September 2021 Waterville UMC Ambassador
Dear Church Family,
My hope and prayer is that you are well as God is with you.
During this summer so many things have been happening. The New Beginnings building is progressing with the structural steel up, the floor poured, the outer wall faming is in process, insulation board install has begun and the HVAC large duct work install has begun. This is good news.
Also, the glass wall in the back of the Sanctuary is nearly fully funded. A new product is coming on the market in December which has an installed cost of $37,072.83. Our present Special Moveable Glass Wall Fund stands at $35,091. Praise God! Are you the one who will put this fund over the top?
The last 18 months have been life changing for all of us. Those folks that have been in nursing homes and retirement centers have experienced isolation that has had profound impact on their lives. I give thanks that we have been able to visit folks. The Tuesday Bible Study restarted in July and the Communion Service restarted the first Sunday of August at Browning. People are hungry for community.
In reflection upon our present world environment, including right here at home, the scripture from Romans 8:38 came to mind, “And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.
This is a passage of hope reminding us that nothing can separate us from God’s love. Many of us have fears and worries as the present COVID wave impacts us. Yet, remember God’s love is with us who have accepted Jesus as our savior.
Finally, let us make September the month many of us return to in person worship. The nursey will be available beginning September 12. Sunday School for the kids is already available. Replacing the closed balcony cry room is the basement “Fireside Room for parents and children who would like a place to experience the service and care for the kids. The service is on the big screen TV. As long as the weather is good, worship in the courtyard will continue or in your vehicles are options.
May all the blessings of God be with you.
Pastor Mike
Our Vision – Share, Celebrate, and Teach God’s Love
Our Mission – Serve. Connect. Love. Give.
10:30 AM
Opportunities to worship and praise the Lord with WUMC:
In Sanctuary
In Courtyard - Please bring your own chair.
Park in car near the church and tune to FM 90.5.
Live Stream via You Tube at
Watch the recording of the worship service on-line when available at
Praises to the Lord!
Ministry of Construction Report
Ministry of Construction for our New Beginnings church building continues to bless the workers with 'treats' each week. Anywhere from 7 to 12 workers are on site and beverages and other treats are usually delivered on Tuesdays. If you'd like to help with that part of the ministry, please contact Barb Crandall to get on the schedule. Prayers are always needed, individual bags promoting our church and appreciation letters are given to all workers, and publicity is promoting our church build. Special goody bags will be delivered this week from our Sunday School's Project with a Purpose, thank you Stephanie Sheldon and kids! If you want to be part of all these amazing opportunities to bless the workers, please sign up at church or contact the church office and they will add your name to the lists.
Paul and Cherl Matla, MOC Directors
New Beginnings Ministry of Construction Teams! We have opportunities to serve and make a difference in the lives of those building our New Beginnings Building. See the worship bulletin and the bulletin board for details! Sign up sheets are on the bulletin boards.
The Sale of 102 North Fifth Street
Our team consists of three trustees: Christie Wielgopolski, Trustee Chair; Steve Crandall; Penn Pritchett and Jim Page, Treasurer. We have listed our building with Miller Diversified.
As of 08/24/21 we have had two new groups tour the facility. Our realtor (Miller Diversified) has changed how the building is listed and that has generated more interest.
Spread the Word!!
Please pray for the Lord's guidance as we move through this process.
Independent Bible Study and Activities
There are also apps through Bible Gateway and You Version to help guide you through this experience. Choose the one that works for you!
The September HomeTouch is another source of reading the Bible. Start today! There are also fun word games that we share in the weekly blast.
Click on HomeTouch picture to open. OR...check the bulletin board, we post copies each month...OR if you know someone who may enjoy receiving the monthly HomeTouch in the mail, we do have a mailing list we can add them to.
The prayer team is asking for the support of the rest of the congregation to join them in praying specifically for the the Prayer focus of the month.
September's Theme - Evangelism
September 5 - Asking the Lord for guidance in our prayers and in our evangelistic journey
September 12 - Worldwide Evangelism
September 19 - Nationwide Evangelism
September 26 - Us, As Individual Evangelists
The children's "Project with a Purpose" team filled goody bags and wrote notes for the construction crew working at the new church building site. The goodies had a construction theme with items like chocolate rock candy, shovel spoons, tool ink pens, frosted glass magnets, and a stress ball with a motivational saying. The kids also wrote personal notecards to include in the bags.
