Tepeyac OB/GYN's Kristen Anderson Perinatal Hospice Program was highlighted in a presentation at the National Right to Life convention held in Herndon, Virginia in late June. The program was named in honor of the daughter of Tepeyac's recently-retired Dr. Marie Anderson. Presenting for Tepeyac and Divine Mercy Care (DMC) were Kathryn Doherty, Chair of the DMC Board of Directors, and Alana Csoka (pictured, right), registered nurse at Tepeyac OB/GYN responsible for administering the perinatal hospice program.

Perinatal hospice is a model of medical and emotional support for parents who choose to continue their pregnancies following a prenatal diagnosis indicating that their babies have a life-limiting condition and might die before or shortly after birth. Tepeyac's program recognizes that each minute a parent spends with their child is precious. The program goal is to see each pregnancy to its natural fruition and to deliver in the fullness of time, thus allowing the baby and family to experience a lifetime together.
Once an adverse prenatal diagnosis is identified, Tepeyac's doctors educate parents on the option to continue the pregnancy. Moms and babies are provided with excellent medical care and seamless support throughout pregnancy, delivery, and a year postpartum. Recognizing the value of every human life, Tepeyac also connects families with additional supportive resources.

Kathryn Doherty is also a former perinatal hospice patient whose sixth child was diagnosed with a potentially lethal birth defect. She reflected, "There was so much pressure to terminate. I was told by other doctors it was selfish to continue my pregnancy and that I was going to make my baby suffer needlessly because she was incompatible with life. But I just knew it wasn't my decision to make. I had to see it through, however it ended." At Tepeyac, Kathryn found comfort, care, and peace. She also delivered a daughter, Margaret Grace, on the Feast of the Assumption, in 2013. Her baby, whom some doctors said was incompatible with life, will be 8 years old this summer.
Tepeyac OB/GYN and DMC additionally offer an annual infant memorial service each October for babies lost to miscarriage, stillbirth, abortion, and other early infant loss, along with a Certificate of Life to acknowledge even the shortest of lives.