Ashley, check out the March edition of HOT News! Keep reading to see our YES! High School Student Welding Internship Initiative in action. Plus, check out this month's Linkedin Learning Bites: Spring into Action. And lastly, be sure to check out our March Hiring Fair and read this month's Tech Talk regarding the latest in Governor Abbott's restrictions on foreign applications and platforms.

📣Workforce Happenings

Our YES! High School Student Welding

Internship Initiative has Kicked-Off!

This 14-week internship initiative allows students in our region to gain valuable workplace skills and hands-on experience.

Check out some photos of the recent meet and greet (top photo) featuring their business hosts Central Texas Iron Works, Himes Service Company, PCA, and Behlen Country.

We decided to pop in and see our program interns in action. Take a look at high school student Alexis, as he tries his hand at welding a farm gate for Behlen Country. (bottom photo)

March Linkedin Learning Topic: Spring into Action

🗓️ Upcoming Events

March Hiring Fair

The March Hiring Fair features over 25 local employers from all over our region. Help us promote this upcoming Hiring Fair to our customers by downloading the March Hiring Fair Flyer today. Details below!

When: Wednesday, March 29, 9 AM - 12 PM

Where: McLennan County Workforce Solutions Center

🖥️  Tech Talk

As a reminder, any use of personal

devices for business purposes is prohibited.

On February 27 an email was sent out notifying staff that personal devices can no longer be used for business purposes. Any use of a personal device for business purposes is prohibited. Workforce Solutions for the Heart of Texas has implemented the Prohibited Technologies Security policy in response to Governor Greg Abbott's Model Security Plan for Prohibited Technologies.

Please note, as IT continues to learn more, further communication regarding this policy will be sent via email. Please be sure to monitor your inbox for valuable information in the coming weeks.

Quick Links:

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The Heart of Texas Workforce Development Board, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer/program and auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. TTY/TDD via RELAY Texas service at 711 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989 / 1-800-735-2988 (voice).