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July 10, 2024

Law Enforcement in our Regional Parks and Rural Communities

As a lifelong hiker and nature enthusiast, I deeply respect the work of our dedicated park rangers and I’m grateful for their presence in our beautiful Regional Parks. There’s a lot of misinformation about the proposed amendment to park ranger status, which would change our park rangers from “Peace Officers” to “Public Officers.” I’d like to address that proposed change and clarify why I support an expanded, holistic approach to law enforcement in our Regional Parks and rural communities.


First of all, our park rangers will continue to keep folks safe in our Regional Parks. We are not proposing eliminating park rangers! Currently, rangers’ primary tools for enforcing park rules are education, warnings, and administrative citations. The proposed transition from “Peace Officer” to “Public Officer” will not change their ability to issue citations. According to the ordinance presented to the Board of Supervisors, “The Director of Regional Parks and any person designated by the Director as Public Officers, including Park Rangers, shall have the authority to issue citations for misdemeanors for violations of the laws of California and County ordinances when committed within a County of Sonoma Park and within the Public Officer’s presence.” Public Officers will also be authorized to arrest individuals for misdemeanors.


In other words: we are not eliminating park rangers or their enforcement abilities. With this change, we actually aim to hire more rangers. Currently, we have a 45% vacancy rate in our park rangers, partly due to the loss of local training for Peace Officer status. SRJC’s training program closed in 2020, forcing aspiring park rangers to seek expensive out-of-state training.


There has also been concern expressed that we are “dumbing down” park rangers. I disagree strongly with that characterization. As Public Officers, park rangers will still have access to hi-lo sirens, assist with evacuations, enter disaster areas, and issue citations. Salaries and benefits will not change. This proposal clarifies the ranger’s primary role as educational and informational, while Sheriff’s deputies will handle situations requiring escalated responses — like domestic violence calls or incidents involving firearms. Deputies’ training exceeds that of Park Rangers as Peace Officers and they are already called to respond to escalated situations on Parks property. But please don’t think your Public Officer park rangers will be underprepared! Entry-level training for the job will still include more than 300 hours on topics such as emergency medical response, strategic communications, customer service, de-escalation tactics, water and wildfire safety, defensive driving, public safety coordination and other skills applicable to the county park ranger job series.


Currently, park rangers do not carry guns, cannot arrest and transport suspects, and are not part of the 911 emergency dispatch system. For public safety in our unincorporated Sonoma County Regional Parks, we need the assistance of Sheriff’s deputies. Unfortunately, Sheriff’s deputies are few and far between in West County. Our coastal deputies respond to calls over a large territory, and the Guerneville substation covers urban and rural areas. Deputies do their best but often face situations where backup is half an hour or more away. We need additional deputies to enhance public safety, support officer safety, and allow more community-oriented policing in our small towns. 


To this end, on next week’s agenda, you’ll also find an item that creates a new Parks Bureau within the Sheriff’s office. Funded by Regional Parks and operationalized by a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Regional Parks and the Sheriff’s Office, we plan to hire four new deputies and a sergeant who will be focused on enhancing public safety in our Regional Parks system. Unlike park rangers, these deputies will also be part of the 911 emergency dispatch system and will be available as mutual aid for non-Parks-related incidents as well.


Long story short: I love our park rangers. My goal is to fill the ranks of our park rangers and bring more law enforcement to our rural parks. I want to make our Regional Parks safer, and believe that we have a holistic strategy on next week’s agenda to accomplish that goal. The Board of Supervisors will vote on both these items — establishing a Parks Bureau within the Sheriff’s office, and the change to park ranger status — next Tuesday.

Lower Russian River MAC Meeting - Tomorrow, Thursday July 18

Fife Creek Commons Community Room
16376 5th Street  Guerneville
Main Topic
Update from County Roads and Overview of the Pavement Preservation Program
See Meeting Agenda and Zoom Link

Sonoma County Coast Municipal Advisory Council – July 18

Local Coastal Plan Update

The main topic at this month’s Coast MAC meeting will be an update from Permit Sonoma regarding the certification process of the Local Coastal Plan by the California Coastal Commission.


