The convenience store industry is suddenly facing a major threat.

To help pay for trillions in new spending on social programs, Congress is considering enormous increases in federal taxes on cigarettes and OTP, as well as new federal taxes on vaping products and nicotine pouches. See House Ways & Means Committee chart of proposed tax increases.

In a state like New York, where the tobacco category has already been decimated by the effects of excessive state-level taxes, the resulting spike in tax avoidance due to the sharp price increases would be disastrous for convenience stores.

We urgently need your help, right away. Today, please e-mail your members of Congress voicing your opposition by using an automated system furnished by the National Association of Tobacco Outlets.

Click here to access the system. Fill in the boxes on the screen with your name, e-mail address, mobile or home phone number, and a New York street address, city, state and zip. Once this information is filled in, click “Send” and the system will automatically fill in the names of your Congressional representatives at the top of the pre-loaded letter, include your name on the bottom of the letter, and submit the letters.

In addition, retail employees can use the system to e-mail Congressional lawmakers using this different link.

Adult consumers can do the same, using this different link.

Stay tuned to NYACS for more information on this threat to our industry.