September 10, 2021
New Federal COVID Mandates Coming

President Biden’s September 9 announcement was thunder, not a lightning strike. He did not require federal contractors or employers to mandate COVID vaccines or testing immediately. Here’s what is coming:

Federal Contractors. Biden ordered his Safer Workforce Task Force to write a new provision to include in federal contracts. This provision will apply to companies that contract with the federal government and their subcontractors, and will mandate all of their employees to be vaccinated. This contract term will be included in new, extended, and renewed contracts, and solicitations. The requirement will not apply to existing contracts or to contracts formed before the Task Force’s language is finalized and implemented. We will have time to review the new contract language and will update you. If you don’t do federal work, this provision does not apply to you.

Companies with 100 or More Employees Biden also ordered OSHA to write emergency binding safety regulations requiring employees of companies with more than 100 employees (not known whether 100 employees is measured by peak, average, or other method) to either be vaccinated or be tested weekly. Companies must pay the employee for time off to get vaccinated plus any side effects. If OSHA follows current federal guidance, this time may be limited to 4 hours per shot.

In sum, Biden’s speech was the thunder warning us to prepare. Much is unknown. We believe that the coming rules will continue DOL’s guidance requiring accommodations for disabilities and religious rights. Unknown are how to implement testing effectively, whether self-identification of vaccination status suffices, what document retention and confidentiality processes are appropriate, what potential risks and liabilities may be implicated, how these changes may affect union contracts, and what effects the mandates will have on worker availability.

The Minnesota State Bar Association Construction Section is hosting an education event (virtual) on Friday, 17 September, addressing the federal and other COVID mandates. More will be learned in the next 2-4 weeks. AGC will host an event (hybrid) on Friday, 22 October at 10 am.  Next week’s update will have registration information.
AGC Submits Proposed DBE Comments to MnDOT

MnDOT is required by the Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration to set statewide goals for disadvantaged business participation in federally funded projects every three years. The new proposed statewide goals for federal fiscal years 2022-24 is 12.59 percent for FHWA and is 6.27 percent for FTA on all U.S. Department of Transportation-assisted contracts.

AGC of MN submitted comments to MnDOT regarding proposed statewide goals for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise participation in highway and transit contracts comments for the next three year cycle. Members can view comments here.
Measure Your Progress with the new D&I Assessment
Not sure whether your diversity & inclusion efforts are moving the needle? Take the Diversity & Inclusion Assessment. Use this new Culture of CARE resource to measure and improve the management of your diversity & inclusion programs, policies, and practices.
Your company will be asked to answer performance-based questions in four key areas of diversity and inclusion. Upon completion, you will be able to analyze results, measure progress, and download best practice resources to expand your company's D&I efforts.
CLICK HERE to watch a short video on how the D&I Assessment can help you progress in your D&I journey.
Visit AGC's Store to purchase access to the D&I Assessment today! 
The Suicide Prevention Unit at the Minnesota Department of Health presents the Suicide Prevention Webinar series. These educational webinars serve as a way to connect and share information. The series includes six webinars with subject matter experts working across the state on these topics: 

  • Sept 15 (1-3 p.m.) "Change the Narrative on Mental Health and Suicide Prevention" - Kelly Felton
  • October 19 (2 p.m.) "Suicide Prevention and the Faith Community" - Glen Bloomstrom
  • November 16 (2 p.m.) "Veteran Populations and Suicide Prevention" - Brittany Miskowiec
  • Dec 8 (1 p.m.) "Mental Health and Well-being" - Anna Lynn  
Unemployment Insurance and Paycheck Protection Program Tax Refunds Going Out
The Minnesota Department of Revenue announced that unemployment insurance refunds will begin going out next week.

Over 2,000 returns impacted by Paycheck Protection Program changes filed at the corporate entity level have started to receive refunds. These will continue to go out through September. In mid-August letters were sent to less than 8,000 individual income tax payers who will need to file amended returns to get the benefits. 
AGC Autodesk Workforce Survey Results
AGC of America released the 2021 AGC-Autodesk Workforce Survey last Thursday.
Full results are posted here, including:

Click the image below for a comparison of answers from Minnesota vs. National.
I494/35W Project Draft Layout

MnDOT’s project team has posted a draft layout for the I494/35W project that will be let (as a Design-Build contract) in late 2022 or early 2023.

If you do not have credentials for the Sharepoint site, please contact Peter Davich to gain access.
811 Safety and Damage Prevention Process Survey

Contractors who participate in excavation and use the services of their local 811 center are encouraged to take a moment to participate in this important 811 Safety and Utility Damage Prevention Process Survey.

This survey is intended to document the experience in the 811 safety and damage prevention process of AGC member contractors that work on heavy water/wastewater, highway heavy, telecom, gas transmission and distribution, or energy infrastructure projects.
How to Check and Adjust Track Tension on a Compact Track Loader

Why should you check and adjust track tension on a compact track loader? This will help prolong the life of the tracks and avoid mishaps while operating a CTL. Watch to find out how often to check track tension, how to adjust the tension, and avoid a common and big mistake when adjusting track tension. Learn more

Reily Junkermeier, Compact Construction Equipment Sales Professional
RDO Equipment Co.
AGC Releases New Resource to Help Increase COVID-19 Vaccination Rate in Construction

In response to media reports of hesitancy among construction workers to get vaccinated and the various vaccine mandates being imposed by a broad range of owners, AGC has compiled new resources that we are urging members to share with their employees, subcontractors, and partners about the benefits of vaccination.
Just as the construction industry showed America how to work safely during the pandemic, we want this industry to show America how getting their shot is the best way to end this pandemic.
AGC Education & Research Foundation Scholarship Applications Now Open

Each year the AGC Education and Research Foundation offers undergraduate and graduate level scholarships to students enrolled in ABET or ACCE accredited construction management or construction related engineering programs. The application opened July 1, 2021 and closes November 1, 2021.
Over $10 million in scholarships have been awarded to more than 4,000 students attending colleges and universities across the country. Through endowments made by AGC members and supporters, as well as AGC Chapters, the Education and Research Foundation awards over 100 scholarships each year to students dedicated to pursuing a career in the construction industry.
If you have any questions please contact Paige Packard, Program Director, AGC Education and Research Foundation.
Don't Miss These STP Fall Classes

Click the links below for more information and to register for fall Supervisory Training Program (STP) classes!

September 29 - October 27

September 30 - October 28
AGC Awards Recognition Evening

Join us on October 13 at International Market Square, as we honor the recipients of our annual safety awards, the Skill, Responsibility & Integrity (SRI) Award, and the Lifetime Achievement Award!

Holiday Reception

Join us on December 7 at the Metropolitan Ballroom for our annual holiday reception!

The 2022 Minnesota Construction Summit is the industry event of the year, bringing together construction industry professionals for two days of inspiration, education, and networking!

More details on attending, exhibiting, and sponsoring here!
Your Trusted Resource

Associated General Contractors of Minnesota 

525 Park Street, Suite 110 |  St. Paul, MN 55103