Philanthropy Magnified - monthly impact report

2024 | July Issue - Summertime Tidbits

Your Recurring Gift

"I turned to automatic monthly donation for lots of reasons; it made it easy for me: I space out my contribution over the yearI don't have to remember to write a check or make a special payment on-line." Mary Pat Dolan

Mary Pat is one of many donors enrolled in recurring giving. Up from 46%, American donors are now 57% more likely to prefer to give monthly at an average of $25/month. In part because of the ease and security and it is a budget-friendly option.

Would you please participate?

Any amount at an interval that you decide. Click the link below.

Set Up My Gift to help others locally

The Business of Giving

If you’re a business owner, odds are you already give back to your community. Like many charitably-minded people, your business likely sponsors events, makes in-kind donations, and donates cash to favorite organizations.

Many local business owners work with us to give back to the community where they built their businesses and developed lasting relationships with employees and customers.

We offer a variety of tools to help you build and grow your corporate philanthropy program, including:

Donor-advised fund. Establishing a corporate donor-advised fund helps you organize your company’s giving in a convenient, 501(c)(3)-qualified structure.

Grant making administration and strategy. You and your colleagues likely receive dozens of requests each month from community organizations requesting sponsorships and monetary donations. We can help you create and implement a strategy for responding to and evaluating those requests to align with your company’s goals for supporting and prioritizing causes.

We are glad to help you deepen your business’s impact and connection to your community, customers, and employees by creating a philanthropy plan that supports causes that align with the wide range of your objectives. 

Contact Chief Development Officer Nancy Massicci at to explore these exciting options to raise awareness of what your business supports in our community.

Make Your Nominations Now for the 2024

Women’s Fund’s

Laura Holmberg Award

Is there someone you know who has made a lasting difference in the lives of other women living in Tompkins County?

Is there a volunteer at your work, business, school or organization who you’d like to thank for sharing their time, talent, and treasures?

We want to help you recognize that person!

The Laura Holmberg Award will be presented at this year’s Women’s Fund Fall Luncheon on October 15 at the Ithaca Downtown Conference Center.

Please save the date.

Nominations are now open for the 2024 Laura Holmberg Award, presented by the Women’s Fund of the Community Foundation.

To submit a nomination, we ask that you fill out this FORM. Nominations are due by AUG 30.

If this link does not work for you please email

2024 Fall Grant Cycle

We have been deeply moved by the overwhelming response during our Spring Cycle. Your incredible initiatives and dedication to our community's needs have led us to allocate almost all of our annual budget, leaving just $5,000 for the remainder of the year.

Because of this, we regret to inform you that our Fall Grant Cycle will not be held in 2024.

This decision has been incredibly difficult for us, and we fully understand the impact it may have on organizations seeking support. We believe it’s important to be transparent and to avoid asking you to invest time and effort in applications that we may not be able to fund meaningfully.

The high demand for funding this year highlights the crucial role of donors who contribute to our Tompkins Today and Tomorrow Fund. Your generosity makes our work possible and supports the remarkable efforts within our community. Anyone can make a gift designated for local grant making by choosing the Tompkins Today and Tomorrow Fund HERE.

In light of the current situation, we have also made the decision to cut our operational expenses by 9% to further support our mission.

We are here to listen and learn from your experiences, concerns, and suggestions. If you have any questions or need to discuss this further, please reach out to Gloria Coicou, our Chief Equity, Engagement & Grants Officer, at

Test Your Knowledge

Knowing as much as possible about charitable giving allows you to make the best decisions when making your gifts. Take our two question quiz:

Q1: I can make a gift in my will by:

A. A percentage.

B. A Fixed Amount.

C. The Residue or property left after all other bequests are made.

D. All the above.

Q2: What to give after my lifetime includes:

A. A bequest in my will.

B. Life insurance policy beneficiary.

C. Retirement plan beneficiary.

D. All the above.

How did you do?

If you answered D to both questions you get an A+. For more information about ways you can support the Community Foundation and other mission-driven organizations, please contact Nancy Massicci at or your professional advisor.

Wondering if you have friends in our Legacy Society? Click the link to view a listing of generous individuals and join.

Who is ready for SOULFEST?

We are excited to collaborate on a NEW special event for the first time in Ithaca!

GIAC’s Ithaca Soul Fest! This special event will celebrate and showcase live music from the soul genre and sub-genres. This event is FREE to the public! Food and beverages will be available for purchase. There will be a children’s fun area with face painting, games, activities, bounce houses, and more.

For more details on the event visit the events Facebook page.

A Celebration of Freedom, Juneteenth

Amid vibrant art and cultural exchange, community members connected through shared experiences and active listening at Tompkins County's annual Juneteenth celebration on Wednesday, June 19 at the Southside Community Center. Themed “Freedom Then, Freedom Now,” this year’s community celebration highlighted the achievements and ongoing efforts of Black Americans in pursuit of freedom since the first Juneteenth celebration in 1865. 

Surrounded by family and friends, we enjoyed a live reenactment of the first Juneteenth, round table discussions, hearing from Community activist - Daquetta Jones, shopping from black-owned business, and rounded off the afternoon with a community meal of baked chicken, baked beans, and greens. A shared appreciation was felt by all.

Being present and engaged in these events like Juneteenth is not just a gesture of solidarity, but a vital component of our mission to enhance well-being and cohesion. We are committed to honoring and fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of the experiences and contributions of the many cultures that make up our community. See WENY news coverage, HERE.

We hope to see you soon. You are a valued and important part of the community we serve.

REGISTER for an event!


You Are Invited! Our 2024 Calendar of Events

> Let's Talk - Celebrating Indigenous Heritage with TCIKH September 14 at 12:00PM HERE

> Site Visit: O.A.R. August 8 at 12:00pm HERE

> Estate Planning Seminar *SAVE the DATE* August 20 at 12:00pm link coming soon

Additional Grantee Site Visits info available HERE

Community Foundation of Tompkins County
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