May 2024
From the Office of the Bishop
Bishop's Sabbatical Resumption
(Excerpt) "It is with a grateful heart and thankful spirit that I write to inform the diocesan family of plans for the continuation of my sabbatical leave"... "This third component of my sabbatical will include a spiritual pilgrimage to Canterbury and Canterbury Cathedral, Kent, United Kingdom and Rome to spend time in prayer and holy pilgrimage..." Read full letter here.
Bishop San's 2024 Spring/Summer Schedule
Bishop San is looking forward to a very busy Spring and Summer that will put him away from his desk for some extended periods of time. Please take note of this schedule to better facilitate communications in the coming months.
Bishops Meet the Five Nominees for Presiding Bishop
Bishop San recently attended the Extraordinary House of Bishop's Meeting to meet with the Five Nominees for Presiding Bishop. The Nominating Committee and House of Bishops Planning Committee arranged the gathering of Bishops of the Episcopal Church on Wednesday, April 24, at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Charlotte, North Carolina. The Diocese of North Carolina was the host diocese. Read more here.
The 2024 Clergy Conference

Clergy and their Spouses were excited to gather together again this year at the Princess Royale in Ocean City for a time of refreshment, renewal, and creativity. We welcomed the Reverend Jennifer McKenzie, as the keynote under the theme "Church Re-Imagined" and enjoyed opportunities for reflection and collaborative dreaming. There was also plenty of time for laughter, fun and ocean-gazing! Thank you to all our clergy, and their spouses, who pour themselves into service to God and community.
Making Seashell Ornaments
Dreaming Together
Good Boxes Bring Smiles: Each conference attendee received a bountiful Welcome Box at check-in provided by Good Box 4 U. A portion of the proceeds went to Care Boxes for the homeless which were delivered to Diakonia - a local organization that helps homeless men, women and families. Good Box 4 U is a great gift idea or a fun way to promote your business or event while also giving back to the local community. Read more.
Diocesan staff members Joanne Fisher and Beth Devenny joined Rev. Stephanie Clayville, founder of Good Box 4 U, to deliver Care Boxes boxes to Diakonia Inc.
Province III Synod was held on May 6th at the Holiday Inn in Martinsburg, West Virginia where representatives and Bishops from 13 Dioceses in our region gathered for their annual business meeting, to hear reports from several collaborative committees, and in preparation for General Convention. Members of General Convention deputations, including those from the Diocese of Easton, were also in attendance as Julia Ayala Harris, President of the House of Deputies, spoke about the theme of General Convention 81,”Together in Love”. Read more here.
Out- going President of the Province, The Rev. Nathaniel Pierce was honored for his years of excellent leadership.
The Diocese of Easton’s lay and clergy deputies to General Convention attended Synod where President Ayala Harris shared her priorities of Accessibility, Inclusivity and Safety. Kathleen Wise also attended as ECW representative as did Joanne Fisher, out-going Province 3 Formation Co-Chair.
UTO Grant Awarded to The Easton English School at Trinity: 
Of the 57 dioceses across the Episcopal landscape that made applications to The United Thank Offering, twenty applications were accepted - including a grant of $30,000 to the Diocese of Easton's Trinity Cathedral for their "Easton English School". The monies will be directed toward hiring their first part-time, bilingual Coordinator to help run the program. f you are bilingual (Spanish and English) and interested in learning more about this paid staff position, you can read the job description here. To view more about UTO and their 2024 Grant Recipients, click here.
Spring Youth Event: Over 60 youth and adults from the Dioceses of Easton, Southwestern VA, Central PA and Bethlehem (pictured above) joined together for a combined Spring Youth Event sponsored by Province III and participating Dioceses. The Leadership Team of 11 high school students, including Anna Kate Leight and Katie Schaefer from the Diocese of Easton, planned and led the weekend around the theme of "Peace". View the Video, Enjoy a few of our Student Sermons.

