El Semanario Hostosiano / The Hostos Weekly:  A Campus-Weekly Bulletin from President Daisy Cocco De Filippis, Ph.D.

Friday, October 4, 2024 | Vol. 9, No. 6


My Dear Colleagues and Students,

As a week comes to a close when we have honored Rosh Hashanah, Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month, and prepare to honor Italian heritage and respect the solemnity of holidays, I consider the beauty of our Hostos family. Our students are in homes where about 50 languages are spoken and families immigrating from close to 120 different nations. I am so thankful for the hope, peace, and love shared by such a diverse and inclusive campus community. 

Nevertheless, the at-times-unchallenged noise about immigration has touched me and so many of us personally and profoundly. The noise warps and too often alters the general perception of the role immigrants have played — and continue to play — in building our great nation.

It does not take substantial effort to find the rich benefits we have received from immigrants in art, history, literature, music, fashion, and medicine, to name just a few areas of contribution. It doesn’t take much effort to see these substantial contributions. Yet, some deny their value or their very existence.

Instead, they wrongly blame immigrants for poverty, crime, societal decay, and our financial problems. I point to articles in the New York Times, The Washington Post, Newsweek, and other publications that refute such broad-brush accusations, unfounded exaggerations and misrepresentations. “Facts,” as Christopher Dickey pointed out in Newsweek, “do run against conventional wisdom.”

For example, what do the most prosperous and safest cities have in common? Crowded cities, teeming with immigrant labor, translate into prosperity for the great majority. In his article “Immigration Makes America Great,” Matthew Yglesias says George Washington, a founder of our nation, believed in a radical strategy to make this country the “…wealthiest and strongest on Earth — It made America great. Immigration.”

Yglesias considers economic studies by David Card at University of California, Berkeley and Giovanni Peri at University of California, Davis that present a correlation between those states with low foreign-born population rates and the decline of their economies. A comprehensive review of years of research, The Times reported in March of 2018, found an overwhelming majority of studies concluding that either there was no correlation between crime and immigration, or “a beneficial one, in which immigrant communities bring economic and cultural revitalization to the neighborhoods they join.”

I have spent some time reflecting on what it means to be an immigrant who is and has been for many years an American citizen. I have lived the truths about the quality of life in immigrant communities. I have seen the value immigrants bring to this generous nation. 

It’s all personal with me. Despite the exploitation of immigrants in some American labor markets, my Dominican Republic family couldn’t find work for anywhere near the compensation they received in the United States. Despite the challenges of funding for higher education, my immigrant family found support in The City University of New York whose talented and generous faculty believed in us. My immigrant husband and I graduated. Despite the odds against sustaining a small business, my family kept the doors open and succeeded. Hard work and opportunity helped with each challenge we overcame, and  we were able to educate our children, all three published scholars and professors at universities in different states today.

Each semester I observe similar strengths among the students at Eugenio María de Hostos Community College where I proudly serve as president. Hundreds of immigrant students apply their resolve to pay for college, work two jobs, raise families, and still complete their degrees or certificates. Their numbers have grown remarkably so we can report more than ten thousand graduates in the past ten years. They contribute to the economy by staying in New York, paying taxes, and improving their lives and our communities.

As we consider the noise about immigrants and the shameful propaganda against them, let us recall the American dream in our motto, e pluribus unum, (out of many, one) — a nation formed of many. Following our Native American predecessors, we are a nation formed by immigrants: recent immigrants and descendants of immigrants whose powerful contributions come together with the purpose of continuing to sustain the greatness that is America.

This has been my story. When given the opportunity, please celebrate the contributions of immigrants to our great nation so this best-of-all-possible-worlds will be there for our grandchildren and their grandchildren in turn. Our collective voices can rise high above any opposing noise.

Mil gracias y bendiciones, 


Daisy Cocco De Filippis, Ph.D.




By Sherezada (Chiqui) Vicioso



te imagino virgen

antes de que piratas precursores

te quitaran sus vestidos de caoba

y te dejaran así

con tus senos redondos al aire

y tu falda de yerba desgarrada

apenas verde,

marrón y tímida.



te imagino adolescente

olorosa a vetiver, tierna de rocío

sin esta multitud de cicatrices

con que te integraron al mercado de mapas

y con que te ofrecen multicolor

en las aceras de Puerto Príncipe

en Jacmel, en San Marcos, en el Artibonite

en un gran baratillo de ojalata.



caminante que afanosa me sonríes

interrumpiendo siestas de veredas

ablandando piedras, asfaltando polvo

con tus pies sudorosos y descalzos.

