- Featuring the Produce Quality Meter -
An Interview with
Dr. Ioannis Minas:
Utilizing Non-Destructive Sensors to Improve Fruit Quality and Grower Decision-Making
F-750 Produce Quality Meter Taking a brix measurement
Assistant Professor Dr. Ioannis Minas from Colorado State University joined us recently to discuss his research and give a behind-the-scenes look at how he uses the F-750 Produce Quality Meter. Our Director of Applied Science, Galen George, and Dr. Minas discussed how traditional fruit quality testing methods are being replaced by modern technology. Dr. Minas has been able to delve deeper into his research and better understand how to measure the maturity of produce using NIR spectroscopy.
NIR spectroscopy is used to non-destructively test fruit’s dry matter and brix in seconds, while traditional methods are inaccurate or require wasteful and tedious techniques. In this interview, we wanted to gain insight into how Dr. minas uses spectroscopy and how he plans to help get it into the hands of more growers. Don’t miss out on this formative interview. Watch or read how NIR spectroscopy is changing the agriculture industry for the better.
Read the full story to learn more about Dr. Minas' research and use of the Produce Quality Meter.
- Intro to Spectroscopy -
Exploring the Advantages of NIR Spectroscopy in Agriculture:
A Comprehensive Infographic
In the agriculture industry, accurately analyzing the chemical composition of crops and soil is crucial for optimizing growth and yield. One powerful and efficient method for achieving this is Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS).
NIR spectroscopy is a non-destructive technique that allows for quick and accurate measurement of various properties in plants and soil, such as protein, moisture, oil, and sugar content. This information can make data-driven decisions that improve crop quality, productivity, and overall efficiency. However, many users of NIRS in agriculture may not be aware of this technology’s full range of capabilities and applications.
Explore the full infographic below and learn more about this fascinating technology!
- From Freakonomics Radio -
How Smart Is a Forest?
Ecologist Suzanne Simard studies the relationships between trees in a forest: they talk to each other, punish each other, and depend on each other. What can we learn from them?
People I (Mostly) Admire is hosted by Steven Levitt, the unorthodox University of Chicago economist and co-author of the Freakonomics book series, who tracks down other high achievers and asks questions that only he would think to ask.
- Interview With a Researcher -
Insider Look:
Unearthing the Secrets of Root Growth Vigor with Ehsan From True Organic’s R&D Department
In a recent conversation with Scott (CID), Ehsan shared his work in the R&D department of True Organic, where he focuses on improving crop vigor by creating a better environment for crops. Specifically, he discussed using rhizotrons to measure and visualize root growth in response to various fertilizer treatments. Although Ehsan encountered some difficulties and limitations, understanding what’s happening below ground is crucial to comprehending crop growth.
April 2-5, the Felix Instruments team is heading to Auckland, NZ, to showcase the most advanced, non-destructive fruit maturity meters at the World Avocado Congress 2023!
The World Avocado Congress is the premium event for the global avocado community. Arguably the Olympics of the avocado industry, the Congress is only held every four years. It represents an extraordinary opportunity for the avocado industry to come together, share, collaborate, and collectively influence positive growth of the whole sector.
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Mango yield and quality are low even though the fruit has been cultivated for a long time. External and internal parameters, shelf life potential, and nutraceutical contents define fruit quality. These attributes show wide variations between and within trees, orchards, and regions from one year to the next. These quality variations reduce the market and export potential of crops. Optimizing quality and improving consistency can help increase profits. It will simultaneously reduce food loss and waste, making food production more sustainable. Read more to find out how mango quality can be improved.
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Top 105 Essential Resources for Agriculture Professionals: Updated for 2023
In the constantly evolving world of agriculture, professionals must remain up-to-date with the latest information and technologies to maximize efficiency and reduce waste. Felix Instruments is committed to creating the world’s most precise, portable, and non-destructive measurement tools to support these goals. With this updated list of the top 100 essential resources for agriculture professionals in 2023, Felix Instruments hopes to provide a comprehensive guide that will help professionals improve their work in the field and contribute to a healthier, more productive planet for all.
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