In honor of Memorial Day, Brayhouse will be closed on Monday, May 27th.
Ordinations, Graduation & Appointments
Ordination of Charlotte Delahay Meyer By the Grace of God The Rt. Rev. Santosh K. Marray, DMin., DD Eleventh Bishop of the Diocese of Easton
will ordain Charlotte Delahay Meyer to the Sacred Order of Priests in Christ’s One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church on Sunday, June 16, 2024 at four o’clock in the afternoon Emmanuel Church – Chester Parish, 101 N. Cross Street, Chestertown, Maryland. Reception following the service. Your prayers & presence are requested. Clergy are invited to process - Red Stoles
The service will also be live-streamed. R.S.V.P. by June 9th to All are welcome.
IONA Eastern Shore to Graduate Inaugural Class of 2024!
The Diocese of Easton is excited to announce the Graduation of our First Class of IONA Collaborative students. Seven students have completed the three years of coursework as required through the Seminary of the Southwest and under the guidance of local Professor Rev. Dan Dunlap - Stephanie Clayville, Joanne Fisher, Chris Sabas, Kelsey Spiker, Jessica Stehle, Michael Valliant, Lynn Wiljanen. The Service and Ceremony will take place on Saturday, June 15th at Christ Church, St. Peter's Parish in Easton, MD at 11:00AM. Everyone is invited - come and celebrate this pioneering achievement!

Ordination of Dr. Lynn M. Wiljanen Bishop Marry ordained Dr. Lynn Wiljanen to the Sacred Order of Deacons on Saturday, April 27th at St. Peter’s Pro-Cathedral Church, Salisbury, Maryland. Congratulations Lynn!!
Notes from the Finance Office
Did you know the Episcopal Church has an app for tracking church services and attendance throughout the year? Did you also know it can make filing your Parochial Report easier? Service and attendance data input on the app throughout the year is automatically transferred to your Parochial Report! Follow this link for more information including a demo video..  Parish Register – The Office of the General Convention ( The finance office is always here to help, contact Megan Timms at 410-822-1919 or
Safe Church Safe Communities
Safe Church Safe Communities: Well done to all of the parishes, clergy, and lay leaders who have successfully completed or in the process of completing the Safe Church requirements. Just a reminder, Safe Church applies to all Episcopal entities not just those with children’s programs. See the Safe Church Safe Communities pages on the Diocesan website for more information or contact Rev. Elizabeth Phillips at
Be SAFE! Live Safe Church! 
Empower Me! Basic Safety Rules for Children. Teach children to find a trusted adult if someone asks them to break a safety rule!

SAVE THE DATE! 2024 Mission Summit / Project Resource : Date Changed to October 12th, 2024. We are excited to introduce Project Resource to you as the Diocese of Easton has partnered with the College for Bishops to bring Project Resource to our diocese for five consecutive Sundays, September 8 through October 6, Online via Zoom; 5:00 to 7:00 pm followed by a Gathering of Teams on Saturday, October 12th. Stay tuned for more info coming later this month!!

For Additional Clergy-Specific Save the Datesclick here.
Thank you for your continued support
of the mission and ministries of our Diocese.
Bishop's Institute Spring Trainings: Training Classes will be for Eucharistic Minister, Eucharistic Visitor and Worship Leader. Join the network of those serving across the Diocese! Learn about these Ministries here.
Important Camp Wright Updates...

Camp Wright is Hiring!! Camp Wright is looking for Resident Counselors (ages 18+) ! Spend your Summer outside, building life skills with a team of your peers. Camp is a job where you get to be active and creative, thoughtful and silly. Camp is a community where you can develop lifelong friendships while learning flexibility, collaboration, and critical thinking skills. Come be a part of our Summer 2024 team! Learn more at or if you have questions email Blair Johnson at 

Please feel free to download Camp Wright's Now Hiring Flyer to post on your parish community board!

Camp Wright is looking for Clergy to celebrate the Eucharist on the last day of each session. Email Blair at to come be a part of the Diocese of Easton's largest youth ministry! 

The Camp Wright Committee is dreaming about our future, and we would love to hear from you. Please fill out this short survey to let us know how Camp Wright can better support you, your family, and your parish! If you have any questions about the Camp Wright Survey, please contact Executive Director, Julia Connelly or call 410-643-4171.
Latino & Hispanic Ministry:
Is your parish hosting Latino & Hispanic Ministry events? If so, please remember to send information to Mark Hansen our Missioner for Latino/Hispanic Ministries for the Diocese of Easton.
Retreat House Happenings:
To receive the Retreat House newsletter and other email offerings, sign up here. View their calendar for programs and special events. For more information, call (410) 364-7069 or contact Francie Thayer.
UTO Funds English School at Trinity - Trinity Cathedral Easton has been awarded a $30,000 grant from the United Thank Offering to hire a part-time bilingual coordinator for The Easton English School at Trinity. This outreach program offers free weekly language lessons to the local immigrant community taught entirely by volunteers. Read more here.

