Dear friends of Lake Tahoe,

After watching flames march across the mountainsides above our homes on the south shore for days, it’s still hard to comprehend the images on our phones, computers and TVs. We’re holding our breath, just like you. 

Even though the forest is burning, Tahoe is not lost. Far from it.

Thousands of firefighters, law enforcement officials, government workers, land management staff and logistical support teams have prevented the truly unthinkable. They’ve saved lives, structures and property, ensuring that 22,000 South Lake Tahoe residents will have homes to return to. 

While the fight is far from over, we struggle to find words that adequately express our gratitude to the women and men who put our safety above their own. We thank you. We thank you more than we can say.

When you feel powerless, helping those in need is the best way to heal. Consider donating to one of the organizations actively providing aid to those affected by the Caldor Fire.

  • EL DORADO COMMUNITY FOUNDATION created the Caldor Fire Fund to channel donations to families and individuals impacted by the fire. You can donate here.

  • AMERICAN RED CROSS is staffing evacuation centers and providing support for evacuees of the Caldor Fire. You can donate here.

  • PLACER FOOD BANK is on the front lines of emergency food response/distribution to those impacted by the River and Caldor Fires. You can donate here.

  • FOOD BANK OF NORTHERN NEVADA is offering food assistance for Caldor Fire evacuees. You can donate here.

  • NEVADA HUMANE SOCIETY is managing the pet-friendly evacuation site located at Fuji Park in Carson City, as well as accepting and distributing donations to other shelters accepting animals and pets. You can donate here.

  • LAKE TAHOE WILDLIFE CARE is providing critical support for injured and displaced animals. You can donate here.

Continue to keep yourselves informed. We’ve assembled a list of helpful links about the fire, evacuations, shelters, air quality and more. 
While the fire continues to burn, now is not the time to visit Tahoe. Please postpone your Labor Day trips, no matter where at the Lake you had planned to be. You could be putting yourself and first responders in danger. Rest assured, Tahoe will be here for you when the smoke clears. The League will make sure of it.

Like many south shore residents who were evacuated, our team at the League is scattered across Nevada, Oregon, Washington and California. But our hearts and minds never left the Lake. We know yours haven’t either. 

The Lake is changing, but our commitment never will. Together, we will heal. Together, we will Keep Tahoe Blue.

Stay safe, everyone.
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League to Save Lake Tahoe | 530.541.5388 |