June 2022
From the Desk of the Superintendent

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
It is wonderful to be able to share all that is going on across the Region with each of you. There are many positive things happening in our churches and among our people. I am looking forward to the summer. I did a video of my opening instead of a written one. Click the link below to view it. I also did a recording of a prayer time for the Region. I would love to have you view it and pray along with me for the Region, upcoming campmeetings, our churches, and the upcoming Convention. There is a link below for that as well. I hope this newsletter is a blessing to you.

Regional Happenings
On Sunday, June 12, two members were baptized at Faith Evangelical in Melrose, MA.
Celebration Sunday
Rockland Community Church in North Scituate, RI, welcomed two new members, and baptized 2 boys.
What's happening at your church? Send info and pictures to
Penny Crusade
Advent Christian ministry partnerships now exist in more than 20 countries. Indian pastors, Filipino missionaries, African pastors, children’s homes, a Bible college, discipleship groups, feeding ministries, training events and new church plants are all strengthened by money raised through Penny Crusade.
Can you guess which church this is? The first person to email the office ( with the correct answer will receive a small prize. If this is your home church, we ask that you refrain from answering.
The May Church was the South Eliot AC Church in Eliot, ME. Frank Jewett guessed it correctly.

Send an outside picture of your church, without the sign/name, to
"Nobody ever outgrows Scripture; the book widens and deepens with our years." Charles Spurgeon
Half of Americans Affirm the Bible Contains the Keys to Living a Meaningful Life
A slight majority of Americans agrees that scripture's message is particularly helpful; 54 percent say the Bible contains everything a person needs to live a meaningful life. This view has fallen significantly since last year when over two-thirds of adults (68%) affirmed the Bible as an important source of wisdom.
BIBLE STUDY MAGAZINE - Does greater Scripture engagement make for better neighbors? Looking at things like volunteerism, non-church charitable giving, civic engagement, and pro-social behavior, the research overwhelmingly says, "Yes." So much for people being "too heavenly minded to be of any earthly good." Bible reading changes people - or changed people read their Bibles, or both! (by Josh Kelley p. 18 March/April 2022 issue)
Isaiah 55:8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord."

Compiled by Greg Twitchell
Monthly Devotional Thought
The Benefits and Application of the Gospel

"For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." Galatians 5:13-14

In our series on the gospel, we need to speak about the benefits and application of the gospel since it brings us great assurance, comfort, encouragement, and edification in the Lord as well as growth in the church - the body and bride of Christ.

The Gospel sets us free from sin, the power of sin, and from bondage. In the gospel we are called to freedom (the benefits of the gospel). Jesus sets us free to know the truth (John 8:31-32), and the truth sets us free. Thus, we are free, not to indulge in sin and dabble with the flesh, and the world, but to be sanctified and set apart to serve Christ. As we are drawn closer to Jesus daily? Does our love continue to grow for Him? Does our understanding of what Jesus did for us at Calvary help us to persevere and practice our Christianity? In other words, do we love Jesus more and more daily?

In knowing the Gospel, knowing Jesus, we are also free to serve and love one another as the Apostle Paul mentions in the above Scripture. Do we love other believers? Do we practice patience with others? Do we forgive when misunderstood? Do we serve other Christians? In other words, are we committed to the church and the fellowship of the church? Are the members in your church committed to one another in love to serve others? Are we devoted to the fellowship of the church? If they are not, you are not preaching the gospel and its benefits.

The benefits of the gospel are great...Deliverance from self and selfishness, forgiveness of our sins, knowing God (having a relationship with the Triune God), having a clear conscience, possessing eternal life, justification, adoption, reconciliation, redemption, union with Christ, sanctification, and ultimately our glorification when Jesus returns.

It is good to know and understand the gospel, but it is equally important to remember to put into practice the gospel (Love and serve Christ - Love and serve others). Let's do that in our churches. Then our churches will grow in Christ. Blessing to all of you in Christ.