The English School at Trinity Cathedral is hiring a part-time coordinator for its language class program. If you are bilingual (Spanish and English) and interested in learning more about this paid staff position, you can read the job description here. To apply, email your resume and cover letter to
In support of Augustine Parish, Chesapeake City - THE RAMBLERS will be in concert on Friday, May 17th at 7:00pm at Good Shepherd Church. The Ramblers, an offshoot ensemble of the Newark Community Band, formed to share Dixieland music with audiences throughout the community. No tickets are required but a Free-Will offering will be collected to benefit the Roof and Building Fund of Augustine Parish. The suggested donation is $20, cash or check, please. Good Shepherd Church is located at 310 George Street, Chesapeake City, MD. Read more here.
St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Centreville Stefan Scaggiari, Accomplished pianist and singer - "Great Encores" Music from Chopin to Sting and More. May 19th at 4:00pm at St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Followed by a Reception in Donaldson Hall.
St. Phillip's, Quantico offers Guest Lecture Series Most offerings will be on the second Monday at 1:00 pm.  This is an outreach project provided by St. Philip’s and is free to the community.  Please see the schedule here and note those dates that require registration.
All Faith Chapel, Tunis Mills - MARK YOUR CALENDARS! ALL FAITH UPSCALE RESALE EVENT Saturday, June 1, 2024 - 9:00am-3:00pm Rain or Shine!
Christ Church, Denton will participate in the Fourth Annual Caroline Pride Festival on Saturday, June 1st, 2024, in Denton! We will, for the third consecutive year, be represented as a fully supportive & participating faith community, via a manned display table…we were on Market Street last year!! Join us for this important, community gathering!!
St. Stephen's, Earleville Blessing of the Bikes Saturday June 22nd. St. Stephen’s Church 10 Glebe Road, Earleville. Kids Breakfast 9-10:30 Free. Children’s Bike Blessing 10:30. Adults Blessing 11:00. Adult Breakfast $15.00 donation. Click here for flyer.
ENEWS Events & Article Submission Deadlines
If you have something to submit for our upcoming Enews please send them to Beth Devenny before May 27th for the June Enews. We will not be publishing a July & August Enews, however, the Diocese will send out any important updates and news as needed.
ALL articles and photos received after the deadline will not be published, but will be reserved for upcoming issues.
Pastoral Concerns

We pray for continued healing and comfort for the following people and their families: for Peggy Beers. Jim Brack. Walt Burgess. Barbara Cross. Carolyn Lee Crouse. Rev. Frank Crumbaugh. Presiding Bishop Michael Curry. Nancy Dick. Lindsey Donovan. Janice Flood. John Friel. Doug Girardeau. Babs Glancey. Ann Savage Hastings. Randy Hastings. Grady Hebert. The Rev. Jim Kamihachi & Weasie Kamihachi. The Rev. Ron Knapp. The Rev. Pat Kuhns. The Rev. Jack Mason. The Rev. Michael Moyer. Morena Reyes. The Rev. Peggy Samuels. The Rev. Robert Smith & Susan Smith. Goldey Vansant.

A Prayer from Archbishop Hosam for Israel O God of all justice and peace we cry out to you in the midst of the pain and trauma of violence and fear which prevails in the Holy Land. Be with those who need you in these days of suffering; we pray for people of all faiths - Jews, Muslims and Christians and for all people of the land.
While we pray to you, O Lord, for an end to violence and the establishment of peace, we also call for you to bring justice and equity to the peoples. Guide us into your kingdom where all people are treated with dignity and honour as your children for, to all of us, you are our Heavenly Father. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

A Prayer from Archbishop Justin Welby & Archbishop Stephen Cottrell for Ukraine God of peace and justice, we pray for the people of Ukraine today. We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons. We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow, that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them. We pray for those with power over war or peace, for wisdom, discernment and compassion to guide their decisions. Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at-risk and in fear, that you would hold and protect them. We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.
Submit prayer requests to: Names are listed for four weeks unless otherwise specified. 
Diocesan Prayer Calendar
Today we pray for you

Day of Pentecost
May 19th
We give thanks for all who serve on diocesan committees and ministries
supporting Christ’s mission in the world. For the Lay persons of our parishes
and missions in the Diocese of Easton.

