⭐️⭐️ It's time for our April Business Spotlight, and this month we're focused on one of our newest businesses, Cotton & Candy Boutique! ⭐️⭐️
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Cotton & Candy opened in the heart of downtown Alexander City on Black Friday in 2020. Owned by Alli Wilson, Cotton & Candy gives a young feel to Main Street. The boutique features clothing for kids and tweens — plus, of course, lots of candy!
Alli hosted a great Easter event recently, featuring the Easter Bunny and some Cotton Candy 🤤 made right on the spot! She's hoping to bring back that fresh cotton candy to events in the very near future. Stop in and see her at Cotton & Candy Boutique today!
Contact Information:
Phone: (256) 307-6177
Address: 15 Main Street, Alexander City, AL 35010