Join us for the 2nd Annual Grampy’s Sporting Clays Tournament to benefit
Ronald McDonald House Charities® Southwest Florida.

Tickets Now on Sale!
Join us for the 2nd annual Grampy’s Sporting Clays Tournament, benefiting Ronald McDonald House Charities® Southwest Florida. Each participant receives a Grampy’s Famous Ditty Bag, breakfast, pig roast lunch with a live bluegrass band, eye & ear protection, ammunition, and that feel-good sense of helping children and families in need!
Event Date & Location:
  • When: Friday, October 15, 2021 (registration begins at 8:30am)
  • Where: Sarasota Trap, Skeet & Clays - 3445 Rustic Road Nokomis, Florida 34275

Grampy's Sporting Clays Event supports the wonderful work of Ronald McDonald House Charities® Southwest Florida giving families with a hospitalized child what they need most - each other.

Faced with a child’s illness, life stops overnight and parents enter a world of fear and worry. For parents who don’t live close to the medical care their child needs, there’s an added stress. Distance. Most families have to travel hours for treatment. Living expenses quickly add up. Long drives, lost jobs, worried siblings, sleeping in cars, being far from family and friends. These are extra burdens no family should have to experience.
With the generosity of our community, the efforts of our volunteers, staff and local McDonald’s restaurant owner operators, we are meeting our mission through three programs. RMHC of Southwest Florida supports:
Your contributions are used effectively and are very much appreciated by the families and children served by Ronald McDonald House Charities Southwest Florida.