In its 13th year, the Texas-EU Business Summit is the premier event for Texas businesses, entrepreneurs and economic development professionals seeking to expand their footprint in Europe. The summit provides Texas businesses, entrepreneurs, policymakers and target businesses with an overview of trade and expansion business opportunities in Europe as well as information and connections to make the most of those opportunities.
13th Annual Texas EU Business Summit
October 3, 2024
8:30am-4:30pm CDT
San Jacinto Residence and Events Hall
309 E 21st St., Austin, TX 78705
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Did you miss our early bird discount? Don't fret!
Enter code Summit10 at registration to save $10 off your registration!
(Summit registration includes buffet lunch)
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Texas-EU Business Summit Newsletter #2 | |
Registration for Annual Texas-European Union Business Summit Heats Up | |
Even with autumn on its way and Texas temperatures cooling down, registration for the 13th annual Texas-European Union Business Summit is heating up. This year’s event will take place October 3, 2024 at the San Jacinto Residence Event Hall on the University of Texas at Austin campus.
The summit is a unique opportunity for Texas businesses and entrepreneurs to learn about the latest trade and investment trends in the European Union, the world’s largest economic bloc, which has a population of 450 million people and an economy of $19 trillion. But the summit is about more than trends. Trade representatives, economic development agencies, and Texas corporate veterans of doing business with Europe will all be on hand to share tips, techniques, and advice for finding success in Europe.
One of the greatest assets of the EU is not just the size of its population and economy, but its diversity. With 27 member nations encompassing diverse markets, needs, and comparative advantages, whatever your product, service, or focus – someone in the EU is looking for you. The summit is not only for large businesses or those already doing business with Europe. Small and medium sized business as well as first-time exporters are a backbone of the summit and are essential to the Lone Star State’s status as America’s #1 exporter. Such companies account for 92% of Texas exporters and 44% of the state’s export value.
This year’s summit includes seven panels focusing on regional markets within Europe, opportunities in specific industries, and factors impacting Texas-European trade as well as a networking luncheon (featuring one of the Lone Star states most famous products, barbecue) and remarks by public officials and development experts knowledgeable about European trade.
For additional details on the developing agenda, visit:
Registration information can be found at:
Space is limited, so interested businesses are encouraged to act now!
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Farewell from Prof. Douglas Biow
Outgoing Director of CES Reflects on 12 Years of Summit Success
If you’ve been to previous Texas-European Business Summits, one name you have become used to seeing on summit materials and communications is Doug Biow. As director of the Center for European Studies (CES) at the University of Texas at Austin, he has been a huge presence at the event since its beginning and a major factor in the summit’s ongoing success.
This year, Doug stepped down from his 16-year tenure as director of CES. In the last new letter, we were fortunate to feature an interview with incoming director Michael Messer, himself a longtime presence at the Summit where he is perhaps best known for his annual energy updates. In this issue of the newsletter, Doug has given us a retrospective on the summit and look at what’s ahead for him.
Doug recalls the summit as one of those happy accidents that starts with one idea and then morphs into something which ultimately has even more potential. “The summit came into existence largely through the input of Sally Dickson, who had been talking to Mortada Mohamed (of the World Affairs Council of Austin) about how to engage the business community in Austin and Texas in a project devoted to Europe. Initially they had something in mind called an ‘Ambassador’s Roundtable,’ but it quickly morphed into what the Summit is today.”
Doug says there have been so many wonderful moments at the summit over its existence that it’s difficult to single out any ‘favorites,’ but that one of his constant sources of enjoyment with the event has been meeting its attendees and working with its steering committee members. He hopes that, together, they have built something of lasting value for the Texas business community.
After 16 years of directing CES, including twelve Texas-European Union Business Summits, Doug acknowledges he’s looking forward to moving out of administration and spending more time on fundamental aspects of academia such as teaching and writing. He also looks forward to spending more time with his family, including watching his twelve-year-old granddaughter grow up. “Mercifully, she’s given up the idea, at least for now, of becoming a professional barrel racer one day. Verdict is still out if she’ll become a veterinarian.”
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Sponsor Profile: The World Affairs Councils of Austin | |
Since its beginning, one of the driving forces behind the Texas-European Union Business Summit has been the World Affairs Council of Austin (WACA). Established in 2013, WACA serves Central Texas residents interested in the world at large. “We want to facilitate understanding of the world and encourage citizen engagement,” said Ben Ramirez, vice president of WACA. “We’re constantly working to provide top-quality programming and events and create conduits for interaction with international experts and decision-makers.”
Examples of that commitment include WACA’s Center for Global Trade, World Affairs Luncheon Series, and partnering with other organizations on events as diverse as Austin’s Fiesta de El Grito, celebrating the anniversary of Mexico’s declaration of independence, the Japan Business Seminar (held in conjunction with the Summer Oita Japan festival), and 2024 World Security Forum.
The Texas-European Business Summit has been a natural extension of WACA’s goal, and members of its leadership were part of event discussions from the very beginning. “In addition to culture and education, WACA uses events to promote global trade and Texas involvement in the global economy,” Ramirez explained. “There is a long history of connections between Texas and Europe and promoting Texas-European trade is an opportunity to show the immediate, tangible benefits of WACA’s mission. The summit is a perfect expression of that.”
Learn more about World Affairs Council Austin and view their upcoming programming by clicking on their logo above or by visiting
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Openness to the World Makes Texas #1 | |
From as far back as its years as an independent republic, Texas has always been outward looking. As part of the US, Texas promotes international trade and international investment more aggressively than any other state.
Results of the Lone Star State’s openness and active promotion of global business speak for themselves. Texas has been America’s largest exporter for almost two decades. Valued at $445 billion in 2023, Texas exports are equivalent to the combined total of that #2 California, #3 Louisiana, #4 New York, and #5 Illinois. The Texas-European relationship is a cornerstone of our state’s international economic success. The Texas-EU Business Summit provides a resource to the state’s business community to ensure the continuation of that success today and in the future.
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Texas-European Union Quick Facts
- The EU offers Texas businesses and entrepreneurs access to a diverse market of nearly 448 million customers with a GDP of $14.5 trillion.
- Annual Texas exports to the European Union exceed $76 billion.
- Texas is the largest exporter to the European Union (exceeding #2 Louisiana, #3 California, and #4 New York combined)
- The top five Texas exports sectors to the EU are Oil & Gas ($46.8 billion), Chemicals ($10.6 billion), Computer & Electronic Products ($5.8 billion), Petroleum & Petroleum Products ($3.6 billion), and Transportation Equipment ($2.9 billion).
- Annual EU investments in Texas total over $275 billion.
- These investments create over 214,500 employment opportunities for Texans.
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