"Teacher's Toolbox is a new outreach ministry that has developed in our partnership with Waterville Primary School. Three times during the school year, notecards with a list of school supplies will be dropped off to the teachers at Waterville Primary. The teachers will be able to itemize the list in regards to what supplies they may need for their classroom or individual student needs. The list of supplies needed will be returned to our Project with a Purpose team here at the church and the supply orders will be fulfilled for the teachers. This will be an ongoing ministry so any school supply donations are welcome throughout the year. Please contact Bobbie Westfall or Stephanie Shelton if you have questions about this new ministry. Thank you for your support!"
September Collection Items
Socks, Gloves, T-shirts, soft clothing
“One of my favorites in my shoebox was white socks because in the orphanage you get bad quality socks that always stink and have holes in them.”
–Timur, Central Asia
One child in Grenada was delighted to find his shoebox packed with underwear in his exact size. His family was so poor that they could not afford to buy this for him.
School supply items are still able to be dropped off for the OCC donations until September 5th! Take advantage of those back to school sales and fill up the donation basket!
For many children, access to these simple school supplies is critical to an education. This was the case for a young man, Luis Gonzales, a shoebox recipient raised by a single mother in the ghetto of Panama City, Panama.
“I know what it is like to not have enough money for basic school supplies,” said Gonzalez, whose experience is not uncommon for many children living in poverty. One day, Gonzalez received a gift-filled shoebox from Operation Christmas Child and found it filled with the school supplies he needed. “My shoebox gift gave me the opportunity to pursue an education and taught me to never lose hope. These gifts can truly impact a child's life forever,” said Gonzalez.
Please place your OCC items in the basket under the Mission Bulletin Board.
Missions Committee Focus for September 2021
The Anthony Wayne Food Pantry ministers to those in the AW area who are in need of food or who, if they were to buy the food, would come up short in money for medicine, heating, or other necessities. It is supported by donations from members of the AW community. We only ask that the people who come reside, worship, or work in the extensive AW School District. Since all donations are private, we do not require a statement of income. This allows people who have recently come under hard times, don’t fit the government’s categories, or would qualify for aid but are unwilling to sign up for it to come and get food for themselves and their families.
Our primary focus is on non-perishable staple food items, i.e., canned or boxed goods. We also receive and give out toiletries. With cash donations, we buy and distribute meat and fresh vegetables.
We view this ministry as a way to express our love for our neighbors who, one and all, carry the image of God. In so doing, we also, in part, express our love and gratitude to Jesus.
Anthony Wayne Community Food Ministry (AWCFM) is a separate 501(c)(3) public charity. We are not affiliated with any church or other charitable organization. Waterville Community Church donates space for us to conduct our activities. We are a 100% volunteer organization, and we depend on local churches, businesses, and individuals for support. Our Board of Directors consists of 6 members from 3 local churches who formed AWCFM in 2014.
Since then, we have grown dramatically from serving 30 families in 2014 to over 120 in 2019, and have garnered financial and volunteer support from other churches and area businesses. We can feed each person with a budget of about $3.00 per month per recipient. Since COVID, our numbers are down a bit for a variety of reasons, however, we did serve 96 families in 2020 for a pre-Thanksgiving distribution. Qualifying families must meet poverty level household income guidelines established by the State of Ohio. In addition, we recently started a weekend food program for AW students which has grown to 50 AW families receiving food weekly.
August 1: 75
August 8: 73
August 15:
August 22: 76
August 29: 72
September Card Ministry Liaison
Melva Robinson
Please reach out to her at if you know of someone who needs an encouraging words through a card. Words of love can change a moment and often a life's direction.
Skyler Rose September 1
James Suchocki September 1
Elnora Jeffries September 2
Eric Kahl September 2
Becky Varner September 2
Ana Nicholson September 3
Taylor Smith September 4
Kyle Wielgopolski September 5
Jennifer Reihing September 7
Dick George September 9
Emily Vernon September 10
Cara McMillan September 13
Grace Hires September 14
Caroline Amspaugh September 19
Nicholas Amspaugh September 19
Steven Denman September 19
Barbara Page September 19
Wyatt Thomas Eisel September 20
Holly Sobecki September 20
Owen Hankins September 21
Marilyn Simpson September 21
Bobbie Westfall September 21
Alexis Reihing September 23
Jay Sheridan September 26
Dave Hogg (Former Pastor) September 27
Gene Williams September 27
Alexandria Rozelle September 28
Joan Rigal September 29
Josephine Monroe September 30
Happy Birthday to you!
(If you have a Birthday that isn't listed here, please call the church office so we can add you to our birthday list!)
If you have an immediate need or a Pastoral need, please call Pastor Mike Denman at 419-469-0156 .
Office hours are generally Monday through Thursday 9 AM to Noon, but may vary. Please call ahead at 419-878-3645 if you need to visit the office.
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