Haití que tejes el arte de mil formas

y que pintas las estrellas con tus manos

descubrí que el amor y el odio

como tú se llaman.



Translation by Daisy Cocco De Filippis


I imagine you a virgin

before forerunning pirates

had removed your mahogany dress

to leave you thus

with your bare, round breasts

and your torn grass-skirt

barely green,

timidly brown.



I imagine you an adolescent

Fragrant vetyver, tender with dew

without the numerous scars

displayed in the traffickers’ maps

and multicolor banners sold

on the sidewalks of Port-au-Prince,

Jaimel, St. Mark, and Artibonite

in a dramatic tin plate bargain.



traveler who eagerly smiles at me

interrupting the quiet of paths,

softening stones, paving dust

with your sweaty, bare feet

Haiti, who can give art a thousand shapes

and who paints the stars with your hands

I found out that love and hate

share your name.


Selected from “Poems of Exile and Other Concerns/Poemas del exilio y de otras inquietudes, a bilingual selection of the poetry written by Dominicans in the U.S.,” edited by Daisy Cocco De Filippis and Emma Jane Robinett.  (New York: Alcance, 1988), p. 40, p. 52.


Boo! Did We Scare You?


As we step into October, the air is filled with both excitement and a touch of spooky fun! The leaves are changing, the days are getting shorter, and Halloween is creeping closer with its festive spirit. But even as we embrace the thrills and chills of the season, let’s not lose sight of the goals we’re here to achieve. Like a team of fearless adventurers, we’ll face the challenges of midterms and projects head-on—ready to conquer them all. Remember, your SGA is always here, lighting the way through the twists and turns of this semester. Let’s make this October one to remember, both in and out of the classroom!


I would like to say, on behalf of all SGA, congratulations to all staff and faculty who have gotten promotions on their titles to professors who are becoming full-time, and welcome to the new professors! Thank you for all your passionate work and all you have added to Hostos' life. We would not be the grand campus that Hostos is. So, thank you!

To also bring on a spooky note! Many different events are happening on campus this month, so watch for flyers about the SGA booth trick-or-treat day. Then keep an eye out for club flyers! Flyers around campus spread the word about events happening. For instance, the Club Fair is on Wednesday, October 16, at the C-building Cafeteria, from 2 - 5 p.m. Everyone should attend; many students have been asking how to join clubs. Now is your chance!

As we move through the week together, I encourage each of you to stay focused on your goals and remind yourself of the incredible potential you hold. Every challenge you face is an opportunity to grow, learn, and strengthen our community. Remember, you are not alone—your SGA is here to support and advocate for you every step of the way. Let’s continue to uplift each other and make the most of our time here at Hostos. Together, we are creating a brighter future, not just for ourselves but for those who will follow in our footsteps. Keep pushing forward, and let’s finish the week strong!


Dainma Martínez


Submitted by Sofía Oviedo, Ph.D., Research Programs Director

Mentor/Mentee Jobs on Campus Offers Part-Time Job Opportunities for Students

Hostos students are invited to apply for part-time on-campus job opportunities available through Mentor/Mentee Jobs on Campus. Students will gain valuable work experience, on the job mentoring from a faculty/staff mentor, and professional development support to promote career readiness and future job retention. For students interested in working, now is the time to submit your application for consideration by Hostos departments that are currently seeking student mentees. Students are eligible to apply if they are currently enrolled as a part-time/full-time student and have a minimum GPA of 2.7. Academic and administrative departments that are interested in participating this academic year and hiring a student mentee are also invited to apply. See links to the online applications below. Please use CUNYfirst credentials to access the applications.

Application deadline for students and departments for Fall 2024 is October 15!


Mentor/Mentee Jobs on Campus 2024-25 Department Application (use CUNYfirst login)

Mentor/Mentee Jobs on Campus 2024-25 Student Application (use CUNYfirst login)


Submitted by Assistant Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness Babette Audant, Ph.D.

Snapshot: Transfer Students (and asking different questions/questioning differently)

Much of OIERA’s work is framed by well-established reporting categories that communicate outcomes and accountability in ways consistent with national practices. This is true of enrollment and our focus on First-Time Freshmen (FTF), students admitted to Hostos who have not previously attended college. This is the cohort we track closely, reporting on first-year credit accumulation, retention and graduation, among other key performance indicators (KPIs). They are the majority of new students entering Hostos every semester (Fa24 FTF = 969). 

