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We have updated our Class and Workshop Schedule.
To access the most recent information with Zoom links
CLICK HERE for Summer/Fall Brochure

Sunday, September 12
“Breathing into This Moment in Time”
All Church Read "Breathe: A Letter to My Sons"
with Rev. Tim, Lorenzo, Emily Kuizenga, and Darcy Williams

Music by:
Hannah Fey, Don Gaede, Chris Toth, Chris Eacock, Nicholas Wise & Lorenzo Bassman

September Worship Service Schedule

Sunday, September 19
“Evolutionary Religion”
with Rev. Tim Kutzmark
Bring a Friend Sunday
Sunday, September 26
 “Why I Hugged Jerry Dyer”
with Rev. Tim Kutzmark

Live on our Alluvial Avenue Church Campus
and our Virtual Church Campus
Church Campus Covid-19 Protocols
Our Church Campus has Re-Opened for in-person meetings and Sunday Services. We have multi-platform services (live in the sanctuary and online) Sundays, at 10:30 am. We want to welcome everyone to the campus in the safest way possible. Our “in-person” Covid-19 protocols prioritize and protect the most vulnerable among us: unvaccinated children and immunocompromised adults. They will remain in place until Fresno County declares we have reached herd immunity, or Fresno County declares we will not reach that threshold and we have reached the highest percentage of vaccinated people we can expect.

IMPORTANT - If you or a family member test positive for the Covid-19 virus AND you have attended an in-person service or meeting at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno within the last 14 days, please notify Rev. Tim as soon as possible. It will be important for the church to notify those who may have been in close contact with you so that they can take appropriate measures for their own safety. Your identity will be kept confidential. You can reach Rev. Tim
at our temporary phone number 322-6128 ext. 13 or tkutzmark@uufresno.org.


1.     Everyone*, no matter vaccination status, will be masked at all times both inside and outside.
2.     When outside, everyone, no matter vaccination status, will practice social distancing of 6 feet. Inside the sanctuary, those who prefer social distancing are invited to sit in our socially distanced section or in our outside seating area.
3.     We hope that all children 4 and up will participate in our outside masked and socially distanced Children’s Programming led by staff. We do not recommend it, but if adults wish their unvaccinated children to be in the sanctuary, we will honor that desire, but, for their safety, they must be masked, sit in the socially distanced section, and stay with their adults at all times.
4.     We welcome unvaccinated adults and ask that they in our socially distanced section in the sanctuary or our outside seating area for their own protection.
5.     For everyone’s safety, adults* attending meetings or classes, no matter vaccination status, will be masked at all times and practice social distancing of 6 feet.
6.     Before we offer a hug or handshake in the non-socially distanced section in the sanctuary, please ask the other person if it is ok. Not everyone is comfortable with close physical contact.
*People who are medically unable to mask are exempt but will practice social distancing of 6 ft.

NEW Sunday Social Time Options -
On our Alluvial Campus: Shaded and socially distanced seating will be set up between the sanctuary and the office building. Plan to stay after the service for conversation and connection (sadly, without coffee for the time being).
On our Virtual Campus: Social time will begin at 1:00 on Zoom, at this link: https://zoom.us/j/93468172400. Bring your own beverage and join the conversation!
This Sunday is the 2nd Sunday Collection in September - Is for the US Green Building Council Central California (USGBC-CC). USGBC-CC is working towards advancing green buildings and communities in Central California to implement solutions for climate change and a healthy built environment. USGBC-CC’s programming is focused on education, networking, bicycle programs and its newest project to develop an Indigenous and Environmental Resource Center at the San Joaquin River. This project is in collaboration with the Advocates for Indigenous California Language survival, who is leading the outreach effort to local tribes, indigenous individuals, and organizations serving Native American Communities. It will be a Green building demonstration project, provide access to the San Joaquin River and advance environmental justice for Native American communities. More info at www.usgbccc.org. For questions contact lgromis@usgbccc.org.

VOTA/VOTA in California Gubernatorial Recall Election. Please be sure to vote by this Tuesday, September 14, 2021, and let your Unitarian Universalist values be heard! No contact voting: drop the ballot in the secure ballot dropbox (including the dropbox on our Alluvial Avenue Campus) or mail it by September 14th. Democracy is a core religious principle in Unitarian Universalism - everyone should have a voice and a vote.

Ask a friend to join you at our church service on Invite a Friend Sunday, September 19 at 10:30 am. Rev. Tim’s specially selected topic for this service is “Evolutionary Religion.” Your friends are welcome to join us on either our Alluvial Campus or our Virtual Campus. Patty Bennett, msc@uufresno.org.

