Wisdom Institute's 3rd Quarter Newsletter

July 1st - September 30th 2024

Listening Partners gathered after the last day of our Art of Listening Training at the MSU-Detroit Partnership for Food, Learning and Innovation Center.

Fall into Consciousness

In a fast-paced world where distractions abound and the hustle and bustle of daily life can often take over, it's essential to take a moment to reflect on what it means to truly be conscious and present in our lives.

We often hear about the idea of "waking up," but what does it mean to fall into consciousness? It's a somewhat counterintuitive notion - falling implies a letting go, a surrender, and yet it also implies a kind of awakening, a new level of awareness.

Falling into consciousness can be seen as a process of letting go of auto-pilot mode and becoming more mindful and intentional in our thoughts and actions. It's about embracing the fullness of each moment, being aware of our surroundings, and truly engaging with the people and experiences in our lives.

One way to fall into consciousness is through the practice of mindfulness. By intentionally paying attention to the present moment, we can cultivate a deeper awareness of our thoughts and feelings, as well as the world around us. This can lead to greater clarity, reduced stress, and an overall sense of well-being.

Another aspect to consider when falling into consciousness is the idea of authenticity. In a world filled with curated images and personas, it's important to reconnect with our true selves. Falling into consciousness may involve shedding the layers of expectations and societal pressures to reveal the authentic self underneath.

Falling into consciousness can also involve a shift in perspective. It's about recognizing the interconnectedness of all things and understanding our place within the greater tapestry of existence. This can lead to a greater sense of empathy, compassion, and understanding for others.

So, as we delve into the concept of falling into consciousness, let's take the time to pause, breathe, and reflect on how we can cultivate a greater sense of mindfulness, authenticity, and interconnectedness in our lives. By doing so, we can embark on a transformative journey towards a more conscious and fulfilling existence.

This quarter Wisdom Institute along with Dr. Fabu trained 12 women in the Art of Listening. This is our signature program that occurs annually during the third quarter which teaches us tactics and outcomes of deep listening. As a part of the training our participants were taught about the importance of consciousness when in a communication loop, speaking and listening. It is important to note that a sure way to confirm your consciousness and full presence when listening is to probe for specificity, ask clarifying questions, and inquire.

A huge congratulations to our 2024 cohort who completed their Art of Listening training on Sunday September 28, 2024! Since 2019, more then 20 of our sisters have been trained to serve the need to consciously listen to one another. We believe that "Everyone deserves someone to listen to them without judgement", this is a quote from one of our listening partners. 

Wisdom hosts Listening Circles as listening practice space. The next Listening Circle is scheduled for October 26, 2024, location TBA. We hope this article has sparked some inspiration for your own exploration of falling into consciousness. Learn more about our signature program and sign up using the link below.

LaTanya, Co-Executive Director

Listening Partners Program: The Art of Listening

Photos of Art of Listening participants engaged in practicing their listening skills.

Continued images of participants engage in practice.

Dr. Fabu & Co-director LaTanya giving all smile as the 2024 Art of Listening training comes to an successful end.

Listening Partners practicing the Art of Listening skills during our final session Sept 28th at the MSU-Detroit Partnership for Food, Learning and Innovation Center.

Listening Partners are an intergenerational group of African American women who gather to experience belonging, restoration, and support through soul level listening. As part of our Listening Partners Program, we host monthly Listening Circles, sacred social gatherings where we come together to listen and share life experiences, revelations and aspirations to cultivate wisdom, healing and self-evolution in our quest for healing justice. At the Art of Listening trainings held this past quarter at the MSU-Detroit Partnership for Food, Learning and Innovation Center, sisters engaged in learning and practicing the Art of Listening. Our trainer, Dr. Diane Fabu Jackson kept the group very engaged and encouraged group practice during every session.

Listening Partners are trained in the Art of Listening and practice being fully present for sisters on their healing journey. Sign up to learn more about the Listening Partners Program and receive an invitation to our exclusive listening circles, full moon healing circles, listening tours, cafes, and more.

