Stories from the Stacks

The Monthly Liaison: September 2024

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On September 26 at the Western Museums Association conference in Tucson, Arizona, The Community Library Wood River Museum of History and Culture received the Charles Redd Center for Western Studies Award for Exhibition Excellence. Olivia Terry, Jenny Emery Davidson, and Alissa Rupp received the award for the Library. Photo from the Western Museums Association.

How in the World Do You Get to Sun Valley?

It is not easy to get here, to the Wood River Valley in the middle of Idaho, surrounded by mountains and lava rock plains and sagebrush desert. And yet people do get here, from around the world.

Each person carries a story, and each person is part of the ongoing story of this community. Those are the stories we wanted to explore in an inaugural exhibit of The Community Library Wood River Museum of History and Culture. That exhibit, "How in the World Did You Get to Sun Valley?", was just honored by the Western Museums Association with the Charles Redd Center for Western Studies Award for Exhibition Excellence.

The exhibit features the arrival stories of ten individuals over 150 years as it considers how our small, remote Western community is in conversation with the larger world, from Kitzbuhel to Coeneo, Seattle to Huancayo. It explores the ways in which a common question - How did you get here? - might in itself be a plot of common ground even as it reveals a wide range of individual stories.

In the coming weeks and months, we'll be changing the exhibit to present profiles of a new set of individuals as we continue to work to reflect a dynamic, elastic, robustly conversing town square, here in the middle of Idaho.

Jenny Emery Davidson, Ph.D.

Executive Director

Every Book in the Library

Launchpad to the Whole Wide World

By Kyla Merwin

Communications Manager

Autumn has arrived in the Wood River Valley in a flurry of change. Leaves are turning from green to gold, students are returning to school with their packs full of books and #2 pencils, and southbound birds are spreading their wings. With September has also come the happy annual occasion of Library Card Sign-up Month.  

When my grandmother first took me to the public library in Missoula, Montana, I was agog with amazement and unmitigated joy. There were books everywhere! Books up high, books down low, thick books, thin books, grown-up books, teenage books, little kid books, books in every color of the rainbow, and books just for me.  

I decided on the spot that I was going to read every single book in that library, in the whole wide world! I was too little to realize that a library is a living thing. New books arrive every day even as books are culled out of active circulation. 

I took my happy little stack of books to the nice lady at the check-out counter, where I got my very first library card. For free! I was schooled in the rules about returning them after two weeks – after which time I could check out more books! – and not eating chocolate while reading or taking my coloring crayons to the pages. Pinky swear! The one thing I do not want to lose in this life is my library card. 

The librarian opened each book, one by one, pulled an index card out of a little pocket inside the cover, and stamped the card with a date two weeks’ hence. And I was on my way to a world of adventures and information the likes of which I could not have otherwise imagined—from Sunnybrook Farm to Middle Earth to 13.8 billion light years across time and space. 

“Lights out,” my grandmother would say, many a summer night when she saw the light under my doorway past my bedtime.  

“Okay, I’m almost to the end of the chapter!” 

Fifteen minutes later: “Lights out, Kyla.”  

“One more page!” I would plea. 

“Lights out...”  

And on an on until I surrendered … or fell asleep.  

Books have been a vital part of my life since I pulled Green Eggs and Ham off the shelf all those years ago. 

I’ve had a library card in every city I’ve lived in because it’s an E-ticket to adventure, entertainment, and knowledge. With my Community Library card, I can listen to audio books, flip through e-reader books, and check out music CDs, films and documentaries. I can even watch the entire Mad Men television series. Again. I can read the New York Times cover-to-cover and learn a new language. All free with my library card. 

Oh, and I can check out real live books!  

# # #

Get a Card | Spread the Love: Because The Community Library is privately funded, anyone from anywhere in the world can come in and get a library card. If you know someone who doesn’t have one, forward this link for a library card and a launchpad to untold adventures. 

If you DO have a library card, I invite you to take a selfie with your card and post it on social media. Tag #iLoveMyLibrary in your posts and add @thecommunitylibrary on Facebook and @thecommunitylibraryketchum on Instagram. The librarians - and the books - thank you! 