Hearing Assistive Devices are available at the Sound Booth for those attending Sunday services who require assistance in hearing spoken words, and, in particular, sung lyrics. The audio feed to the devices has been set so that vocalists will be prominent, with the accompaniment secondary in the audio feed to the devices. If you would like to use one of these, please stop at the Sound Booth before the service. Questions? Contact Lorenzo at lorenzo.bassman@gmail.com.
Prison Holiday Gift Bags for the women incarcerated in the Central California Women's Facility. Items may be placed in the bright red "Prison Holiday Gift Bags" box on the church patio on Sunday mornings or at the church office on weekdays, 9:30 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.
The ONLY ITEMS ALLOWED to be included in the Holiday Gift bags are listed below:
Note Cards
Greeting Cards (No glitter, stickers, or glued on items)
Scratch Pads (No Sticky-Note)
Pens (Not click type)
Emery Boards (Not metal)
Lip Balm
Toothbrushes (Individually packaged)
Hot Chocolate (Single-packets)
Candy Canes (Individually wrapped)
Contact Joanne Michelson at 559-349-3312 if you have questions.
Mayor Dyer asked that we share the following important initiatives for Fresno residents:
1.     Emergency Rental Assistance Program. If you or someone you know is having difficulty paying the rent during this pandemic, there are State and Federal funds to support you: www.fresno.gov/mayor/erap
2.     First-Time Homeowner Down Payment Assistance – The ‘One Fresno’ initiative has launched a new program to assist low-to-moderate income individuals and families purchase a first-time home. It is open to all: https://onefresnoconnect.com
Come out and join Eva Viotto, our Sunday Morning Religious Exploration Coordinator and Rev. Tim TODAY from 6-7 pm, and enjoy an evening of Festive Drumming with Libota Mbonda Fresno African Drumming Group. They will be providing djembes for participants and showing us how to properly use a drum, and teaching us traditional West African songs and beats. Come out and have a great time in community with our church family and Libota Mbonda Fresno African Drumming Group. This event is open to all congregants. Please RSVP at smre@uufresno.org.
Engaging with the UN Workshop Series You are invited to watch a series of presentations and discussions on meaningful engagement with the United Nation, from learning to advocacy. The course will deepen your understanding of human history in the context of the creation of the UN, the key UN platforms and mechanisms, and opportunities for engagement and advocacy. The four sessions were offered to the International Women's Convocation members and supporters by Carmen Capriles, a UU from Bolivia with extensive experience in local and global advocacy in area of climate change and women's empowerment. Click Here for more information

UU Humanists – Sunday, September 19, 1-2:30 p.m.
Deep Space Communication: challenges, solutions, and future possibilities. Discussion with John LuValle, retired from work with the Deep Space Network. https://zoom.us/j/94339993291. Contact Devin Carroll, devinc@sbcglobal.net, 559-240-5127

Poetry Sharing Circle - Sharing Poems that Speak to Our Hearts.  Facilitated by Robert Mitchell on the following Sundays; Sept 12th, Oct. 3rd, Nov. 7th, Dec. 5th. From 1 pm - 3 pm (Live in Sanctuary). Sometimes we read a poem, and it has little meaning for us. Maybe it’s too abstract or it just doesn’t make sense to us. However, at other times, we read a poem that touches us deeply and speaks directly to us. It gives us a new vision. Join Robert Mitchell for a poetry sharing circle in which we will each share a specific poem and the way it speaks to us. Registration is requested.
Revolutionary Love -
Facilitated by Patti Potter and Ken Mah, September 17 - November 19, On Fridays, from 10am-Noon (on Zoom). 

Revolutionary Love is the call of our times, and an answer to the question of how exactly do we practically live our covenant “Love is the doctrine of this church"? The greatest social reformers in history grounded entire movements in the ethic of love. Love can be taught, modeled, and practiced. Revolutionary Love is the choice to labor for others, our opponents, and ourselves. Through the teachings of Valerie Kaur, stories, reflections, interviews, and discussions we can be equipped with tools to labor in love. Registration is requested.
Faith and Film Series with Rev. Tim -
“The Black Mozart in Cuba” Sunday, September 19th.
12:00 pm (Sanctuary)
6:00 pm (Zoom).

This documentary celebrates the life of Joseph Boulogne, Le Chevalier de Saint-Georges (1745-1799), one of the most remarkable figures of the 18th century. He influenced the music and political life of his time. He was a genius composer and conductor, a virtuoso violinist, the best fencer in Europe, as well as the first black general in the French army.
Registration requested for the 6 pm session. 
Breathe: A Letter to My Sons – National UUA Common Read Discussion Group. Facilitated by Reva Guimont and Ellis Vance on the following Sundays; Sept. 19, Oct. 24th, Nov. 21st, and Dec. 5th, From 2 pm - 4 pm (on Zoom). 