Listening Partners sign up

Wisdom Institute’s Everyone Counts Detroit Coalition Election Protection and Engagement

Wisdom Institute's Everyone Counts Detroit Coalition, partners, vendors, and supporters gather in celebration of National Voter Registrations Day on September 14th, 2024, at Tindal Activity Center in Detroit.

Celebrating National Voter's Registration Day September 14, 2024 at Tindal Activity Center with over 60 community members, staff, partners and volunteers. We connected with the community collecting 29 voter registration applications.

Team Wisdom gathered at Tindal Activity Center in Detroit, MI to activate our election protection volunteers August 6, 2024.

Wisdom Institute’s Everyone Counts Detroit Coalition hosted a National Voter Registration Day Celebration for the nation’s largest nonpartisan civic holiday dedicated to celebrating our democracy by registering as many eligible Americans to vote as possible through the collective efforts of thousands of volunteers, nonprofit organizations, businesses, schools, libraries, election officials, and individuals from across the country.

The event took place at Tindal Activity Center in Detroit and featured vendors, community partner resource tables, vendors, BBQ, music, performance team activity, games, evictions focus group sign ups, a final call for artists for Voting is a Superpower Coloring Book 3rd edition, B2B blitz engaging 20 pre-identified Black woman-owned businesses, and a 10-person street team deployment to door knock 500 doors in Detroit’s voting District 2 neighborhoods. Volunteer Champions were presented certificates of appreciation and voter registration, and pre-registration applications were collected on-site, and volunteers helped attendees make their voting plan.

These activities were centered on achieving our long-term goals to end evictions and water shutoffs and building enfranchised power.


Primary Election Day, 2024

A Volunteer’s Perspective:

These are the words from two of our Poll Monitors Dionne Stanley and Angelina Moore who worked the primary elections Tuesday August 6th, 2024.

"It was rainy, and people were trickling in slowly. A truck pulls up. Hello, can someone help me? I can't get out. I need some assistance with voting, sure someone hollered I’ll go get help for you. 

Two election workers walked outside to the curb to a truck that pulled up. Hello, may I help you, yes replied to the person in the truck I want to vote for, but I have trouble walking so I want to vote curbside. They said yes, we can help you do that all I need Is your ID they took the ID and went inside to get a Ballot they returned and handed It to the driver and proceeded to tell them to fill It out and they did fill It out so the election workers took Ballot inside and put It thru the tabulator inside Polling Site then workers walked out and gave them a I VOTED TODAY sticker and he said thank you.

Curbside voting offers benefits by accommodating any voter privacy who might feel uncomfortable entering crowded areas otherwise be unable to vote, curbside voting helps increase overall voter turnout.

 We loved our experience. Thank you for the opportunity, Wisdom Institute". 

Article submitted by:

Angela Penermon (Volunteer Manager)

WI's champion, Robin Craft, stops in to check on poll monitor volunteer, Alicia Gray during the primary election August 6, 2024.

Make a Plan to Vote!

Download the Michigan Know Your Voting Rights Guide HERE

Listening Tour Updates

“Knowledge speaks, but Wisdom listens.” ~ Jimi Hendrix

Wisdom Institute has been traveling across our community in 2024 encouraging others to speak their realities while we’ve been listening with intent. Team Wisdom hopped the Q-Line in Detroit on a recent Listening Tour Stop and opened dialogued with riders by asking, “May I ask you a question, are you registered to vote?” It was a transformative conversation for Team Wisdom and Riders that elevated the Power of Our Voices and identified opportunities for creatively engaging our community. A quote by Bill Nye puts this into perspective, “Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t.”

The Q-Line took us to our destination for September's “Coffee, Council and Conversation” with State Senator Stephanie Chang and City Council Member—District 6 Gabriela Santiago-Romero. General Manager Robert Cramer and his team from the Detroit Transportation Corporation were the event space hosts at the Grand Circus Park People Mover Station, in downtown Detroit. His team is the caretakers of the Detroit People Mover. (Did you know that those spaces are open for use?) 