Pastor Jim Caron ~ Faith Bible Church, Plainville, CT
Truth Told Blog
The Future Glory of this Temple Will be Greater than its Past Glory

Haggai preached four messages, the second of these four was to let the community know that God had not forgotten the promises of blessing and restoration made by earlier prophets.

Click on the picture to read the rest of the article.

Excerpts from Advent Christian History
By Albert C. Johnson
Adventist meetings began at an early date in this State, Wm. Miller giving a course of lectures in the City Hall at Hartford in March 1842, which were attended with great interest, and at New Haven in November in the Methodist Episcopal Church, where a gracious revival followed. In 1845 he also visited Hartford, attended a campmeeting at Newington, and another one at Square Pond, where later on meetings were held for many years. In the fifties Hartford was a kind of rallying center of Adventist interest as it was the home of Elds. W. S. Campbell and Joseph Turner, who were active workers in those days, and Dr. O. R. Fassett served as pastor there for a brief season.


occurred in this city in 1853 when what was called the Hartford Bible Convention, but later known as an Infidel Convention, held its four-day discussion of three sessions a day. According to the printed call for the gathering it was to be held, "For the purpose of freely and fully canvassing the Origin, Authority and Influence of the Jewish and Christian Scriptures." An invitation was extended to "all who feel an interest in this question, without distinction of sex, color, sect, or party, to come together, that we may sit down like brethren before the altar of intellectual and spiritual freedom." One hundred sixty-eight names were printed with the call as endorsing the same, including citizens of eight different States, extending as far as St. Louis, Mo., and much was said about its being a "free" convention. There was an imposing array of talent. Among those very prominent in the discussion we note the names of Andrew Jackson David, a noted apostle of Spiritualism and the author of One Hundred and forty-four Self-Contradictions of the Bible (later so ably replied to by Mrs. H. V. Reed in The Bible Triumphant); Joseph Barker, formerly a Christian minister in England, but later an infidel and at one time President of the British National Secular Society, a very able debater; Henry C. Wright, an ex-minister, but a man of conspicuous ability; Wm. Lloyd Garrison of anti-slavery fame. These and others in carefully prepared resolutions and able addresses made a most varied, vigorous and extended assault on the Bible, denying its inspiration, charging error, falsehood, self-contradiction and every evil influence to the Bible, at the same time showing themselves exceedingly familiar with it and commending some of its teachings.

Eld. George Storrs, having been urged by Eld. Miles Grant, who was then living at Winsted, Conn., himself a skeptic in his early days, to attend this convention did so and was joined by Eld. Joseph Turner, and these two brethren day after day stood up in this convention and in a most courteous, patient, and able manner defended the Bible and were the only clergymen who appeared in its support, though all far and near were challenged to do so if they could. They were allowed about one0third of the time of the sessions, as they estimated it, and they had a vantage ground in that they were known as anti-slavery men, Eld. Storrs especially, and were also able to deny that the immortality of the soul and eternal misery were doctrines of the Bible, the latter being an especial point of attack by those who assailed the Book. The measure of success obtained by these defenders of the Bible and its doctrines, is seen in the fact that the convention adjourned sine di, and had no successor as at first planned, and in the


which was given by citizens of Hartford, who soon after the close of said convention assembled in a meeting of large numbers which was presided over by Rev. L. B. Griffin, a Methodist minister, at which, among other resolutions, the following was adopted:

"Resolved, That the sincere and hearty thanks of Christendom are due to the Rev. Messrs. Storrs, of New York, and turner, of this city, for their able, manly, fearless, laborious, and triumphant defense of the Holy Scriptures during the recent convention."