One of our commitments in OIERA is to ask questions that jostle those well-established categories and to intentionally change perspective (including our own!). What we learn, we hope, is of interest and informs action. Such is the case with transfer students: 

Over the past four fall semesters, the number of students transferring into Hostos has grown from 528 (Fa21) to 776 (Fa24). In comparison to the number of FTF, the rate of transfer students has also increased from 54% of FTF (Fa21) to 80% of FTF (Fa24). 

Transfer students are significantly more female than our FTF: 74% versus 60%, and are concentrated in pre-clinical pathways (nearly 500, or nearly two-thirds). The next largest majors, for both male and female transfer students are: Business Management, Criminal Justice, Early Childhood Education (female), Game Design (male) and Computer Science. While transfer students are more likely to be PT in their first semester (~40-45% versus ~20%), their first-term, first-year and second-year retention rivals and sometimes surpasses that of FTF.  

What’s the take-away apart from the value of asking different questions? We have a significant and growing cohort of new students entering Hostos. Their enrollment is skewed heavily towards allied health degrees and those that are not are clustered in several key majors. There is an opportunity for more targeted outreach, onboarding and engagement at the degree level by faculty and advisors, and - perhaps - more institutional awareness of the importance of transfer students at Hostos and more inclusion of their outcomes when we evaluate what we are getting right and where we have room for improvement.


Highlighting CUNY Policies You Should Know

Submitted by Executive Counsel and Labor Designee Eugene Sohn, Esq.

CUNY Computer Use Policy

The City University of New York’s (“CUNY” or the “University”) Digital Assets and Resources, as defined below in section VI, are dedicated to the achievement of the University’s mission of education, research, and public service. This policy, which guides the University’s use of its digital assets and resources, is intended to maintain the continuity of CUNY’s IT and business operations, and protect the University, and its students, faculty, and staff. Read the entire policy here.


Submitted by Director Eric Radezky, Ph.D.

Volunteer Opportunities in NYC


Looking for volunteer opportunities? The City of New York has information on various volunteer opportunities at including food banks, community gardening and health initiatives.  Opportunities vary by need and time of year, so check out the website to find out what is coming up in the near future.


Submitted by Chief Diversity Officer, Title IX Coordinator, and 504/ADA Coordinator Philip Oliveri, Esq.

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

This October, we observe Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM), an annual month-long commemoration to bring awareness to domestic violence (DV) and gender-based violence (GBV). Awareness is one of the greatest tools we have in interrupting domestic and gender-based violence. This month, Hostos is highlighting the following to raise awareness about domestic and gender-based violence on our campus, Purple Thursday, which happens on Thursday, October 17. 

On this day, the community wears purple to raise awareness for domestic and gender-based violence. Participants are encouraged to wear purple and post their pictures on social media using the hashtags #DVAM2024 #ENDGBV #NYOPDV #DVAM. 

Additionally, the New York State Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence (OPDV) provides services to survivors of domestic and gender-based violence. More information may be found on their website at Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence | Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence (


Submitted by Dean Ana I. García Reyes

We Invite You to the 6th NYC International Book Fair

The Office of Community Relations, in collaboration with the CUNY Mexican Studies Institute at Lehman College, is excited to invite you to attend the 6th NYC International Book Fair, a celebration of authors who write in Spanish worldwide! The fair will take place at BMCC - Tribeca, Performing Arts Center, at 199 Chambers Street, from October 8 to 12 and is free of cost. There will be book sales, a children's program, panels, and much more. You can go here for more details.



Submitted by Provost and VP Shiang-Kwei Wang, Ph.D.

Fifth Industry Summit on Teacher Education

Hostos will host its fifth Industry Summit on November 14 and will focus on Teacher Education. Originally, the Summit was planned to highlight the Digital Design program this fall, but we shifted the focus to the Education discipline for this semester and will highlight the Digital Design program once its media lab is completed. The Chair of the Education Department, Professor Jackie DiSanto, along with faculty and students, will collaborate with Academic Affairs and the Continuing Education and Workforce Development Division to develop the summit agenda and invite partner DOE schools and CUNY four-year partners to participate in the summit. The Office of School-College Partnerships will also be included in the summit program. For information regarding past Industry Summits, please see this page.

PSC-CUNY Portal is Now OPEN

The Grants Proposal System (GPS) is now open for Cycle 56 applications from September 16, 2024, to December 15, 2024. Per standard procedure, OGRA will have an internal deadline of December 9, 2024, to review and approve submitted applications to the program. Please find information about the program here.