Among the many conversations was the importance of transportation in the community. Wisdom Institute expressed a genuine concern for eliminating transportation as a barrier to voting. The two pledged to look into what can be done for this Presidential Election. A collaborative effort led by Wisdom Institute is now in motion to offer free transportation during the Early Voting period and the General Election! Proof positive of when Team Wisdom shows up, the voices of the collective are amplified and heard!

Join us for our next stops with Stephanie Young, State Senator, and Detroit City Council President Pro Tem - District 1 Councilman James Tate.

Team Wisdom loading the Qline, headed to coffee hour and conversations at the Grand Circus Park people mover station hosted by Detroit City Council representative for district 6, Gabriela Santiago-Romero, Michigan State Senator, Stephanie Chang and Detroit People Mover General Manager, Robert Cramer on September 20, 2024.

Team Wisdom strikes a pose with Detroit district 6 city council representative, Gabriela Santiago-Romero during our listen tour stop in September 2024 for coffee hour & conversations at Grand Circus Station, Detroit, MI.

Mothering Justice organizer, Deanne Austin strikes a pose with city council representative, Gabriela Santiago-Romero with team Wisdom in the background.

Team Wisdom strikes a pose with Michigan Senator, Stephanie Chang during our listen tour stop in September 2024 for coffee hour & Grand Circus Station, Detroit, MI.

No empty seat this tour! Community was fully engaged in the conversation.

Wisdom in Action!

Volunteer manager, Angela Penermon assist Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan- Flint with their 2024 Reproductive Rights and Self Care day.

Mothering Justice's basic needs organizer, Jasmine Mitchell and WI's co-director are all smiles during Mothering Justices celebration on their win of the restoration of Michigan Time to Care (PA 338) and Michigan One Fair Wage (PA 337).

Team Wisdom fellows and co-director table during HUG Detroit day August 2024.

Alicia Grey standing grounds as our election protection lead recruiter and volunteer

Co-Director, LaTanya Bell fellowships with Executive Director, Jill Ryan and Grants Coordinator, Alana Honaker from Freshwater Future along with Illinois water advocate, Jeff Whitlow, during the 2024 Healing Our Water conference in Chicago Illinois.

Co-director, LaTanya Bell hanging out with program manager, Alexis Smith, from Freshwater Future during the 2024 H.O.W conference.

Volunteer Manager, Angela Penermon displays her appreciation to volunteer, Paris during this years National Voter's Registration Day celebration.

WI team, Lisa, Teffani, Cicely, LaTanya, & Angela gather for a group photo during the historic win in the fight for justice at Mothering Justice supreme court victory party. When We Fight, We Win!

Wisdom Institute's founder and advisor, Gwendolyn Winston along with Dr. Diane Fabu Jackson training our 1st facilitations guild cohort.

One Single Rose poses in support of Wisdom Institute's National Voter Registration (NVRD) celebration on September 14, 2024.

Poll monitors activated during the primary election day showing their support to other organizations who also promote to vote outside the Northwest Activity Center in Detroit, MI.


What is a Champion for Wisdom and what do they do? 

Wisdom Institute (WI) Advocacy Champions are selected for their commitment to gender justice, their involvement with Wisdom Institute’s Everyone Counts Coalition and ability to lead, challenge and effect change. Champions are considered experts based on their lived experiences, level of knowledge, understanding and passion related to the issues in our hearts and minds. Wisdom Institute holds positions at community tables, committees and coalitions that build power for transformative change. WI uses its voice at the table to provide the perspective of African American women. Champions for Wisdom have exciting opportunities for personal growth and development to influence those in positions of power. They bring their experiences into outreach dialogues, share resources and information and are in the process of developing a resource guide.

read more

Duties of a Champion for Wisdom:

  • Attend monthly community committee/coalition meetings and report on meeting outcomes
  • Speak at monthly Everyone Counts Detroit Coalition meetings
  • Identify partnership opportunities within committees/coalitions 
  • Support message development
  • Support volunteer engagement and recruitment efforts
  • Support with planning and execution of community events

Benefits of being a Champion for Wisdom:

  • Access to WI’s robust womxnist network 
  • Recognition of champion status
  • Monthly stipend
  • Personal and professional growth 

If you are interested in becoming a Champion for Wisdom, please sign up today

Sign up to be a Champion for Wisdom TODAY!

