FALL 2024

New Course Options Available

We have changed the prerequisites for some of our most sought-after courses.


Manual Approach to the Brain 1 (MAB1)

The prerequisites to attend MAB1 are VM1 and LT1 OR VM1 and NM1.

Neural Manipulation: Peripheral Nerve Manipulation;

Lower Body (NM3)

The prerequisite to attend NM3 is now NM1.

Last Fascial Decoding Class in 2024!


This November, we invite you to join Serge Paoletti, DO (UK), renowned author and fascia expert, for an immersive course that will reshape your understanding of fascia and its profound impact on the body, Fascial Decoding 1 (FD1).

To further your learning experience, we are thrilled to share an exclusive video from Lori Dowiak discussing the importance of Fascia Decoding 1 (FD1) in modern practice. Loris insights will provide you with a deeper understanding of how FD1 principles can be integrated into your work, enhancing the techniques youll learn in Serge Paolettis course.

New Location Announcement:

Visceral Applications for Pediatrics (VAP)


Greenville, South Carolina


The course will now be held on September 26-29, 2024

Coming Soon:

VM Dissection Anatomy Companion Courses

These online programs, led by Gil Hedley and reviewed by Judy M. Russell, Physiotherapist BA (PE), BSc (PT), MCPA, will be available soon through Gil’s website. Barral Institute students will receive a special discount for signing up through our portal – stay tuned for more details!

Upcoming Conferences Click Here

November Free Virtual In Touch

Visceral and Neuromeningeal Manipulation:

Applications for Pediatrics!

Live on Zoom!

Tuesday, November 19

7:00 pm ET

Presented by: 

Jean Anne Zollars, PT, DPT, MA, BI-D

What We’ll Cover:

• Visceral and Neuromeningeal

Manipulation tailored for pediatric care.

• Treating common dysfunctions in babies

and children, such as reflux, constipation,

gassiness, irritability, torticollis,

plagiocephaly, and tongue tie.

• Real-life case studies that showcase the

impact of these therapies.

CLICK HERE to register in advance for this meeting or 

Call 800-311-9204, ext. 2 or 561-622-4334, ext. 2

Featured Products

Prices subject to change

Pediatric Manual Therapy; Visceral and Neuromeningeal Manipulation; Volume 1

A two-part series that adapts the profound manual therapies developed by French osteopath Jean-Pierre Barral for newborns, babies, and young children.

Item Code: PMT1

$94.95 (USD)

Physiological & Clinical Applications of Visceral Manipulation; Volume 2: Abdomen: Duodenum, Small Intestine, Colon, Sphincters, and Additional Supportive Techniques

Dr. Ron Mariotti helps the manual therapist move from a purely mechanical approach with patients to the role of "artist" by developing the subtle ability to sense tension patterns, as well as the moment of tissue release.

Item Code: PCAVM2A

$99.95 (USD)

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Congratulations to our Recent Winner: K. Schwab!

The Barral Institute

11211 Prosperity Farms Road, D-325

Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410-3487

P: 866-522-7725 or 561-622-4334



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