Hostos CC Undergraduate Research Teams to Present in Pittsburgh and Chicago

Yoel Rodríguez, CRSP Director and Chair of Natural Sciences Department


We are happy to share that on October 24-26, seven (7) HEAT Scholars will attend the SWE (Society of Women Engineers) Conference.

Additionally, Hostos LSAMP-CRSP students research abstracts were accepted for ABRCMS 2024 Conference in Pittsburgh, PA on November 13-16.

  • Kevin Dillon ’24 and Emily Checo-Genao | Mentor: Dr. Lauren Wolf
  • Marilin Rodríguez and Jasmin Sánchez | Mentor: Dr. Anna Ivanova
  • Yassine Gaye ’23 and Ansumana Jammeh ’24 | Mentor: Dr. Yoel Rodríguez

Moreover, three (3) HEAT Scholars will attend the NSF S-STEM meeting in Chicago in November. 

Congratulations to all of the faculty mentors and student researchers who will be presenting this semester!


CUNY CARES (Comprehensive Access to Resources for Essential Services) is a CUNY initiative working closely with the resources and services at CUNY's Bronx campuses (Hostos, Bronx Community College and Lehman) to connect students to health care, mental health, food, and housing services. You can learn more about the program here. CUNY CARES Advocates and Navigators are trained to provide peer support and resources, helping to reduce stigma and normalize the help-seeking process. CUNY CARES is collaborating directly with Hostos' One Stop Program, Counseling Services and Health & Wellness Office to serve as many students as possible.

BOOKING A CLASSROOM PRESENTATION: We believe it's essential to have students present on essential needs to their peers. CUNY CARES hopes to partner with you to include a presentation (approximately 5 minutes) about the resources available to students in your classroom this academic year, enabling them to succeed with fewer outside distractions. If you would like to book a presentation with CUNY CARES for your class(es), please use the form linked here.

CONNECTING HOSTOS STUDENTS WITH CUNY CARES NAVIGATORS: CUNY CARES Navigators are available during daytime, evening, and weekend hours and have in-person and virtual appointment slots and easy booking via their Navigator Portal. Please note that the portal is now open, but if anyone has difficulty using the portal, please reach out to to receive immediate attention. 

CUNY CARES has a blurb prepared. We suggest that faculty share the suggested blurb on syllabi and/or on Brightspace.

NOTE: In addition to the services provided by the College's One Stop Program, Counseling, and Health & Wellness Office, if you need further help with essential needs such as food, housing emergencies, financial issues, mental health support, health checkups, or child care referrals, please contact CUNY CARES using the link provided here to connect with a Navigator. CUNY CARES Navigators are fellow Bronx CUNY students trained to help you access resources and services on AND off campus. If you have any questions or need assistance connecting with CUNY CARES, feel free to reach out.

For further information about CUNY CARES please contact:

With appreciation for your support of this important initiative!


Submitted by Interim Vice President Althea Sterling, Ph.D.

Creating Hope and Inspiring Change: Samantha Maldonado’s Transfer Services Spotlight

Samantha Maldonado is a Community Health graduate from Hostos, Class of 2015! After transferring to Lehman, she earned her Bachelor’s in Health Education and Promotion with a minor in Psychology. Now, as she prepares her application for graduate studies at the Graduate Center, she brings valuable experience from her role as the Transfer Services Coordinator at Hostos. Her dedication to helping others and furthering her education reflects her strong commitment to the field!

From Samantha:

“Art has always been my escape. I love to paint and create — it’s amazing how much it helps me connect with myself and my inner child. There’s something so joyful about the process of creating that makes me truly happy. I love to express myself through painting. It’s such a great way for me to disconnect from all the daily stress. I recently decided to close my social media to focus more on my mental health, which has been a game changer. I’m planning to return to school and finish my master’s degree. I started in public health, but I’m switching to women’s and gender studies.

As a single mom, I’ve always looked up to the amazing women around me — my peers and mentors. I’d love to become a mentor myself, guiding others on their paths and helping them believe in themselves. Every day, I’m working hard to be better than I was yesterday, both physically and mentally, so I can be a stronger and more peaceful mom for my kids. Finding my purpose hasn’t always been easy, but one thing I know for sure is that I’m passionate about helping others achieve their dreams and showing them there’s always hope after the storm.”

