2024 | September Edition

Upcoming Events

See what events remain for 2024!

Member Renewals

By renewing your membership, your businesses affirm their investment in the success and vitality of both the Chamber and the broader community. We cannot do what we do without you! THANK YOU!

Inspired Women Network

Check out the upcoming IWN Event Schedule and be sure to follow the IWN Facebook page!

Monday Member Marketing

We know it's Tuesday but we still think you should take a look at the updates and events that our members have shared with us lately! Be sure to send over your information so it can be shared here! MMM.

Chamber Cooler Raffle

Don't miss your chance to win the ultimate summer send-off! Our Chamber Cooler Raffle features a giant cooler packed with a variety of alcohol, mixers, and snacks—everything you need for the perfect farewell summer party...or keep it for yourself! Either way, get your tickets today!

Over a $300 value for only $20!


Grateful Beginnings: A Message of Thanks from Our New President & CEO

As I reflect on my first month with the Shiawassee Regional Chamber of Commerce (SRCC), I want to express my sincere gratitude for the warm welcome I’ve received. Meeting so many members of our community and learning how the chamber can best serve our region has been inspiring.


I’d like to thank the SRCC Board for their confidence and support, and a special thank you to our outgoing Interim Executive Director, Ruthann Liagre, for her tireless efforts in ensuring a smooth transition as I take on this role. My appreciation also goes to Erin and Michelle from the SRCC team for teaching me about the many ways we serve our members.


Lastly, and most importantly, thank you to our members. We exist to serve you, and I look forward to continuing to listen and learn how we can best meet your needs.

Jordan Hankwitz

President & CEO

Shiawassee Regional Chamber of Commerce

63rd Annual Chamber Golf Classic

One Week Out!

Our teams are locked in & we are looking forward to a great event on September 10th! Click the button below for details and information regarding the outing and what you should know before arriving!



Cooler Sponsorship Available!

Sponsorship will cover the cost of a cooler and all of the goodies we can find from local businesses to fill it with! This cooler will sit on the back 9 and be used for the "Closest to Cooler" game & one lucky golfer will get to take it home!

Sponsorship signage will be on the course, your sponsorship will be mentioned at the dinner & in post event marketing on socials/golf outing recaps!

Cooler Sponsorship

Beverage Cart Sign Sponsorships Available!

Place your company logo and information on the beverage cart that will be driving around the outing for maximum exposure and brand awareness!

Beverage Cart Sponsorship

Don't wait to sponsor - deadline is end of day to have signage printed prior to the outing!

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