Cornwall Public Library Newsletter - April 2023
From the Director's Desk...
When looking for who was the first NYS Certified Librarian/Director of the Cornwall Public Library I came across an Annual Report dated January 1, 1936. I thought it would be fun to model our fiscal year 2021/2022 annual report after it. For extra fun, I will show the numbers from 1936 in parentheses.

The total number of books in the Cornwall Public Library on January 1, 2021, was 60,050 (7,185) of which 34,434 (4,453) were fiction and 25,616 (2,732) were non-fiction. The total number of resident borrowers was 7,370 (1,075). There was a total of 19,744 (1,427 books only) materials added to the collection.
The total circulation of books for the fiscal year was 103,755 (67,956) of which 78,427 (45,259) were fiction and 25,328 (22697) were non-fiction. 
Here are a few other modern, library use statistics, not in the 1936 report: 117,892 other materials were circulated (Audiobooks, e-books, etc.); 35,810 uses of electronic content; 2,021 other print materials, such as magazines and newspapers; and 276,903 electronic materials were available. Currently, we also report how many programs we gave and how many attended them. CPL's total number of programs was 601, with 5,520 attendees. There were 386 youth, 81 young Adults, and 50 Adults signed up for Summer Reading. There were 148 Summer Reading Program events, with 1,474 attendees. Our reference staff answered 4,094 questions. We received 25,261 interlibrary loans from other RCLS libraries and provided 21,766 to other RCLS libraries. We were open 7 days, 63 hours per week, for a total of 2,457 hours per year. We had 23 computers available for use by the public, with 3,994 sessions. Our Wi-Fi, which extends to the exterior of the building, had 83,233 sessions (uses). In total, we had 33,064 people walk through the front doors of CPL.

Charlotte A. Dunaief
Library Director
Easter Weekend Hours
The Library will adjust its hours in observance of the Easter holiday. Please note our special hours:

Friday, April 7 - 9am-1pm
Saturday, April 8 - 9am-4pm
Sunday, April 9 - CLOSED
Library Board of Trustees
Wednesday, April 12

All meetings are open to the public. The current agenda and meeting packet can be found here.
Art Exhibition
"The Collaborative Works of DiMiceli, DiMiceli & Carver"

This exhibit will be on display in the Library Community Room until April 25th.*

*Because this room is also used for programs, patrons are encouraged to call prior to their visit to make sure the exhibit will be accessible for viewing.
Annual Library Budget Vote & Trustee Election
Tuesday, April 18
9:00am – 9:00pm
Library Community Room

Calling all registered Cornwall voters! Mark your calendars and make your plans to cast your ballot in the Annual Library Budget Vote and Trustee Election. Information about the proposed 2023/24 budget, trustee candidates, voter registration or absentee ballots, can be found on the library website.

The public is also invited to attend an informational session on Tuesday, April 11 at 6:30pm in the Library Community Room to answer any questions about the proposed budget.

Exercise your civic muscle at the ballot box. A strong library helps build a strong community!
Community Connections
Songs of Ireland Highlights

Toes were tapping and hands were clapping at our "Songs of Ireland" concert on March 19th featuring the band The Parting Glass. People of all ages not only enjoyed the delightful music, but even got up to do a little singing (shout-out to Ken Cashman!) Here are a few highlights in case you missed it. Hope to see you there next year!
Cornwall Connections
Bulletin Board

There's a new outreach bulletin board for the 55+ community in the CPL entryway! This is informal and open to those who might enjoy meeting for a walk, lunch, concert, coffee, community event or shared interest. Going somewhere? Want company? Tack a note to the bulletin board or respond to someone else's note. It's that simple!
Programs For Adults
Midday Matinee
Tuesday, April 4

Enjoy a break in your day and take in a movie. April’s selection is The Fabelmans - Rated PG-13.

A drop-in event - no registration required.
Monday Night Movie
April 10

Enjoy free popcorn and a classic movie. April's selection is the 1971 comedy Harold & Maude - Rated PG.

A drop-in event - no registration required.
AARP Tax-Aide
Select Wednesdays
April 5 & 12

IRS certified volunteers are available to prepare tax returns for free. This service is available by appointment only. Appointments are made directly through AARP (the library staff does not take appointments). Please call 1-800-899-1479, M-F, 9am-2pm to schedule.

AARP membership is not required and there are no age restrictions.
Guerrilla Girls: The ART of
Behaving Badly
Thursday, April 13
via Zoom

Janet Mandel, retired art history / world languages & culture instructor shares how The Guerilla Girls, an anonymous group of activist women artists, have used wit and irony to tackle issues of gender and racial discrimination in the art world and beyond.

Registration is required via the library website. A Zoom link will be emailed to registrants on the day of the program.
Great Decisions
Thursday, April 20

Join America's largest discussion program on world affairs. April's topic is War Crimes: What are they and how can they be prosecuted? Course briefing books are available for purchase ($22) at the library. There is also a course-reserve copy for review at the Adult Reference Desk. For more information, contact Pam Stockton at or 845-534-8282.

A drop-in event - no registration required
The Lorraine Weinberg
Memorial Opera
Sunday, April 23

Announcing the return of this popular program that honors a devoted CPL patron who loved the opera. This year's feature is a showing of Akhnaten by composer Philip Glass.

Refreshments, generously provided by the family of Lorraine Weinberg, will be served.

A drop-in event - no registration required.
A Whirlwind Tour of Music History: 1,000 Years in 60 Minutes!
Friday, May 5
2:00 - 3:00pm

The Greater Newburgh Symphony Orchestra’s Russell Ger helps make sense of music history, guiding participants through the entire past millennium of western music in a matter of minutes, and offering a better understanding of how this whole intricate music puzzle is composed.

