
#81 - Week ending July 1st, 2022

Welcome to this weeks 'Take 5', your 5 minute weekly Optinet roundup. If you need clarification on any points or have questions drop an email to or raise a ticket in the portal.

NHS Scotland

Vouchers Increased

From TODAY the optical voucher values in Scotland have increased.

Click here to view the new voucher values

You should update your stock items and voucher values NOW!

Please refer to our knowledgebase articles (linked below) for details of how to update your fees and related till sales items.

Optinet FLEX
Optinet V5
PCS Cheltenham
Request More Info / Book Training

eReferral (EeRS) - Opera Sign-Off 

This week FLEX has been signed-off to send electronic referrals into the Opera platform, one of a number of systems that are being used across NHS England.

What does this mean to you?

If you are in any of the following NHS England regions and you wish to start using the electronic referral function in FLEX then get in touch and we can begin the onboarding process.

  • NHS England North West
  • ALL Areas

  • NHS England East of England
  • Mid & South Essex only

We will advise when further areas / platforms are available for onboarding.

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Data Mining

Definition: "the practice of analysing large databases in order to generate new information."

There is so much information in FLEX that can be accessed for marketing & analysis purposes BUT how do you get to it?

This week Sam has written a quick start guide on Data Mining - running through the different methods of searching for data and sending mailshots.

Go to Data Mining Quick Start Guide
View ALL Quick Start Guides
Data Mning

Home Screen Widgets

A reminder of how to change the widgets that appear on your home screen, these are set per user so you can personalise your own home screen.

Home Screen Widgets
Email Disc.png to open a ticket automatically to book staff training to book a FLEX demonstration

Vision Now - June '22

The latest edition of FLEX is arriving in practices as we speak, packed full of the latest industry news and features:

  • Clinical matters - Glaucoma Revolution
  • 100% Optical - Showstoppers

The digital version can be accessed using the link below.

Read Now

Latest Patches

  • HPP indicates high priority patches that are downloaded and installed automatically
  •  MTS indicates patches that have been deployed to the 'Hosted FLEX' servers
  • REQ indicates a patch that will be loaded on request or when an issue is highlighted


*** If you would like any other patches applied, please raise a support ticket ***

No Patches This Week


How are we doing?

We want to hear from you!

Send us your ideas for enhancements to FLEX, service improvements and general feedback - click the link below...

Send Feedback
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