This stalwart defense of Christian truth, in this battle of giants, must have given the Adventist cause considerable prestige in all that region. It was an ordeal into which these brethren entered rather suddenly, without much knowledge of the lines of attack to be made, or what course they should pursue in reply and not a little fearful of the issue; but when the conflict was on they felt inspired and divinely upheld, and at its close rejoiced that they had entered the arena and confronted the enemy on his own ground.
Meetinghouse Village reminds active and retired AC pastors that they may stay free of charge on Sunday and Monday overnights at our Tower Memorial Suite. Other nights are available at the reduced rate of $25 per night. Availability is dependent on prior bookings and certain Covid-19 protocols. To inquire about a reservation, email
Upcoming Events
Sports and Music Camp
June 26-July 2 in Alton Bay
Green Mountain Bible Camp
July 3-10
July 5-7 Day Camp
July 10-15 Senior Camp
July 17-22 Intermediate Camp
July 24-29 Junior Camp
August 12-14 Family Camp
Beebe Camp
July 10-17 Beebe Camp Week

Bible Teacher: Lou Going
Evening Speaker: Chris Barton and Joel Robichaud
Camp Marion
July 10-15 Junior Camp
July 17-22 Intermediate Camp
July 31-August 5 Senior Camp 1
August 7-12 Senior Camp 2
Mechanic Falls
July 10-16 Camp MACC
July 17-22 Junior Camp
July 24-31 Teen & Family Camp
Big Lake
July 16-24 Youth & Family Camp
July 18-23 Senior Camp
July 25-30 Junior Camp
July 31-August 7 Family Camp
Camp Washington
July 24-30 Junior Camp
July 31-August 6 Senior Camp
July 31-August 7 Family Camp
Camp Faithful
Family Camp July 30-August 6
White River Camp
August 6-13 Family & Teen Camp
Annual Convention
The Annual Convention is scheduled for October 21-22 and will be held at Gordon Conwell Seminary. More information to come as the details are worked out.
Keynote Speaker
Rev. J. Brent Ross is the third son of Rev. Lorne Ross who was the first Superintendent of the Eastern Region. Brent graduated from Berkshire Christian College in 1976. He is married to Janie Parker Ross. Brent has served as Georgia Conference President, 16 years as the Southern Region President, and for 8 years as President of the Advent Christian General Conference. Brent is in his 42nd year as pastor of Hope Community Fellowship in Loganville, Georgia. Brent and Janie are the proud grandparents of four granddaughters.
We will be providing a series of devotionals on Advent Christian texts each month leading up to the Convention. We hope and pray that these will inspire you as we prepare our hearts for the Coming of the Lord!

Click on Willie's picture to visit his website for upcoming events.
Seminary-level teaching brought to your local New England church in partnership with Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary.
We believe that as leaders and lay people in the local church are equipped (Ephesians 4), churches will thrive. These courses will be offered in area churches in two, two-day intensives starting in Sept. Visit their website to see course offerings and schedules.
Previous copies of the monthly newsletter are on our website.

Have a mobile phone? You can now give to the Region through Venmo!
Online Prayer Meeting Tuesdays from 9-10 AM

ERA Board of Directors  
Rev. George Karl, President -
Rev. Dwight Dean, Vice President -
Rev. Allen Latimore, Clerk -
Mr. John Jones, Treasurer -
Rev. Doug Tourgee, Heritage Conf. President -
Rev. Alan Chamberlin, Maine Conf. Vice President -
Rev. Josh Rice, Maranatha Conf. President -
Rev. Derek Irvine, New Life Conf. President -
Mr. Adam Facteau, New York Conf. President -
Rev. Ken Perkins, Nova Scotia Conf. President -
Mrs. Deb Reed, ERA Representative to ACGC -
Rev. Steve Lawson, ACGC Executive Director -

The Eastern Regional Association Newsletter is published as a ministry of the Eastern Regional Association of the Advent Christian General Conference.
ERA Ministry Leaders
Eastern Regional Association
32 Four Rod Road, Rochester, NH 03867
Phone: 603-332-1412 / Fax: 603-332-1648