Dear Centenary Family,
I want to call your attention to a few things coming up as we approach Holy Week.
This coming Sunday at 9:30am we are having a Let’s Get Acquainted event in the church parlor. We’re inviting recent worship guests and Centenary members to get together for a time of fellowship and good food. I hope you’ll plan to join us. Better yet, invite someone to come with you to this fellowship time and attend worship with you this coming Sunday.
In worship this Sunday, we focus on a text that you may recall learning about in Sunday School or at Church camp. It’s Ezekiel 37:1-14, the vision of the prophet Ezekiel of the valley of dry bones coming to life. Even here in the midst of Lent as we are journeying with Jesus toward Jerusalem and the cross, God’s life-giving power cannot be contained. If you need a word of hope, I hope you’ll join us. My title this week is The Life-Giving God.
Please note these special instructions for Palm Sunday, April 2.
This year, we continue to rebuild our tradition of gathering with the other downtown churches in the Blessing of the Palms Service. If you’ve never been part of this service, I hope you’ll plan to join us. It’s an uplifting time.
At 9:45am we’ll gather in the social hall and distribute Palms. Then we will process down Grace Street to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, where we’ll participate in a brief service of the Blessing of the Palms. Then we will return to Centenary for our regular 10:30am service. I hope you’ll join us! Please note, the start of our service could be delayed a few minutes as we all return from St. Paul’s and settle in for worship here.
I hope you’ll also note the schedule for our other Holy Week services with Holy Thursday Communion at 7:30pm on April 6 here in the sanctuary. Our Good Friday Tenebrae service at 7:30pm on April 7 is always impressive and moving and draws a sharp contrast between the tragedy of Jesus’ death and the joy of Easter Sunday.
In this season, I hope and pray that each of us might experience that depth of God’s love we see in the cross of Christ and receive the power of new life to live as faithful followers of Christ even in these challenging times.
Yours in Christ’s love,