Fostering a just peace in Israel and Palestine through education

October 2024

Message from the Executive Director

Dear Friend,

For a full year now we have seen horror upon horror unfolding in what the world’s three monotheistic religions consider to be a holy land. We beg, plead, and pray for a miracle to shift the ugly course that continues to unfold, to no avail.

My heart weighs heavy, as do so many millions around the world — what can we do? Keeping our prayers focused on peace and justice is critical, so please continue. Helping others understand is essential too. I share Father Chacour’s books, Blood Brothers and We Belong to the Land, whenever I see an opening and a curiosity to understand in one I am speaking to — what has worked for you?

We have an incredible opportunity coming up very soon to share even further, when Fr. Chacour visits the US. I hope you can join us in person or via live-stream. Many of our friends across the country who cannot travel to Indiana or Michigan have indicated they will host a get together with members of their community to listen to Father Chacour’s message of peace and reconciliation — please consider doing so as well.

May the madness reach its conclusion before more lives are tragically cut short.

Many blessings,

Essrea Cherin

Executive Director

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Abuna Visit to US

As you may imagine given the escalation of violence between Israel and Lebanon, almost all flights from the Tel Aviv airport have been cancelled. This forces our dear Father Chacour to look at other options that involve additional hassle and time.

However, as you may know, he is persistent and not going to let a few more obstacles interfere in his ability to be with us in America. I hope you can appreciate the effort that he will expend to travel to the US — now having re-routed his trip to depart from Amman, Jordan.

Please join us in praying that all goes well on his journey to the US.

If you are in the area or even wiling to travel a bit, you are most welcome to attend any of the following events. Those that will also be available via live-stream will have an * beside them.

Click the button below to register.

Those available via live-stream will have an * beside them.

Wednesday, October 9 1pm, Greencroft Retirement Community auditorium, Goshen, IN Cancelled due to revised itinerary

Thursday, October 10 6:30pm, Plymouth Congregational Church,

Ft Wayne, IN*

Friday, October 11 7pm, Eighth Street Mennonite Church, Goshen, IN*

Sunday, October 13 Worship: 9am*, 11am, and 5pm at Grosse Pointe Memorial Church, MI (no need to register)

Monday, October 14 10:30am - 12:30pm Fundraising luncheon hosted by Grosse Point Memorial Church at the War Memorial, featuring a panel discussion with Father Chacour, Rev Dr Bruce Rigdon, Rev. Susan Mozena and others. Register to attend no later than TODAY 2pm ET so that we can prepare properly.

* Live-stream links for Father Chacour's talks also available when you click the button below.

Register To Attend

Watch Parties for Abuna’s Presentations

We recognize that there is vast interest in Abuna (Father) Chacour extending his If you are unable to travel to one of the locations where Fr. Chacour will speak, perhaps you’d like to host a live-streamed ‘Watch Party’?

Consider sharing Father Chacour’s message of hope, peace and reconciliation in the Holy Land with others in your church or community. As you know, his love for all god’s children pours forth when he speaks, and helps others to rise above the fray, so to speak.

This link takes you to a flyer you can download to share electronically or print and share — and you can select any of the presentations that will be live-streamed at a time that works best for you.

Do let me know if you plan to host a gathering — I want to be able to share with Father Chacour the breadth of audience members who will ‘tune in’ to each presentation.

Register Your Watch Party Here

Mar Elias Update

From Dr. Emil Halloun, head of the International Relations Office at MEEI:

Dear Friends,


It's been nearly a year since our region began to experience heightened instability and complexity on all fronts, adding layers of tension, and sadly, deepening, thus, the divides within our diverse community of Jews, Arabs, Muslims, Christians, and Druze. All of us—breathing the same air and hearing the same harrowing sounds of sirens and explosions—have been starkly reminded of the fragility of our existence in this small land.


In recent days, our towns and villages across Galilee and Mt. Carmel, including Ibillin, Shafoamer, and Isfiya, have been shaken by missiles impacting nearby farms and homes. This has sadly become an all-too-common occurrence in our region and is particularly distressing for everyone in the communities from which the students and faculty of MEEI come.

Since September 20th, Mar Elias Educational Institutions have resumed classes via Zoom amidst these challenging conditions. Our experienced and dedicated faculty, counselors, and administrators have prioritized the emotional well-being and stability of our students above all. Inspired by the resilience modeled by our founder, Father Elias Chacour, who endured numerous conflicts from his childhood, we continue to foster a spirit of perseverance. Father Chacour's experiences now resonate deeply with our students, for whom words like “wars” "shelters" and "missiles" have unfortunately become a part of their vocabulary.


Despite these trials, our commitment to providing a safe and nurturing educational environment remains unwavering. Father Chacour and Mrs. Nawar Mussalam will share more during their upcoming visit.


In closing, I'm reminded of the words of Thomas Merton, the American Roman Catholic monk, which seem especially pertinent now for all of us who live far from each other and yet are united in our vocation guided by our faith in the value of life:


"If you want to identify me, ask me not where I live, or what I like to eat, or how I comb my hair, but ask me what I am living for, in detail, ask me what I think is keeping me from living fully for the thing I want to live for."


Thank you for your steadfast friendship and support!

Trips to the Holy Land in 2025

Most pilgrimages to Israel and Palestine have shifted their focus from holy site excursions, spiritual journeys, and even from the social justice talking tours, to more experiential opportunities to listen, serve and stand in solidarity with Palestinians across Israel and Palestine. 

Currently Pilgrims of Ibillin is planning just such a visit March 30 - April 10, 2025. This trip is a departure from our traditional Living Stones Pilgrimages, however, if you have a calling to be in solidarity, to witness the changing geo-political and theological landscape, as well as visit and experience Mar Elias Educational Institutions (and Father Chacour) as they continue to provide education as well as safe haven and sanctuary for students in the region, we absolutely welcome you to join us on a witness and encounter journey. 

An example of how visits to the Holy Land have changed since October 2023, a member of the Pilgrims’ board traveled with a solidarity group early in 2024; she shared that this visit required her to continually stop, look and witness what was happening on the fringes, the edges, and deep within the hearts of people they encountered. Unscheduled and unscripted visits felt even more enlightening than the speakers on the agenda.

We hear repeatedly that Palestinians feel unheard and unseen: our presence and witness makes a difference when it moves us to attune our hearts, eyes, and ears to the wisdom and pain of suffering. We invite you to bring your presence and caring heart on the 2025 trip.

Please contact Pilgrims of Ibillin’s Executive Director, Essrea Cherin, at 303.928.0923 or when you reply to this email, to discuss your interest and she will provide additional information for you.

Webinar Series Recordings Available

If you missed any of the Stones Cry Out Webinars you can access the recordings of a series of incisive presentations and programs by clicking the button below:

Stones Cry Out Series Recordings
Donate Today

Your donations support the ongoing work of

Pilgrims' Peace Partners in fostering a just peace

through education in Israel and Palestine.

Thank you.

Essrea Cherin

Executive Director, Pilgrims of Ibillin

(303) 928-0923