September 13


We expect our children to grow up thinking just as we do as parents. We expect the sun to come up each morning and the moon to light the skies in the evenings. We expect the mail on all days but Sundays and holidays. We expect to be able to find a job if we are qualified in the industry we are seeking. We expect the television to turn on when we press the remote control. We expect the water to be hot when we jump in for a shower..... We expect friends to understand us when we do dumb things or forget to do anything. e expect spouses to forgive us when we act out of frustration. We expect courtesy when we give courtesy. We expect respect when we feel like we've earned it.
But so many times our expectations do not measure up to reality.

I had several errands to run yesterday...and some of them were filled with expectations...expectations of hopeful responses, expectations of efficient store services, expectations of marking off of my list a series of "to do's". Some of those were met and others left me frustrated and resentful. I hate admitting that but its true.....and so many times it is about people ....people not meeting "my" personal expectations. And I have to stop a minute and think...wait....this is making life about "me"...focus on "me" not about doing for others....or giving a pass to others if they are not on my same page.....and again I have realized I need to change my thinking track. The world does not revolve around me and my expectations.....it revolves around God and His expectations.  

But how do we line up the disappointments when we have prayed with sincerity, trust and hope and God has not answered?  The answer, I believe, is do now what you are good at doing, whatever that is, while you are waiting for an answer.  It could be organizing or getting rid of things that are just taking up space, or encouraging a friend or painting, or writing, gardening, cleaning out emails etc. but be doing something that is productive and constructive. And think on these things (Philippians 4:8Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things).Sometimes when we let go of our quest for answers, which are tying us up in knots, and begin to focus on other things, that is when God answers become clear

Great expectations can cause great disappointment...or great expectations can result in a positive attitude. If we filter our expectations through God...through HIS will for our lives.....we will be expecting what God wants and what he has in store for us rather than what we want and what we desire. It is a matter of shifting the focus of expectation from our self to God's sovereignty. 

Think about it a minute....when we line up our expectations with the worlds' values we have no control over the final result....for the world is not interested in you and me. We can't control what others think and what others do...we hardly are able to control ourselves. But if we line up whatever we do or whatever is happening or however people respond into God's thinking...it takes the "personal" hit out of it and we continue on without pause...knowing what we have done is covered and filtered and God is the primary focus not others. 

What can we expect from God....we can expect His best....no doubt about it...he doesn't take short cuts, or shop around for best deals, God is all about the finest quality....the finest quality of life, the finest quality of growth, the finest quality of sacrifice, the finest quality of teaching, the finest quality of service, the finest quality of ......LOVE. He spares no expense in giving us the best. After all, he gave us His one and only son, Jesus....so that we would be benefactors of the quality life he had planned for us. Great expectations...if filtered through God's sieve will not be disappointing....but the key is to expect God's best...it may not always look like we would package "best" in our own eyes...but in the eyes of the Lord ....it is perfect. Expect God to be on top of "it"...whatever "it" is.....He is faithful and true and always prompt....His plan is in motion....and you can faithfully be assured that all is running just as God has planned. 

In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.

Pray with great expectation...and faithfulness...pray with a true grit hold that you are praying to God Almighty...the maker of all things, the one who can and will do all things according to His good purpose.  Pray with confidence and know that if our request lines up with God's will then it will be done...if not...God will alter our thoughts and our desires so that ultimately they will line us with his. If we are willing to bend and submit to God's ways and what God knows is best for our lives, then Great Expectations through God will bear great peace.  

Dear Lord, May we learn to expect the best...and not settle for just good. If we focus our eyes and hearts and thoughts on you...we can be assured that you are giving your best to each of us...and through you and your adversities and blessings we are becoming the best that you have called us to be. Amen  

Praise God wherever you are or whatever situation he has allowed you to be in...for his Glory will shine through!