A Common Read invites participants to read and discuss the same book in a given period of time. The UUA Common Read can build community in our congregations and our movement by giving diverse people a shared experience, shared language, and a basis for deep, meaningful conversations. This year's Common Read is Breathe: A Letter to My Sons by Imani Perry, published by Beacon Press. Register here.
The Spirituality of Power -
A Four Wednesday Workshop: Sept. 22 & 29 and Oct. 6 & 13, at
10 am (Live in Sanctuary) or
7 pm (on Zoom).

Facilitator: Rev. Tim Kutzmark 
Join Rev. Tim for this four-part exploration of how, from a Unitarian Universalist perspective, we use and abuse power. What spiritual opportunities can be found in the responsible exercise of power? What takes our power away? We will use short readings, reflections, conversation, and spiritual practices to help us better understand power and perhaps even make peace with it. Registration is required, as is a short reading and writing exercise to be completed prior to the first session. 
Registration is requested. 
Women & Religion VIRTUAL Retreat,
Saturday, September 25th, 10 am to 4 pm on Zoom Theme: NEW BEGINNINGS. Since the spring retreat went well, we will do it again, but for
a shorter time. In addition to learning sessions and affinity circles, Paula Cole Jones will be our keynote speaker on the proposed 8th UU Principle, which articulates a commitment to dismantling white supremacy (See www.8thprincipleuu.org).

Regular registration is $25; for women 18-35 and first-timers: $10. Scholarships are available. 

To be added to the retreat email list, send a blank email to PCDUUwomen+subscribe@groups.io. We’ll let you know when registration opens.
Yoga Classes Continue! 
Hatha Yoga - Mon. Nights 6-7:30 pm
Chair Yoga - Wed. 12-1 pm and Friday 1-2 pm. 
Zoom link is the same for all classes:
https://zoom.us/j/97768989369, Meeting ID: 977-6898-9369. PHONE:
669-900-6833 (then enter Meeting ID: 977-6898-9369, followed by #, When prompted for User ID, just hit # again)
All are welcome. For questions or concerns refer to Jenny Rohan 559-281-7972 or sarayuyoga@gmail.com.
Help beautify Fresno with Mayor Dyer's citywide initiative to clean up trash in various parts of the city. For details and to sign up to serve gratefully, go to https://www.beautifyfresno.org/events/.
Join in the Food Collection - The food bin is located in front of the Church Office daily, between the hours of 9:30 am – 3:00 pm. We are partnering with Wesley United Methodist Church and Valley Children's Hospital in their food distribution to people in need and families who stay in the rooms with their children. Items needed are: peanut butter, canned vegetables Ramen Noodles, macaroni and cheese (preferably not Kraft), non-refrigerated single-serve meals of any sort including soups, vegetables, fruits, beans, etc., preferably with "flip-top" type cans. If the item is a canned item, nothing perishable, and nothing that has expired. Instant meals such as oatmeal or other meals that can be put into a microwave are best.

Please stick to items that are on the list. If you have questions regarding acceptable food items contact Steve Sacks at johnsonsacks@comcast.net

NOTE: This link https://betterworldshopper.org/ may be handy in keeping Social Justice issues in mind while shopping. Companies are rated based on Human Rights, Environment, Animal Protection, Community Involvement, and Social Justice. 
Fresno City Council is Open to You: The Next City Council Meeting will be September 16th at 9 am. As always, you can watch the meetings live on the City’s Facebook page, CMAC or on Fresno.PrimeGov.com. Comments for agenda items can be e-mailed to clerk@fresno.gov. You can find the agenda on the City’s website.
“[‘Inclusion’] was then and remains today a profoundly passive and analytically weak term to use. Inclusion is irreconcilable with the foundational hierarchy and surveillance that higher education rests on. In order for higher education to be more inclusive, it would actually need to reckon with its history, its origins, and the ongoing nature of colonization and transform its ways of being.”
—Leigh Patel,
“Our schools, particularly for Black children, function to fill the mind, police the body, and cast away the spirit. To be ratchetdemic is to have no role in starving part of the self in pursuit of ‘academic’ knowledge. It is a recognition that any education that is disconnected from helping students understand themselves and the power structures that influence their worlds and how these structures operate to stifle or obfuscate young people’s purpose is not education at all.” —Christopher Emdin, Ratchetdemic
A “Celebration of Life” for long-time church member Pat Pickford (who died on Nov 20, 2020) has been postponed until the Spring due to pandemic concerns. A new date will be announced next year.