October is Women’s Small Business Month

We are proud to celebrate Women’s Small Business Month by announcing a new business venture for Wisdom Institute. We have officially soft launched our Facilitators Guild. Developing a cadre of WI Champions to facilitate community conversations is one goal of our 2023-2027 strategic plan. An opportunity showed up in our advocacy for Right To Counsel full funding and implementation. LaTanya Bell, Co-Director submitted a proposal to Lakeshore Legal Aid to facilitate community conversations in five cities and Wisdom was awarded the contract! Our own Dr. Diane Fabu Jackson developed WI’s Facilitators Training Program that combines some of the art of listening principles of her deep listening model that she designed for our Listening Partner Program. 

Wisdom will officially launch our Facilitators Guild in October 2025 during Women’s Small Business Month—how awesome is that!?  We are excited about the awesome opportunities we have for creating a revenue base for Wisdom’s growing impact on African American womxn’s lives and livelihood.  Join us in welcoming our first Facilitators Guild Cohort –  Lisa Staley, Kea Mathis, Tamika Davis-Shelton, Essence Quaglia, and Co-Director LaTanya Bell)

The Facilitators Guild is envisioned as a collective. If you are interested in joining the Guild, let our Volunteer Manager know. A prerequisite is to be certified as a WI Listening Partner. 

Be in touch with Angela Penermon, and add your name to our list for the next round of Listening Partner’s Art of Listening and Facilitator Guild recruitment and training in 2025. More details to come.

Black Breastfeeding Griot

In celebration of Black Breastfeeding Week 2024, the Wisdom Institute hosted The Black Breastfeeding Griot Intergenerational Storytelling gathering. The event was designed to connect with and uplift Black breastfeeding mothers, advocates and activists through storytelling with women across generations. The Black breastfeeding Griot was held Wednesday August 28th at the Hannan Centers art gallery and featured story sharing from experts including mothers, elders, and birth workers who have successfully navigated the arduous journey of breastfeeding. The joys, challenges, and triumphs of breastfeeding were shared openly while creating art, forging deep connections amongst attendees. During the event Wisdom Institute’s Co-executive Directors, LaTanya Bell and Cicely Allen lifted breastfeeding and birth outcomes' direct link to water insecurity and housing instability, issues that have a negative impact on maternal and infant mortality. 

One of the goals of the event was to recognize the cultural, emotional, and health benefits of this beautiful ancient practice. By coming together to celebrate our shared heritage and experiences, we fortified a supportive network that empowers mothers to make informed and confident decisions about breastfeeding. The Wisdom Institute is grateful to our partners The Viberant Doula, Erica Davis, Master Artist Evelyn Pinkard and the Motor City Doula Association for helping to create a deeply meaningful event in celebration of Black Breastfeeding Week 2024!


Grant Writing Class coming in January 2025

As some of you may know, Wisdom has been promising to host a grant writing class. It’s coming in January 2025. This is a bartering opportunity. In exchange for this learning experience, you will be writing a grant in “real time” for our Listening Partners programming.  Class is limited to 12 who are WI volunteers and champions. Contact Gwendolyn Winston to sign up. 

Water Advocacy

Access to clean, affordable water is critical to our daily lives. People

need water to drink, to bathe, to wash their hands, to cook, to survive

and, ultimately, to live. Despite the necessity of water, millions

of individuals living in the United States face the daily reality of

exposure to contaminated water sources that present serious risks to

reproductive and overall health. Unsafe water can cause serious illness,

including cancer in adults and children, and can damage children’s

nervous systems and hinder brain development. Unsafe water can also

interfere with people’s reproductive health, for example by increasing

the chances of experiencing infertility or jeopardizing a person’s ability

to have a healthy pregnancy. As members of We The People of Detroit's Water Policy Education and Engagement Project, WI will continue to educate and engage our community and advocate for life just water policies.

Take the Water Affordability Pledge

Click Here to take the Pledge!