Our Collection: The Community Library holds over 157,000 titles in our collection, in print and digital, for all ages and interests. The collection represents a diverse range of subjects, authors, and interests.

So, if a library is a living thing, and books come and go, who picks which books make it to the shelves? In the case of The Community Library, our titles are carefully curated by professional librarians: Collections Manager Aly Wepplo, and Director of the Children’s and Young Adult Library DeAnn Campbell.


We also take acquisition requests from patrons, which, says Aly, makes her feel “connected to the community.” Read Aly’s essay, “What’s in a Collection?” here.

Herald from the Hemingway House

“What a golden snowcapped June! The tanagers flurrying through the spruce, the deer grazing on the terrace, the slow-motion sideways rain of cottonwood seeds, the shadows bulking the hills as evening came, and the feeling of Hemingway close. And all of these matched by the kind care of the folks

at The Community Library and the heartfelt welcome of Ketchum. 

I wrote and thought much, and

left already yearning to return.”

~Peter Kline

Poet and author of Mirrorforms

and Deviants

Recommended Titles

We celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month every year from September 15 to October 15 in recognition of the enormous contributions and influence of Hispanic Americans to the history, culture, and achievements of the United States. Our librarians have curated a special collection of books and films celebrating Hispanic trailblazers past and present.

Find these and more recommendations, across genres, here.

Adults Main Collection

by Francisco Cantu

in print, eaudio, and ebook

363.286 CAN

by Sandra Cisneros

MAIN Nonfiction

813.54 CIS

by Felipe Fernández-Armesto

MAIN Nonfiction

973.0468 FER


Directed by Jon M. Chu

Available on DVD


Written and directed by Aitch Alberto

Available on DVD


Directed by Maite Alberdi

Streaming on Kanopy

Spanish Language

by Javier Zamora

Available in print


by Jorge Ramos

Available in print

SPA 325.73 RAM

by Juan González

Available in print



by Rosanne Thong

Picture Books

J Easy THO

by Xelena González

Children's New

J Easy GON

by Pablo Cartaya

Juvenile Fiction


Young Adult

by Erika L. Sánchez

YA Fiction


by Monica Gomez-Hira

YA Fiction


by Francisco X. Stork

YA Fiction



by Alexandra Alessandri

Juv Easy Spanish


by Michael Genhart

Juv Easy Spanish


por Jesús Trejo

Juv Easy Spanish


THANK YOU to Our August Donors

Tweens and teens paint a mountain landscape in Paint Club

led by Children's Librarian Judy Zimmer.



Janet Barsy and Larry Altman

Jolene and Thomas Beckwith

Dell-Ann and Thomas Benson

Cacofoni / Atiqtalik, LLC

CK Bradley, LLC

The Estate of Patricia Crandall Lane

Susan Giannettino and Jim Keller

Florence Harvey

International Women's Forum of Idaho

Pamela Mann and Mark Miller

Charles A. Miller

Careda and Stephen Mowry

Kim Nalen, The Nalen Foundation

Holbrook Newman and Geoff Isles

Margo Peck

Sharon and Walter Rapchinski

Mardi Shepard

Jessica and Jeff Sisson

Christie and David Vik

Patricia Zebrowski and Roland Wolfram


Duella Scott-Hull and Tom Hull in honor of Robert Wilson

Page Turner Society


Robyn and Todd Achilles

Susan and Brad Brickman

Daphne Coble and Patrick Murphy

Kathleen Diepenbrock and Kelley Weston

Claudia and John D. Gaeddert

Diana Hewett

Kevin Lavelle

Patrick McMahon II

Elaine Phillips

Narda Pitkethly

Gay Weake

Anita Weissberg

Did You Know You Can Also Give

out of Your Investments?

The Community Library is supported by people who are believers

in learning, literacy, and libraries.


You might want to consider making a gift from your investments including appreciated stock, donor advised fund, or a qualified charity distribution to support the mission of The Community Library. Director of Philanthropy, Carter Hedberg, is here to assist you. 

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