Our thoughts are with church member Don Gaede whose mother died this week. Notes and cards can be sent to Don and Jenny at 9151 N. Holyoke Lane, Fresno CA 93720.

Our thoughts are with church member Parvin Malek whose mother died last week.  Notes and cards can be sent to Parvin at 8366 N. Raisina Avenue, Fresno CA 93720.

The Pastoral Care Team is available to serve congregants with short-term needs. For more information regarding the services we offer, visit the UUCF website. To contact the officer on duty, call our temporary office number at 559-322-6128 ext 16.

Thank you for your generous pledge for Fiscal Year 2021-22, which began on July 1st. Many of us took a summer break from making any pledge payments and that is making things a bit tight financially. If you haven’t made a pledge payment for July or August, would you please consider doing so? If you’ve already made those payments, thank you.

A Gentle Reminder - Masks Are to be worn at all times while on the church campus. We're happy so many of you are vaccinated and ask you to continue Covid-19 protocols. This includes wearing a mask when stopping by the office.

Amazon Shoppers - Activate the AmazonSmile App to Make a Difference While You Shop (At No Extra Cost to You) - UUCF Recently Earned a Donation of $94.17! Simply follow the instructions below to select "Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno" as your charity and activate AmazonSmile in the app. They'll donate a portion of your eligible mobile app purchases to us. How it works:
1. Open the Amazon app on your phone.
2. Select the main menu (=) & tap on "AmazonSmile" within Programs & Features .
3. Select "Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno" as your charity.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to activate AmazonSmile in the mobile app. 
You can also access online at https://org.amazon.com/ 
In gratitude to those who made special donations of
$50 and above (beyond pledge contributions)
during the month of July.

Special thanks to:

Non-Pledge Donations:
Bill & Carolyn Murphy * John Livesey

We Care Fund:
Anne Betancourt * Denise Goldman * Mary-Allen Macneil

Plate Donations:
Paula Siegel * Betty Prange

Minister’s Discretionary:
Colby Morrow & Evan Shipp

Second Sunday:
Jeane & David Hetland

Human Rights Coalition:
Sandra Yamabe

In Honor of and In Memoriam:

Building Fund:
Paula Siegel * Carolyn Nolan

General Donation:
Carolyn & Bill Murphy

Contribution Funds: Areas of Giving

Pledge: A “Pledge” contribution is for those who have made a financial “Pledge of Record” for a given July-June fiscal year. The majority of our annual operating budget is determined by the pledges that are received during our Annual Pledge Drive.

Non-Pledge Donation: A donation without restrictions that supplements the yearly operating budget.

Sunday Offering (Plate) via Cash App, PayPal, Credit Card or Check: Sunday offerings or plate donations are an act of generosity for our Sunday Services and support our annual operating budget. They are an important additional source of income each week.

We Care Fund: “We Care Fund” is a discretionary fund that Rev. Tim utilizes to provide needed financial support to members and friends, especially needed in this time of Pandemic. Examples include gas cards, gift cards for clothes or other needed items, assistance with bills, emergency rent assistance, and other expenses that arise, especially during the Pandemic when more people are financially vulnerable.

Pastoral Care Team Food Fund: This fund allows the Pastoral Care Team to provide purchased and delivered meals to members and friends who are in need of support during illness, family death, or other life events. It can also assist with basic grocery purchases, especially during this time of Pandemic.

Minister’s Discretionary Fund: The Minister’s Discretionary Fund is utilized by the Minister for a multitude of purposes and can fund unexpected church expenses (emergencies arise) and church purchases (for instance, broadcasting equipment for virtual services, needed equipment for our fire alarm system, etc.). It can also be used to assist those in financial need.

In Honor of and In Memoriam: You can make a special donation in honor of something (for instance, appreciating Monday yoga class) or to honor a person who is living. You can also make a financial contribution to honor a church member or other person who has died.
Thank you for taking the time to read
our What's NUU newsletter!
We appreciate you!!
If you would like to make a donation or pay your pledge,
click the button below to be redirected
to our GIVING page at www.uufresno.org.
Try $CashApp today!g
Cash App is a convenient way to send money to Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno right from your phone.

Please be sure to note what your donation is for, ex. Plate donation, 19-20 Pledge, Social Justice 2nd Sun., etc.
We are listed as: Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno
For additional information about our church, services or activities, please contact us at (559) 322-6146 or visit our website at www.uufresno.org. If you are interested in reading or listening to past sermons, look under menu item "Worship" and you will find both audio and written sermons to choose from.