Dear Christ the King Catholic School Community Community,
Today, we thank God for the blessings and joy of a new school year! The first days of school were amazing, with new learning and discovery, a Prayer of Blessing Service, welcome balloon arch, and ending the week with shaved ice from PTG for our students and families as community building events culminated.
The 2023-2024 school year was full of campus improvement projects. The faculty and staff reviewed math curricula and selected a new program to be implemented in the 24-25 year named Envision Mathematics by Savvas Learning. Additionally, a math specialist was hired to support differentiation and learning in grades (4-7). A furniture committee selected new desks, chairs, and outdoor tables and umbrellas, which were purchased thanks to a robust Fund-a-Need and installed this summer throughout our school. The technology department focused on connectivity, efficiency, security, and stability of the network. The school wi-fi, phone, and loudspeaker network was extended to include the parish hall and gym, access points were updated to allow for faster speed, better range, enhanced security, and more traffic (users) with less latency, and Redcat speaker systems were installed in each classroom.
So awesome to return to our One Community One Family (our school’s living mantra) with morning prayer and assembly leading our days. Our theme this year is Prayer – Placing it all in God’s Loving Hands and Heart. Our quote this year that supports our theme is from Philippians 4: 6-7. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
This year we plan to incorporate a virtue program into morning and spontaneous prayer, our religious curriculum, and classroom learning; and days together as we experience Catholic education and the lived experiences of faith. A synopsis of the programming rests below: Education in Virtue offers support as you learn, teach, and practice virtue. With time, you will begin to naturally incorporate the language of virtue within your daily life and grow as disciples of Christ. Recent studies in interpersonal neurobiology and positive psychology support this way of life and show that an integrated way of life leads to the betterment of the human person.
When you learn, live, and witness in virtue, it will overflow into every aspect of life—transforming you into the best version of yourself. Simply put, Education in Virtue is happiness simplified. Disciple of Christ, Education in Virtue is more than a curriculum that we will lean toward for morning prayer and incorporate in our classroom and communications; it’s a way of life that leads to happiness. The Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, and based on Saint Thomas Aquinas teachings on virtues and gifts of the Holy Spirit, have inspired this program.
In closing we plan to wrap around our SMART Goals pertaining to writing, technology and mathematics, along with a capital project surrounding the revitalization of our outdoor-playground – Big Toy. With regards to writing, the goal is to build consistent measures of standardized, formative, and summative writing assessment to positively influence student achievement in this subject area. In addition, the goal for technology is to develop a more comprehensive process for reviewing, analyzing, and disseminating data to improve instructional practices that support high achievement for all learners. Further the mathematics goal will continue to differentiate math instruction in order to provide a greater challenge to high-achieving students and provide effective remediation for struggling learners.
Presently, we are humbled by Christ the King Catholic School’s full enrollment and wait-pooling in each grade. This threshold of enrollment has not occurred in many years. We are blessed with a committed and talented faculty and staff, amazing students and families, and parish leadership and community that is loving and supportive. We are truly grateful for your support and encouragement and send abundant blessings to you, your family, and loved ones.
Lastly, praying that you all have a safe, restful, and fun-filled Labor Day Weekend as we lean toward next week’s annual Back to School Night 2024– itinerary of the evening per this link.
God bless you all as we continue our journey in faith, knowledge, and service to God and each other,
Mr. Joseph M. Silveira Ed.D.
Christ the King Catholic School