The meeting will be held at the Del Mar Center, 40600 Leeward Road, The Sea Ranch and it begins at 6 PM.

The full agenda and Zoom link for remote participation will be published 72 hours prior to the meeting here.

Sonoma Coast MAC logo

Mendonoma Mobile Health & Dental Clinic

Join us on for our first day of service on Thursday, August 15th at Fort Ross Elementary School, 30600 Seaview Road, Cazadero (in Timber Cove). Services are available for children ages 0-16 and will include dental exams, x-rays, cleaning, sealants and referrals. Appointments are available from 9:30 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Schedule an appointment online

Free Breakfast and Lunch for Kids at the Guerneville Library

Visit the Guerneville Library on Tuesdays and pick up a week’s worth of breakfast and lunch for your kids!


Great things are happening at the Sebastopol Center for the Arts!

We’re thrilled to announce that the Sebastopol Veterans Building kitchen is set to undergo significant upgrades! This project will replace outdated equipment with appliances designed to improve energy efficiency, meet current health and sanitation codes, and enhance overall workflow.

This renovation is made possible through the allocation of $250,000 from County general funds and an additional $100,000 from Transient Occupancy Tax funds. These enhancements will ensure that the kitchen continues to swerve our community effectively and sustainably for years to come.

The Center’s current exhibit, Reverberations 2024 runs through August 10. Free admission to this curated exhibit of art & ekphrastic poetry from private collections is being offered on July 16.

Learn more about Reverberations 2024 here
view rarely seen works of art from the homes of private collectors and Bay Area organizations while enjoying the sounds of live DJs

Waveforms in the Gallery

View rarely seen works of art from the homes of private collectors and Bay Area organizations in the Reverberations 2024 exhibit while enjoying the sounds of live DJs.

More information about Waveforms in the Gallery

Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Event

Monte Rio, July 30

Monte Rio Household Hazardous Waste event

Zero Waste Sonoma offers free HHW Collection Events every Tuesday at different locations throughout Sonoma County. To book an appointment for July 30 in Monte Rio, click the button below. 


Once you complete the form, a confirmation email will be sent to you with the specific address of the event.

State transportation laws limit each vehicle to a maximum of 125 pounds or 15 gallons (by container size) of hazardous waste. Containers larger than 5 gallons cannot be accepted. Never mix chemicals. Place HHW in sealed containers in the trunk, packed to prevent spills.


For questions, please call the HHW Program at 707-795-2025 or email

Click here to schedule an appointment for July 30 in Monte Rio

Seeking applicants for the Economic Development Board and Municipal Advisory Councils

Are you interested in serving as an appointee to the Economic Development Board, Lower Russian River MAC or Sonoma County Coast MAC? Please follow the links below for more information and to access the applications.

The Sonoma County Economic Development Board (EDB) is focused on growing a healthy economy by helping our businesses in Sonoma County.

The Coast MAC (CMAC) is established to advise the Board of Supervisors and other County decision makers on local planning and management decisions relating to the Sonoma County Coast region, to provide a regular forum for citizen participation in the formation of advisory recommendations on those decisions and to provide a bridge for communication between the County and local residents and businesses, and the general public on local government decisions affecting the Sonoma County Coast.

The River MAC (LRRMAC) is established to advise the Board of Supervisors and other County decision makers on proposed projects located within the MAC and related topics of interest relating to the Lower Russian River region, to provide a regular forum for citizen participation in the formation of advisory recommendations on those decisions and to provide a bridge for communication between the County and local residents and businesses, and the general public on local government decisions affecting the Lower Russian River.

Upcoming Meetings & Events

July 11, 5:30 PM River MAC

July 18, 6 PM: Coast MAC (note 6 PM start time)

Fifth District Supervisor Lynda Hopkins | County of Sonoma | 707-565-2241

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