Water Affordability Platform**

1. Water is a public good and should never be privatized. Water affordability must acknowledge that water is a public trust, the provision of water is a public good and water is not a commodity subject to privatization.

2. Water affordability is one piece of the puzzle. Water affordability must be situated within a broader commitment to ensuring access to clean, safe, affordable water for all.

3. Water bills should be on a sliding scale. Water affordability must be modeled along the lines of a sliding-scale, income-based rate system.

4. Water is a public health issue. Water affordability must be centered within a framework of preserving and maintaining public health.

5. Water affordability builds climate resilience. Water affordability must maintain a commitment to principles of conservation and provide assistance to low income residents to ensure they can be proper stewards of their water resources.

6. Water is a human right. Water affordability must enshrine quality customer service as a central value along with a commitment to acknowledge the human dignity of all the people it serves. Water affordability must find appropriate ways to deal with past consumer debt, such as the policies being implemented in Philadelphia.

7. Water shutoffs are not a solution. Water affordability must eschew water shutoffs as a policy for being inconsistent with the values of public health and the commitment to acknowledge the human dignity of all the people it serves.

8. Water assistance and affordability are not the same. Water assistance plans are not the same as water affordability plans and must not be advertised as such. Tiered water pricing plans, where water is priced by volume, are not the same as water affordability plans and must not be advertised as such.

9. Promote equitable community justice through the water affordability platform. Water affordability must ensure that jobs, training, contracts and other economic opportunities go to residents of the most impacted communities to align with the Justice40 framework. Recipients of government assistance for housing and businesses that provide economic opportunities to low and very low-income residents must be prioritized.

WEL coalition

Water Equals Life (WEL) is a coalition of local, statewide and national organizations that believe in the vital importance of water for sustaining life and fostering healthy communities. The founding organizations of the WEL Coalition include We the People Detroit, Freshwater Future, and the National Wildlife Federation (NWF). 


We the People of Detroit, with support from Freshwater Future, listened to community needs in Michigan regarding access to affordable water. Based on the community feedback, the pledge was formed, serving as the foundation for the development of legislation to create a state-wide water affordability program for low-income residents.


These organizations, along with NWF, united under a common goal – ensuring equitable access to clean water for all Michiganders. Our alliance stands resolute in advocating to end water shutoffs and championing a pivotal bill that institutes fair and sustainable rate-based water billing, transcending mere water assistance. We strive to transform the water landscape, fostering a future where every individual can partake in affordable and uninterrupted access to this precious resource.

Our coalition is growing! Wisdom Institute continues to play an instrumental role in educating about our coalition and recruiting new coalition members. We have many other partners who believe in water affordability and have joined our campaign. You should too! To join our mighty coalition, send a email with your contact information to Co-Director, LaTanya Bell at

Healing Our Water Great Lakes Conference (H.O.W.) Recap

The Wild Mile. Credit: Urban Rivers

Wisdom Institute's Co-director, LaTanya Bell joined hundreds of advocates in Chicago, Illinois, September 26-27, for the 2024 Great Lakes Conference, put on by the Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition.

The Great Lakes conference delved into issues that impacted the waters and communities of the eight-station region of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Wisconsin, as well as Canadian provinces Ontario and Quebec.

The conference came at a pivotal moment as the U.S. Congress attempted to pass legislation to maintain federal investments to restore and protect the Great Lakes, the source of drinking water for more than 30 million people. That year marked the 15-year anniversary of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, the federal program funding the clean-up of toxic pollution, restoration of fish and wildlife habitat, reduction in runoff pollution, and management of invasive species.

Conference plenaries and breakout sessions covered both days, offering opportunities to listen to inspiring speakers, network, hone skills, share information, build networks, and have fun with advocates from across the region. The first day also included optional field trips to local restoration sites and an evening reception. That year, topics included green infrastructure implementation, PFAS policy, restoration and community engagement, and nutrient reduction.

Since 2004, the Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition has been harnessing the collective power of more than 180 groups representing millions of people, whose common goal is to restore and protect the Great Lakes. Learn more at or follow us on social media @HealthyLakes.

10/17 - A Day Without Water

Save the Date!

