Note From Principal Atkins


Welcome back! I wish we were returning to a less stressful COVID landscape, but I am grateful that we're in a community that is being so thoughtful and vigilant. Thank you for understanding the new COVID guidelines and working with us to keep this school as safe as we can.

I hope everyone stayed safe and warm during our chilly Snow Day yesterday. In case this should happen again, the District policy around snow days is that the first day is considered a traditional no school/work day, and any subsequent days would shift to remote learning. We are encouraging all students to take home their Chromebooks every day.

SchoolChoice season is upon us (I'm looking at you families with children entering ECE, Kinder, Middle or High school this Fall!). We have prepared information for prospective parents and will also hosted a virtual Open House this weekend to share with others more about our incredible school and community. Families with children entering ECE3, ECE4, Kindergarten, Middle School, or High School MUST participate in SchoolChoice (Jan 14-Feb 15).

Please continue to reach out if you have any questions as we navigate these adjustments. We appreciate each and every one of you!

Michael Atkins