If you’re a Hostos transfer student, here’s Samantha’s advice: “Never quit on your dreams, no matter what! There’s always a way forward, even if it feels tough. You might just be asking the wrong person for help. Seriously, check out what’s available on campus — there are services, grants, childcare options, and even work-study opportunities. I’ve been in your shoes and I know how it feels to think there’s no path for you. But trust me, we can all make it out of the dark! Just stay consistent and believe in yourself, even when others might not. You’ve got this!”

Transfer Pathways to Lehman College’s Healthcare Careers!

Are you interested in pursuing a Health Care major at Lehman College? Join us for an opportunity to speak with a Lehman advisor about our health programs, including:

  • Nursing
  • Health Education
  • Public Health
  • And more!


Dates: October 17 and 23

Where: FDR (behind the café)

Time: 11 AM

Don’t miss out on this chance to learn more about your future in health care!

Health and Wellness

One Stop Program Services and Resources

Get the Support You Need!

We offer a range of services to assist you with HRA Government Benefits enrollment, including:

  • SNAP/Food Stamps: Application, recertification, and periodic reports
  • Cash Assistance: Application and recertification
  • One Shot Deal: Application for eviction prevention
  • Child Care Voucher
  • Fair Fares: Discounted transit fare
  • Food Pantry
  • Grab & Go Snacks
  • Financial Literacy Programs
  • Legal Services
  • Health Insurance Navigators


If you need assistance, please reach out to Madeline Cruz, Coordinator, at 718-518-4141, 718-319-7982, or 929-330-5406. You can also email her at


We’re here to help!


Pause and Paint

Date | Time: Thursday, October 10 | 1 - 4 PM & Wednesday, November 6 | 2 - 5 PM

Location: C-391

Description: Take a pause from your busy week and join us for Pause and Paint for Stress Relief and Relaxation. All sessions are FREE, and materials are provided! No painting experience is necessary and individual creativity is welcome. Sign-up guarantees participation. Walk-ins are also welcome. Click here if interested. For more information, contact Ursula Sanders at 718-518-4483.



Health Services on the Go!

Date | Time: 1st Thursday of every month starting September 5, 2024 from 9 am -3 pm

Location: Mobile Medical Unit on the Grand Concourse

Description: The Mobile Medical Unit will be on the Grand Concourse, offering free services exclusively for Hostos students. Don’t miss out on this chance to prioritize your health and well-being. Services include:

  • HIV Counseling and Testing
  • Condom Distribution
  • Diabetes, Cholesterol, and Blood Pressure Checks
  • Sexual Education Materials
  • Substance Use Education
  • Health and Wellness Care Coordination


For more information, please contact Ursula Sanders at  or call 718-518-4483. You can also reach out to Project STAHR at


STI Testing Available for HCC Students

Date | Location: Tuesday, November 5 in A-334C & Tuesday, December 3 in C-391

Time: 11 AM - 3 PM

Description: We are offering STI testing, in addition to HIV testing. Remember, you can live with HIV without even knowing it!  For more information, please contact Ursula Sanders at 718-518-4483 or via email at


Financial Aid Office

Have you applied for FAFSA? TAP?

Students enrolling in the Fall of 2024 can still apply for TAP by filling out the FAFSA. Once submitted, New York State residents attending NYS campuses can link directly to the TAP application. Our financial aid team is here to guide you through the application process.


For more information, contact the Financial Aid Office at 718-518-6555.

Transfer Services

Get help with transfer applications during our tabling or walk-in hours. We can also assist you during our virtual application hour, or you can come to C-512 on Tuesdays for one-on-one support!


Fill out an intake form to schedule an appointment.




Snacks ‘N’ Aps! with Transfer Services, all from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the Faculty Dining Room (FDR, C-312)

October 31

November 21 

December 12 


Transfer Lab Hours

Monday & Friday | D-101| 9:30 AM - 5 PM

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday | C-590 | 10 AM - 3 PM

Transfer Tabling 

Every Tuesday | A-Atrium | 1 - 4 PM

Transfer Talk

Every Tuesday | C-512A | 2 - 3 PM


Walk-in Hours

Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays | C-590 | 10 AM - 3 PM

Wednesdays | D-101A | 10 AM - 5 PM

Thursdays | D-101A | 10 AM - 1 PM

Thursdays | D-101A and VIRTUAL | 10 AM - 1 PM



Follow Transfer Services on Instagram for updates on events (@hostostransferservices). 



“I Promise Myself”

By Christian D. Larson


I Promise Myself, 

To be so strong that nothing can disturb my peace of mind

To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person I meet.

