us are aware that school teachers usually spend their own money to help equip their classrooms. For the month of August, we'll collect items listed below that will be distributed to various Raleigh schools. Your donations may be placed in the marked drawer in the cabinet in the Lewis Lobby anytime during the month of August.

  • dry erase markers
  • regular colored markers
  • gallon Ziplock bags
  • pens
  • pencils
  • white copy paper
  • colored card stock
  • Papermate flair pens (colors)


We’re starting early this year as everyone ends their summer vacations. And YES, we are bringing our annual meal packing event back to our Fellowship Hall! Mark your calendars for Sunday, August 28 immediately following worship in the Fellowship Hall. Moving the event back to our church allows us to come straight from worship to change clothes, have a quick lunch, and spend two hours packing 10,000 bags of rice, soy, dehydrated vegetables, and a vitamin pack. If you help us pack meals for starving families around the world, we’ll feed your family with pizza, salad, cookies, and lemonade. 
There are jobs for all ages and abilities. We have seated jobs for seniors, others that require the unending energy of our youth, and plenty of jobs in between. There’s a place for everyone. We need 60 volunteers for a successful event. Come help us help others as we strive to end world hunger.

Sign up at this link or email Nancy Moore Phillips with your interest or questions.
Nancy Moore Phillips, WMU Director


As we welcome August and the end of summer, I am reminded of the welcome that is provided to refugees in our city through the ministries of Welcome House. Refugees find open arms and hearts as they begin a new life free from war and torture. These services are more important now than ever with the continuing war in Ukraine.
Our hearts are saddened and we wonder what we can do. Kim and Marc Wyatt, CBF Missionaries, know what to do; but they need our offerings to keep their houses open and their services to continue. Fannie Heck and Sallie Jones, FBC members in the 1800s, knew what to do as well; but they needed financial help from our congregation to do their work. Please give generously to this offering that was named in their honor as we do our part to meet the needs of those around us. In addition to the Welcome House, this offering will also go to our continuing partnership with Habitat for Humanity. Every gift helps no matter how big or small. Together we can make a difference in the lives of many.
Nancy Moore Phillips, WMU President

Mark your calendar for the following 2022 dates for Church Conference:
August 24, September 28,
October 26, November 16, and December 14.
  • Tuesday, August 2: Psalm 127; Ecclesiastes 3:16-4:8; Colossians 4:2-6
  • Wednesday, August 3: Psalm 127; Ecclesiastes 12:1-8, 13-14; Luke 12:22-31
  • Thursday, August 4: Psalm 33:12-22; Job 21:1-16; Romans 9:1-9
  • Friday, August 5: Psalm 33:12-22; Ecclesiastes 6:1-6; Acts 7:1-8
  • Saturday, August 6: Psalm 33:12-22; Genesis 11:27-32; Matthew 6:19-24
  • Sunday, August 7: Isaiah 1:1, 10-20 and Psalm 50:1-8, 22-23; Genesis 15:1-6 and Psalm 33:12-22; Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16; Luke 12:32-40
  • Monday, August 8: Psalm 89:1-18; 2 Chronicles 33:1-17; Hebrews 11:1-7

July 31–August 6 • Randall Burnette (919-271-8757)
WEEK AT A GLANCE •August 2–10
Tuesday, August 2
7pm Properties Committee mtg (301)

Wednesday, August 3
10am High school Bible study (Blue Room)
6pm Handbell rehearsal (302)
7pm Adult choir rehearsal (choir room/S)

Thursday, August 4
7am Band of Brothers (Zoom)

Sunday, August 7
9:45am Sunday School
11am Worship/Communion (S/YouTube)
11:15am Japanese worship (226)
4pm Summer Fun Time (Lingafelt home)
Monday, August 8
10am Clothing ministry open
6:15pm Finance Committee mtg (CR/Zoom)

Tuesday, August 9
10am Staff meeting (CR)
10:45am WMU Group 2 (Springmoor)

Wednesday, August 10
10am High school Bible study (Blue Room)
6pm Handbell rehearsal (302)
7pm Adult choir rehearsal (choir room/S)

Each week, we post And Also With 'Cue's weekly schedule here in Rose Window Weekly as well as on our Facebook page to let you know our lunch schedule and if there will be outside events on the weekend for you to attend.

Come eat with us this week,
August 2 –5!

church parking lot (11am–1:30pm)


A link to the entire prayer list may be found below.
Please use your church directory for mailing addresses.

As of July 21, 2022:
Current Week Revenue: $6,493.00 
Month-to-Date Revenue: $67,096.65
Year-to-Date Revenue: $878,252.69
Month-to-Date Expenses: $108,028.49
Year-to-Date Expenses: $825,592.14
Heck Jones: $2,303.00

To facilitate your giving to FBC, use the QR codes below to link to the website
for our main electronic giving, VANCO Faith, and the page that lists
all our e-giving options and instructions.        
Use this QR code to e-give
to FBC on line.

Use this QR code to e-give through
Paypal and other options.


Do you have an announcement that you would like to include in the Rose Window Weekly? All information must be submitted by Thursday at noon, to be included in the following Tuesday's edition. Just fill out the Google form in the link below, and we'll make sure to include it in next week's publication. For any questions concerning the Rose Window Weekly, contact Jennie Herrick. Email Jennie here.