Greeters / Cookie Providers Needed
Are you willing to greet before a Sunday service or
bring a treat for a Sunday coffee reception?
Dates are now available with the link (to the right)
or notify Murry at 243-2764 / murry@mayflowerchurch
Summertime, we combine preschoolers with grade school students so children learn and grow together, and easily invite friends or family, who may be visiting to join the fun!
Office Help Needed
Are you interested in assisting the office with mailings?
We need help on July 27 and August 26th.
Please email Murry Idema to get on the list.
Would you be willing to pick up a Mayflower friend who cannot drive to choir rehearsal or worship? We have members who would love to attend but are unable to drive themselves and would truly appreciate your help!
Please contact Murry at 243-2764 / murry@mayflowerchurch
The Usher Team is seeking a few more good men and women to join them in welcoming people on Sundays and serve during worship for Communion, prayer cards, attendance, and offering.

If you would be interested in joining this team of friendly members, please contact the office or Kris Wilson, lead usher.
Are you a gardener?!
Do you have a green thumb?!
We'd love to have your help tending to the greenery in the Atrium.

Please contact the office or Greg Scott if interested.
Are you a stitcher or other craftsperson?
Join us in the Mayflower Needlepoint Guild for an enjoyable time spent in the Atrium doing any creative fiber project.
Continuing through Summer!!
Friends share techniques and teach anyone new who is interested in this craft.
10:30am -12:30pm.
If you are interested in more information,
please contact Andrea Koster.
We are implementing new security measures to be aware of including locked
exterior doors at the Portico entrance during office hours with buzzer entry
and after the start of worship service on Sundays.
For more information on Mayflower Safety & Security protocols,
please visit
For questions or other concerns, please email:
Prayers of Celebration or Concern
are often requested for our
Mayflower Church Family and Friends.
If you would like to receive the detailed Mayflower Prays prayer list,
Would you like to donate and dedicate fresh Altar or Lectern and Pulpit flowers for Sundays?
Thank You!
Or call Laura Van Wyk in the office to schedule 616-459-6255
Scan the QR Code to give/pay directly through E-zekiel.
No sign-up required.
Download the app and create an account for future secure scan-and-go transactions.
It's easier than ever to give a donation, send in your pledge offering, or pay for events, and more.

Help us hold lightly to our possessions and
help us hold tightly to the things that really matter:
our love for God and our love for each other.

The ongoing ministries at Mayflower depend on your generosity — and we thank you!
616-459-6255 /
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am until 3:30pm
Summer Hours June-July: Monday - Thursday 8:30am-2:30pm, F 8:30am-12:00pm
If you, or a family member, have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, 
or you exhibit any of the symptoms associated, or have recently tested positive for COVID-19, please
refrain from attending any Mayflower event until you have been through the proper time of quarantine.