To make all my friends feel that there is something worthwhile in them.

To look at the sunny side of everything and make my optimism come true.

To think only of the best, to work only for the best

and to expect only the best.

To be just as enthusiastic about the success of

others as I am about my own.

To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the

greater achievements of the future.

To wear a cheerful expression at all times and give a smile

to every living creature I meet.

To give so much time to improving myself that I

have no time to criticize others.

To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear,

and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

To think well of myself and to proclaim this fact to the world,

not in loud words, but in great deeds.

To live in the faith that the whole world is on my side,

so long as I am true to the best that is in me.


Submitted by SVP Esther Rodríguez-Chardavoyne

Hostos Energy Efficiency and Decarbonization Initiatives


Over the years, Hostos Community College has collaborated with DASNY and various City Agencies to implement energy efficiency and decarbonization initiatives when recommended by the CUNY Central Sustainability Office. These projects have been made possible through Capital Project Dollars and Energy Grants such as the ACE (Accelerated Conservation and Efficiency) Program which provides funding for energy efficiency and emission reduction projects. 


Our Key Projects Include:

  • LED Lighting Upgrades at Hostos: In collaboration with NYPA/DCAS, this project is replacing much of the campus’s existing lighting with energy-efficient LED fixtures and advanced lighting controls, significantly reducing energy consumption.
  • Hostos Administration Building HVAC Project: This initiative, made possible by an ACE allocation, is upgrading the heating and cooling systems in the “G” Building, aligning with the City’s goals to cut Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions.
  • Summer Boiler Project: A new 75 hp hot water boiler is being installed for the 450 GC Building to handle minimal summer heating loads, reducing the need for the large 400 hp boiler and enhancing efficiency.
  • Air Handling Unit Project at 475 GC: Recently completed, this project installed nine air handling units in the old wing of the A-building, optimizing the use of chilled water from the central heating and cooling plant.
  • 500 GC Windows Project: This project upgraded the original 1965-era single-pane windows on floors 2 through 5 to high-performance, energy-efficient windows, addressing issues of air infiltration and operational constraints.
  • Savoy Building Green Roof Project: This completed project replaced an outdated roof with a LEED-certified, low-maintenance “moss” green roof, contributing to energy savings and reduced maintenance.
  • Campus-wide Building Automation System Upgrades: This initiative, made possible by an ACE allocation, is modernizing the BAS systems in the A, B, C, and D buildings, improving energy management, comfort, and health across the campus.

Additional efforts that are made on a much smaller scale but on a daily basis – include the following:


  1. E-Waste Recycling: We recycle large quantities of e-waste to prevent the release of pollutants and toxic chemicals (batteries, bulbs, electronics, etc.). 
  2. Donation of Surplus Goods: We donate rather than discard materials with remaining useful life (e.g., PPE, masks etc.).
  3. Food Oil Recycling: Previously, when the cafeteria was in use, food oil was recycled for biodiesel, reducing natural gas consumption and emissions.
  4. Reduction of Single-Use Plastics: With no active cafeteria, the use of single-use plastics is minimal.
  5. Hybrid Work Schedule: This reduces staff commuting, fuel consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions.
  6. Recycling Pickup: We have recycling pickups three times a week.
  7. Green Team Club: Plans are underway to establish a “Green Team” Club at Hostos.
  8. Hybrid Vehicles: We use hybrid vehicles within our fleet.


These initiatives reflect CUNY’s and Hostos Community College’s commitment to environmental responsibility and energy efficiency, and the majority of those projects are the results of the collaborative efforts of the offices of Campus Operations, Campus Planning and Development, and Environmental Health and Safety. We will continue to seek innovative solutions and partnerships to advance our sustainability goals.


Submitted by VP Evelyn Fernández-Ketcham, Ph.D., LCSW

CEWD’s Fall 2024 Catalog

The Division of Continuing Education and Workforce Development’s (CEWD) Fall 2024 catalog is now available online. To view it, please click here

Information Sessions

To learn more about CEWD’s program offerings, please attend one of our upcoming Virtual or In-Person Information Sessions. To register for a session, visit

Virtual Sessions

Saturday, October 5, at 11 AM

Wednesday, November 6, at 6 PM

Wednesday, December 4, at 6 PM


In-Person Sessions at 560 Exterior Street

Wednesday, October 9, at 6 PM

Wednesday, November 13, at 6 PM


Submitted by Colette Atkins

$1 Million Endowed Gift to Hostos for STEM Scholarships

The College has secured $1 million for endowed engineering scholarships to be fully paid within four years. As an endowment, the funds will be invested in perpetuity, and the return on investment will help provide scholarships for STEM students.

