August 23

August 23,  2021

We have two window wells at the back of our house, measuring 6 feet deep and four feet wide.  The bottom is filled with pea gravel and all sides are bordered in stone. I have no idea what the reason for them is except to give light to the lower rooms.  The weather had been iffy all day and as darkness began its approach, I continued to hear hitting against the window. Finally I went closer as I looked out the window I saw a bird who had fallen into the well and was struggling with all its might to escape. Apparently birds cannot helicopter out, they need a gradual flight path to gain momentum and this little bird did not have one. 

Before I go any further I must explain that I love birds, but my backyard ménage of birds are favored beyond words.  I have two bird feeders, one for the big guys and my sister gave me one for the little ones.  And it is my husband who is sweet enough to keep them well stocked.  So when this little bird found himself in turmoil I knew I had to find a way to get him out.  I got the 8 foot ladder, a bucket, a pie pan, and a flashlight and began my rescue.  (Thank goodness my husband was occupied playing pool with a neighbor or I would have gotten stopped in my tracks.)

I parked the ladder, climbed down to the bottom of the well, and in the dark, shined my light and found him.  He flitted back and forth, in fear I am sure, to escape my efforts to confine him, but I finally got him to a corner and  he flew into the bucket. I put the pie pan on top to keep him from falling out and began my accent.  When safely atop and clear of the well, I gently released the bird among the trees, and even though he hardly moved, exhausted and in shock I guess, I checked and 15 minutes later he had flown away.  He was now free. 

I tell you this story because when you love something or somebody and you see that they are trapped or in turmoil you will do whatever you can to help rescue them.  And that is exactly what God does for us.  He loves us so much that when he sees that we are lost or trapped or struggling to be free of a confine that is holding us at bay, he does whatever he needs to do to rescue us.  We often fight him and run from him; for we are unfamiliar and scared of the provisions that are needed to free us. Oh we might not recognize who he is or what he is able to do. But God knows what we need and always gives freely his blessings. God loves us with a love that is abounding, unconditional and filled with grace. And we may never be able to comprehend the love he has for each each of us..for we are precious in his sight.  

There is a story of a shepherd (Matthew 18: 10-14) who had 100 sheep, one wandered off and he could have so easily said, no big deal I still have 99. But each sheep he knew by name and it was his job to love them and protect them so he went out to find him and bring him back to the fold. The sheep was lost and that is the same word as “perish”. In other words in great danger, headed for destruction, because it had left the safety of the flock. God is our Good Shepherd.  He saved us from the penalty of death through the life, sacrifice and resurrection of his son Jesus Christ. To save is to rescue us from harm.  And all who believe in the name of Jesus Christ will be saved and have everlasting life…a gift that none of us deserve, but is only to be given by the grace of God to those who believe in Him.   

It was just a little bird, but how much more important are we to God, for we are his children.  He loves us enough to rescue us from the trappings of this world, and we can flutter about and deny his help or finally get trapped in a corner and accept the help that he has offered.   May you have confidence today  …that whatever you may be struggling with that God is there to rescue you, if only you will trust him and accept his help.    

Matthew 6:26 Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap not gather into barns; and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value to than they?

Dear Lord, Thank you for giving me an opportunity to help even a little creature like the bird. Help me to be conscious of ways to help others when they are in need and guide my efforts so that they will be glorifying to you. Amen

Praise God wherever you are or whatever situation he has allowed you to be in...for his Glory will shine through!