Space is limited. Registration via the library website opens April 12.
The Girl from Ipanema &
the Music of Antonio Carlos Jobim
Tuesday, May 9
6:30 - 7:45pm

Discover how Rio de Janiero comes alive through the Bossa Nova sound, specifically looking at the music of Antonio Carlos Jobim. Presented by Rick Feingold, Bergen Community College professor.

Space is limited. Registration via the library website opens April 9.
A Demonstration in the Art of Floral Arranging
Thursday, May 11

Master Gardener Barbara Wexler-Hall demonstrates floral techniques to create stunning arrangements sure to beautify your home.

Registration via the library website opens April 11 to the first 40 flower enthusiasts.
Teen Tech Tutoring
Tuesday, April 18

Got tech questions? Let our savvy teen volunteers assist you. Bring your devices and your questions. No appointments needed - first come, first served.
Creative Writers

Always open to new members. A virtual option can be made available if needed. Call the library at 845-534-8282 for more info.
Member's Choice
Book Group
April 5 @4:00pm
Under a White Sky
by Elizabeth Kolbert

New members are always welcome. Please call 845-534-8282 if you need a virtual option.
Mystery Book Group
April 20 @2:00pm
The Fiancée
by Kate White

New members are always welcome. Please call 845-534-8282 if you need a virtual option.
Out & About
Book Group
April 19 @7:00pm
Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone
by Benjamin Stevenson

Join us in April at Mama Theresa's for some food, drinks & lively discussion. New people are always welcome! To help coordinate with the restaurant, we are asking anyone planning to attend to register via the library website.
Book Chat & Chocolate
April 27 @7:00pm
The Most Fun We Ever Had
by Claire Lombardo

New members are always welcome...and chocolate is always served!
6-Hour Defensive Driving Workshop
Saturday, April 15
Wednesday, April 19
8:45am - 4:00pm
Sponsored by AARP

Register in person at the library with payment (cash or check) to confirm registration - $25 for AARP members; $30 for non-members.
Make checks payable to AARP. Cash payments must be exact change only. Participants must bring driver's license and AARP card (if applicable) to class.
Empires of the Mediterranean
Cruise from
Athens to Venice
October 17-27, 2023

Take in all the riches of this fabled region with Friends of Cornwall Library and World Wide Travel of Cornwall. On this Viking cruise participants will: discover the Acropolis & the ancient ruins of Olympia; delight in the beauty of Corfu; explore the medieval warrens of Kotor, Dubrovnik & Zadar; and enjoy a visit to Koper for an in-depth exploration of Slovenia.

For additional info or to book, contact Manuela Mocan at 845-534-4333 or Brenda Goldfarb at 845-534-8282. Flyers with additional information are available at the library.
Programs for Kids & Teens
Family Story Time
Select Tuesdays
April 4 & 11
9:30am OR 10:30am

Enjoy a story time with the whole family. Registration is required and opens via the library website one week prior to each class.

Adults only need to register their
child(ren) - not themselves.
PJ Story Time
Select Wednesdays
April 5 & 19
All Ages Welcome

Wear your PJs, bring a favorite cuddly, and enjoy stories & songs at the library.

Registration is required and opens via the
library website one week prior to each program.
Saturday Morning Story Time
April 29

Enjoy a special story time for the whole family on the weekend. Space is limited. Registration is required and opens via the library website one week prior to the program.
Dog Tales
Select Mondays
April 3 & 17
Grades K-12

Come read independently to a furry friend from Hudson Valley Paws for a Cause.

Please register via the library website for a
15-minute time slot of your choosing. Registration opens one week prior to each program.
Art Afternoon
Tuesday, April 11
K-12th Grades
Working with Oil Pastels

Experiment with blending colors using this fun medium.

Registration is required and opens via the library website one week prior to the program.
Timothy Mumford Memorial
Poetry Competition
March 8 - April 12

Calling all poets ages 5-18! It's time once again for our annual poetry contest. Participants may enter up to TWO original poems. Our judges will select a top poem for each age group, along with a "Best Overall" poem for all entries.

Please refer to the library website for complete competition and submission rules. The deadline for entries is Wednesday, April 12th.

All are invited to attend our Awards Ceremony on Sunday, April 30 @1:30pm
Chess Time
April 1
11:00am - 12:00pm

All ages and skill levels are welcome. Bring a friend or play with someone new. An instructor will be available to answer questions.

A drop-in event - no registration required.
Vote Day
Family Story Time
Tuesday, April 18
A Drop-In Event

Come cast your ballot in the library budget vote and enjoy a family story time too! The story time will be outside on the portico, rain or shine. Kids will also have an opportunity to vote in their own special election. See you there!
April 12 @4:30pm
K-2nd Grades
The Giving Tree
by Shel Silverstein

Register in person when you pick up a copy of the book at the library.
Book Break
April 20 @4:30pm
3rd & 4th Grades
The Magician's Elephant
by Kate DiCamillo

Register in person when you pick up a copy of the book at the library.
Readzza Readzza
April 27 @4:30pm
5-8th Grades
In Your Shoes
by Donna Gephart

Register in person when you pick up a copy of the book at the library.
Teen Book Group
April 10 @6:30pm
9-12th Grades
My Lady Jane
by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton & Jodi Meadows

Register in person when you pick up a copy of the book at the library.
April 21 @5:45pm

Grades 6-12. A library teen advisory board for established members only. Please contact Lisa SinClair at for more information.