Southpole Foundation Gives $20,000 to Create Scholarship for International Students

The Southpole Foundation, founded by David Khym of Wicked Fashions, celebrated 20 years of partnership with CUNY on September 16 by expanding its scholarship to a fifth school — Hostos! This gift will help us establish our first scholarship that is exclusively for international students. International students are not eligible for financial aid or in-state tuition, so they face significantly higher expenses than most students. We are grateful to Mr. Khym and the Southpole Foundation for the partnership! For further details about applying for scholarships, please visit


Celebrating the Accomplishments of the Hostos Community

Make sure to check our website and follow us on social media for all updates: Instagram (@hostoscollege), Facebook (HostosCC), and LinkedIn (CUNY Hostos Community College). 

We Honor Our Community Leaders

We’re delighted with all the leaders and elected officials who joined us for the Distinguished Latino Leaders and Student Scholars Panel on Tuesday, October 1, at the Hostos Research Center. Organized by the Office of Community Relations and the Office of the President, this event honored multiple trailblazers who enhance the quality of lives for thousands of Hispanics/Latinxs in the Bronx. See more about it here and read the full story here!

Berkis Cruz-Eusebio, Thank You!

Congratulations to our very own Berkis Cruz-Eusebio, Career Specialist at Hostos ASAP, whose work has been featured on Spectrum NY1 News. We thank you wholeheartedly for all the Hostos students’ lives you impact daily! 

Golf Outing Surpasses Initial Goal!

A little rain could not stop a wonderful day at the Hostos Community College Foundation’s 18th Annual Golf Outing Classic! Golfers enjoyed a pleasantly warm autumn day at the lovely Pelham Bay and Split Rocks Golf Courses. Hostos supporters from the Bronx and beyond helped the event raise more than $130,000 for scholarships and student services at Hostos. See more here and read about it here.


Free Services for the Community

Hostos Offers Free Preventive Dental Hygiene Services to the Public

The Dental Hygiene Patient Care Facility at Hostos Community College is a teaching unit that provides high-quality dental care, primarily cleanings and dental x-rays to the community, while adhering to the most current sterilization techniques. Several appointments will be needed and each may last three hours at a time.

For more information and scheduling, call 718-319-7943.

The appointment schedule is as follows: 

Mondays: 9 AM - 1 PM and 2 - 6 PM

Wednesdays: 8 AM - 12 PM and 2:30 - 6:30 PM

Fridays: 9 AM - 1 PM and 2 - 6 PM

Location: Hostos Dental Hygiene Patient Care Facility

500 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY, 10451

B Building 

Note: The clinic does not provide restorative dental work such as fillings, implants, etc.




Hostos vs Kingsborough CC

Date | Time: Thursday, October 10 | 6 PM

Location: Gymnasium

Description: Home Volleyball Game


Hostos vs BMCC

Date | Time: Tuesday, October 15 | 6 PM

Location: Gymnasium

Description: Home Volleyball Game


Title: HISPANIC/LATINX HERITAGE MONTH | “Wherever You Go Bloom” by Stephanie Oliveira de Araújo: Hostos Alumna Book Presentation

Date | Time: Tuesday, October 8 | 3 PM

Location: Hostos Research Center

Description: Come and learn about the inspiring life journey of Stephanie Oliveira de Araújo ‘24, who recently published the book “Wherever You Go Bloom,” recounting her life from Brazil to the United States. 

Title: Exploring Italian-American Identity

Date | Time: Wednesday, October 9 | 3 - 4 PM

Location: Zoom Webinar

Description: President Cocco De Filippis invites the College community to join Professor Stephen Cerulli on an exploration of Italian-American heritage. Professor Donna Chirico will share remarks on behalf of the Calandra Italian-American Institute. 

Title: Sofía Rei: Folk and Futurism

Date | Time: Wednesday, October 9 |  7 PM

Location: Repertory Theater

Description: Two-time Grammy-nominated Argentine vocalist and songwriter Sofía Rei – twice featured in NPR’s acclaimed “Tiny Desk” concert series – joins forces with a group of talented female artists from Guatemala, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and Argentina for an evening of innovative music. Get free tickets here.