Join us for A Day Without Water on October 17th, 2024. Take part in this important initiative to raise awareness and promote water conservation. Let's work together to protect and preserve our most precious resource!

Participant Action:

  • Use water sparingly throughout the day.
  • Share the water affordability pledge with friends and family.
  • Educate others about the importance of water.
  • Support our fight for clean, safe & affordable water in EVERY tap, no exceptions!
  • Together, we can make a difference for our community, planet and future generations



DWSD EasyPay $10 Down Plan

DWSD Easy pay

The EasyPay Plan was developed by DWSD for Detroit residents that experience difficulty in paying past due water and sewerage bills. There are no income restrictions to qualify.

  • Low down payment
  • Low monthly payment – affordable
  • Habit forming
  • No barriers or excuses to enter
  • Applies to all customer classes

October 19th

              Women Joining to Celebrate Our Sensual Energy

Wine and Waistbeads

Hosted by: Kelly Earth

6970 Hubbard Rd, Village of Clarkston MI 48348 from 4-7 pm 

This special gathering will be a unique opportunity for us to come together and explore the beauty of sensuality, creativity, and personal empowerment. Here's what you can look forward to:

·       Waist Beads Workshop: Purchase your waist beads and learn about their significance.

·       Sensual Movement Sessions: Connect with your body through guided movement practices designed to celebrate and embrace your sensuality.

·       Empowering Conversations: In safe and supportive circles, engage in meaningful discussions about femininity, body positivity, and personal experiences.

·       Delicious Food and Wine: Bring a dish to share and or your favorite wine

RSVP by October 12, 2024 to secure your spot, as space is limited! This is a free event. Suggested Offering is $22.00

Please share this invitation with friends or anyone who might be interested in joining our celebration. We can't wait to celebrate with you!

This is being offered in collaboration with our host Cynthia Johnson. Gwendolyn Winston, Chosen Journeys Latricia Wright, Olive Seed, Coach Kelly,

High Frequency Training Systems


Help our friends @ Freshwater Future!

Your donation helps protect water quality every step of the way from source to tap.

Give your Walk, Paddle & Roll Gift today!

Freshwater Future Staff, Partners and Friends are walking, paddling, biking, swimming, and doing other great activities around the Great Lakes to raise $5,000! DONATE TODAY and join in their mission to ensure everyone has access to clean, save and affordable water from source to tap.

Together, your generous donation and Freshwater Future's work will:

  • Support on-the-ground water projects in local communities that protect or restore drinking water, lakes, rivers, wetlands, and shorelines with grants and technical assistance,
  • Strengthen the ability of groups to expand their voice and make real change in the region
  • Keep Great Lake residents informed of threats to waters and what they can do to protect their communities and families,
  • Work for policy solutions that protect our waterways and drinking water resources,
  • And so much more!

Choose Rest 

"Let rest deliver you back to yourself. Exhaustion won't save you in a world more interested in using your body than protecting it. Lie down. Breathe slow. We rest that we might dream."

Authur: Cole Arthur Riley of Black Liturgies

In exploring the importance of rest, we find a profound connection to our inner selves, recognizing that rest is not merely a bodily requirement, but a powerful tool for self-exploration and resilience in a world that constantly demands our energy.

As we delve into the concept of embracing rest this month, I encourage you to dwell on these concepts and seek opportunities to place a focus on your well-being by committing to self-care and rejuvenation.

Next quarters self-inquiry prompt

Can you recall the most recent moment when you genuinely rested? How did this experience influence your perception of yourself and aspirations? In what ways could prioritizing rest more consciously transform your connection with both yourself and the environment?

As part of the "Choose Rest" theme, we are sharing these powerful words and sound bath experience by The Mindful Rebel. This audio journey, featuring harmonious singing bowls and gentle chimes, is designed to guide you into deep relaxation. Perfect for resetting during a busy day or as part of your bedtime routine, it helps quiet the mind and release physical tension. Simply find a comfortable spot, put on headphones, and let the healing vibrations wash over you. This sound bath is your invitation to pause, breathe, and return to yourself.

Click here to visit our website & donate