Scott D. (USA)
"I’d been aware of bitcoin since it started being talked about but I considered it a fad. Something niche for people doing in depth computer stuff.
I started learning more about crypto currencies, and alt coins, late 2018 thru 2019. The reason behind this deeper research is the growing concern with how the central banking system works and the weird way with things happening in 2020 were developing.
Summertime 2020 is when I first came across the term ‘cloudcoin’. I learned about the Telegram group ‘CloudCoin World’ and joined. As I read and participated in some chats, I came to understand better the difference CloudCoin has from other crypto currencies.
I then read Sean Worthington’s book Beyond Bitcoin.
That is when I decided I need to be part of the project.
I joined the Consortium in September 2020.
My favorite aspect of CloudCoin is true decentralization. Each holder of CloudCoin makes the currency decentralized. No third party bank needed. No transaction tracing. The system used with a network of computers is for fraud prevention of the currency, nothing more. CloudCoin is digital, however, you can make it physical. No third party treasury needed to do that.
CloudCoin has a big future. The potential, should certain forces in the world political arena not prevail, will be very interesting. I’m very hopeful that CloudCoin will become an accepted currency utilized by the world. No fees. No banks needed. No need for exchanging, however, flexible enough that it could be exchanged with sovereign currencies. Transaction times that just take a couple of seconds.
CloudCoin is the only quantum safe option for the future."