First Sunday after Pentecost
May 26th
We remember those in the armed forces that have sacrificed their lives, who in
the day of decision ventured much for the liberties we now enjoy. Grant that we
may not rest until all the people of this land share the benefits of true freedom
and gladly accept its disciplines.

Second Sunday after Pentecost
June 2nd
We give thanks for the witness to Christ’s love for children through the ministry
of Camp Wright, Stevensville, and for its Director, Julia Connelly Zahn; and their
Asst. Director: Blair Johnson. To the Board and all that minister to the children of this ministry.

Third Sunday after Pentecost
June 9th
We give thanks for the Rev. Steve
Mosher and his spouse, Kirsten; for their Wardens, Vestry and People of Christ
Church, St. Michaels.

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
June 16th
We pray for their Interim the Rev.
Frank Crumbaugh, his spouse, Gretchen; their Wardens, Vestry and People of
Christ Church, Stevensville. We give thanks for the leadership of the parish
during this time of transition.

We give thanks to the ministry of the Rev. Charlotte Meyer as she is ordained to
the priesthood this day.

Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
June 23rd
we give thanks to our deputation
traveling to General Convention. We pray for: Mary, Laura, Susan, Mark,
Nathaniel, Patrick, Sandra, Tom, Eddie, John, Susan, Noelle, Colleen, Nancy and
our Bishop – guide them in making right decisions for the betterment of your

We give thanks for the graduation of ministers of the Iona School: Kelsey Spiker, Michael Valliant, Joanne Fisher, Stephanie Clayville, Jessica Stehle, and Lynn Wiljanen. May they be ordained and seek fulfilling ministries for the good of
your kingdom.

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
June 30th
We give thanks for the witness of
God’s people and ministry at Bayleigh Chase. For our Deacon, Sherry Snyder,
and for the Rev. Pat Kuhns, and all caretakers that minister to its residents

For additional weeks, please visit our website or contact Lynn Anstatt.
The 81st General Convention will take place June 23 - 28, 2024 in Louisville, Kentucky. Check the 81st General Convention website for new information as it becomes available.

“Toward GC81,” is a roundup of updates, news, and events related to the 81st General Convention

Registration open for GC81Online registration is open for all planning to attend General Convention. Onsite registration will also be available starting June 21. Visitor registration fees for the entire convention are $150 in advance, or $180 at the site. Learn more.
Registration is open online for The Episcopal Church Young Adult Festival, scheduled to run during six days of the 81st General Convention this summer in Louisville, Kentucky. The deadline for participants needing housing is May 6; commuter registration deadline is May 31.
For Clergy Spouses - The Partner's Path goes to General Convention!
Are you a Clergy Spouse going to GC2024? Stop by the booth! Until then, stay tuned for information on Clergy Spouse events & activities we are planning for June 23-28!
Are you a Bishop’s Spouse going to GC2024? Keep an ear out for a special invitation to breakfast, hosted by our Board Secretary, JoAnne Doyle. Learn more here.
Episcopal Service Corps seeks applicants for 2024-25 service year The Episcopal Service Corps invites young leaders ages 21 to 32 interested in a transformative outreach and discernment experience to apply online for the 2024-25 program year through the end of May. Learn more here.
Called to missional community leadership? Join the Genesis Gathering for
church planters and redevelopers The Episcopal Church’s Office of Church Planting and Redevelopment’s annual Genesis Gathering is designed to mentor and support those involved in church planting, congregational redevelopment and revitalization, and diocesan leaders who support these efforts.
St. George's College Jerusalem - Latest news and a message from Dean Richard Sewell
Difference Blog -  Read here.
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The Episcopal Church Press Release Digest and Episcopal Evangelism Newsletter a roundup of press releases, announcements, and other updates from the Office of Public Affairs.  Keep up with the Episcopal Church Latest News