Title: HISPANIC/LATINX HERITAGE MONTH | Professional Development & Study Abroad Program Reunion

Date | Time: Thursday, October 10 | 3 - 5 PM

Location: A-Atrium

Description: Join the Office of Community Relations and the participants of the Professional Development & Study Abroad Program in the Dominican Republic for a discussion about the outcome of their educational visit to the island. Refreshments will be provided. 

Title: Chamber Music Society at Lincoln Center: Calidore String Quartet

Date | Time: Friday, October 11 | 7 PM

Location: Main Theater

Description: Join the Calidore String Quartet as they dive into the first three string quartets written by Ludwig van Beethoven. These early works already contain the ingredients of Beethoven’s revolutionary drama. This program has been made possible through the Diamonstein-Spielvogel Initiative for Music and Community Engagement. This is a free event.

Title: HISPANIC/LATINX HERITAGE MONTH | Leadership and Legacy: Inspiring the Change

Date | Time: Tuesday, October 15 | 9 AM

Location: Hostos Cafeteria (C-building, third floor)

Description: Wrap up Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month with Community Relations, Health and Wellness, and the Neighborhood Association for Intercultural Affairs (NAICA)! Come and enjoy a delicious breakfast and informative panels about the role of leadership, wellness, and much more for the Latinx community!

Title: International Pronouns Day – A Celebration of Inclusive and Affirming Language

Date | Time: Wednesday, October 16 | 1 - 3 PM

Location: A-Atrium

Description: International Pronouns Day is celebrated annually on the third Wednesday of October. We aim to celebrate the day with an awareness campaign spanning all levels of the campus community. We will enlist the campus community to wear buttons displaying their pronouns and encourage everyone to engage with each other! Refreshments will be provided. 

Title: Senate Meeting – October

Date | Time: Thursday, October 17 | 3:30 PM

Location: Savoy Multipurpose Room

Title: Flora Campesina: A Concert by Puerto Rican Cuatro Player Fabiola Méndez

Date | Time: Saturday, November 2 | 8 PM

Location: Repertory Theater

Description: Cuatro player and composer Fabiola Méndez will arrive in New York City with a contemporary tribute to Puerto Rican folk music as part of the concert tour Flora Campesina, her new musical project. During her concert, the singer-songwriter will share songs from her fourth musical release, where she blends traditional Puerto Rican genres, such as danza, seis, bomba, pasillo, and guaracha, with jazz and modern Afro-Caribbean rhythms. Tickets for the concert are already on sale at and will also be available on the Hostos Center for the Arts & Culture website soon. 

Title: Book Presentation: “American Shield” by Sargeant Aquilino Gonell 

Date | Time: Monday, November 11 | 1 - 2 PM

Location: FDR Room (C-312)

Description: Join us for the book presentation of “American Shield,” the life story of Aquilino Gonell, a Dominican immigrant, former U.S. Army soldier, and Iraq War veteran. For seventeen years, he was a United States Capitol Police Officer and was one of four police officers who testified before the House Select Committee investigating the January 6 insurrection. Refreshments will be served.

Title: NEW DATE | The Office of Alumni Relations Presents: the Hostos Laugh-A-ThON!

Date | Time: Thursday, November 14 | 6 PM

Location: SoBro Gardens | 26 Bruckner Blvd., Bronx, NY 10454

Description: Please save the date for the Office of Alumni Relations’ Laugh-A-ThON! Come out for a night of fun, fellowship, and fundraising, and let's turn laughter into opportunities. Grab your tickets now, bring your friends, and get ready to laugh out loud for a wonderful cause! Appetizers will be provided, and each ticket holder will receive one complimentary beverage. Get your tickets and learn more here.

Title: Senate Meeting – November

Date | Time: Thursday, November 21 | 3:30 PM

Location: Savoy Multipurpose Room

Title: End of Semester All College Meeting

Date | Time: Thursday, December 12 | 2:30 PM (Doors will open at 2 PM)

Location: Repertory Theater

Description: Join us for an end-of-semester gathering, Manos a la Obra/All Hands on Deck Awards ceremony, and a talent show. Light refreshments will be served before the event in the C-lobby at 1:30 p.m.

Title: Senate Meeting – December

Date | Time: Thursday, December 19 | 3:30 PM

Location: Savoy Multipurpose Room


El Semanario Hostosiano / The Hostos Weekly is a communication vehicle designed to unite our multiple voices as we share news about members of the Hostos family, provide updates on our projects and upcoming events, and disseminate policy that impacts our work.  

Past issues can be found here.

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