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Family Matters and Nina Pomeroy Photography to host mixer
Outdoor mixer this Wednesday
Nina Pomeroy Photography and Family Matters are partnering to host the chamber's October networking mixer on Wednesday, October 12, 2022 in the courtyard of the corporate park at Koll Center.
Nina Pomeroy Photography - Headshots for ambitious people. Personal Branding portraits can really help tell your story and allow your potential clients to get a sense of you, your personality and what your story is. Online - Instagram - Facebook
Family Matters - We put the pieces together. Family Matters is your local Bay Area specialist for your junk hauling, donation pick up, moving and organizing needs. Your downsize and senior specialist. Online - Instagram - Facebook
Networking mixers are a benefit of chamber membership, and are free for chamber members to attend.
Honorees announced for annual Community Service Awards
Celebration set for October 24
The Pleasanton Chamber of Commerce will recognize those deserving individuals, groups and businesses who have demonstrated excellence and leadership in business, volunteer activities and achievement in Pleasanton on Monday, October 24, 2022 at a community celebration open to the public. The Community Service Awards began in 1963 to recognize good people doing great things in the Pleasanton community and since then hundreds of recipients have been honored.
The recipients for Pleasanton’s Community Service Awards
for 2022 are:
Excellence in Service
Business Philanthropy
Distinguished Individual Service
Excellence in Business (Small Company)
Excellence in Business (Large Company)
This event will celebrate amazing people who go the extra mile to make Pleasanton a fabulous place to live and do business. The public is invited to attend this fun-filled evening, featuring appetizers and drinks in the open-air vista veranda overlooking the beautiful Pleasanton skyline at Callippe Preserve Golf Course. Cost to attend is $85 per person, and tickets are on sale now at www.pleasanton.org.
A limited number of sponsorship opportunities are available. If you are interested in company recognition through an event that is evidence that we live and work in a thriving community, contact Susie Weiss at the Pleasanton Chamber at susie@pleasanton.org.
Pleasanton 2025 Forum featuring Hacienda's James Paxson
This week, hybrid format, open to everyone
The Chamber relies on Pleasanton 2025: A Community Vision as its local public policy agenda, committing volunteer and staff time to work toward its fulfillment as a catalyst, convener and champion for all things Pleasanton.
Every second Wednesday of the month at 12:00 noon, the Pleasanton Chamber brings stakeholders together to focus community resources, time and talent to achieve greater understanding of issues, obstacles and opportunities related to Pleasanton 2025: A Community Vision.
The Pleasanton 2025 Forums are held in a hybrid format, in-person at the Chamber or virtually via Zoom. October's Pleasanton 2025 Forum takes place on Wednesday, October 12 and will feature James Paxson, General Manager of Hacienda, discussing what is happening at Hacienda, including possible housing.
Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies
Ribbon cuttings increase the visibility of a grand opening, new location, ground breaking or special anniversary. The chamber brings the giant scissors and the red ribbon, invites our ambassadors and publicizes the event in various publications. To schedule a ribbon cutting, email Dawn.
You're invited to join the chamber and our ambassadors at the following ribbon cutting ceremonies
Tuesday, October 11 at 10:30 a.m.
1069 Serpentine Lane, Suite 500, Pleasanton
Celebrating grand opening of new warehouse
Friday, October 14 at 3:30 p.m.
5976 W. Las Positas Blvd., Suite 110, Pleasanton
Celebrating grand opening
Congratulations to Mochiholic celebrating its one-year anniversary. Mochiholic is a premium Japanese style mochi donut shop serving delicious mochi donuts and boba daily. Located in Rose Pavilion Plaza, next to Total Wine. Learn more online here.
California Business Technology® (CBT), Inc. is a managed information technology service provider serving businesses in the San Francisco East Bay and Tri-Valley area. CBT provides on-site and remote support for organizations, leveraging industry-leading remote monitoring and management (RMM) tools. Learn more online here.
E-Business Connection for October is here
In case you missed it in your inbox last week, our October E-Business Connection is here. This is an electronic newsletter sent to the entire membership on the first Tuesday of the even-numbered months. It features ribbon cuttings, spotlights on members, listing of new members and inside information from the CEO.
Improving Your Organization Through Planning
As organizational leaders, it is important to fully understand how your organization works. Why do you do what you do? Are you doing it well? What can you do better? And while you can ask yourself these questions, the best source of this information is not you but your customers and your employees. These are your external and internal stakeholders, who value your organization and want to see it thrive.
The Pleasanton Chamber of Commerce has been doing this in recent months as we prepare for our strategic planning process later this year.
We invite you to participate in our next step by completing this five-question survey, called SWOT the Chamber (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats). We value your input, which we will use as we work with our Board of Directors to put together a strategic plan that covers the next few years. Begin survey now.
Chamber Announces Endorsements for 2022 General Election
City Council, School Board and more
The Pleasanton Chamber of Commerce’s Business and Community Political Action Committee (BACPAC) recently completed its Candidate Review process. BACPAC made its endorsement recommendations for the 2022 General Election to the Chamber’s Board of Directors for final consideration. These recommendations were approved at the most recent Chamber Board meeting. Candidates endorsed include those running for City Council, the Pleasanton School Board of Trustees, and Alameda County District Attorney.
BACPAC’s Candidate Review process is comprised of three distinct steps: the Candidate Questionnaire, which is the first document submitted; the Candidate Interview, an individual interview with BACPAC; and the Candidate Forum, in which all candidates come together to answer questions created by Chamber members and inspired by Pleasanton 2025: A Community Vision. This local public policy platform lists goals for the economy, jobs, education, infrastructure, public safety, health, housing, arts, leadership, culture, and recreation.
After our lengthy Candidate Review process was completed and after further discussion by the Chamber Board, BACPAC and the Chamber Board of Directors endorse the following candidates for office* in the 2022 General Election, to be held Tuesday, November 8, 2022:
- Pleasanton City Council (District 1): Dean Wallace
- Pleasanton City Council (District 3): Joel Liu
- Pleasanton Unified School District (Area 2): Laurie Walker
- Alameda County District Attorney: Terry Wiley
In addition, the Pleasanton Chamber of Commerce and BACPAC also endorse the following candidates, who are running unopposed:
- Pleasanton Mayor: Karla Brown
- Pleasanton Unified School District (Area 5): Justin Brown
Medicare Annual Enrollment Period Meetings
Hosted by Kathleen O'Leary
Medicare Annual Enrollment Period Meeting
Presented by Kathleen O’Leary, Licensed Agent, JB Insurance Services
What is it?
This is a meeting presenting a Medicare Advantage Plan and is open to everyone.
When is it?
October 18, November 1, or November 15
10:00 a.m. at the Pleasanton Chamber office
Who should attend?
Anyone who needs assistance with Medicare.
How do I RSVP?
Fall Tradeshow at the Fairgrounds
Ultimate business networking event
Companies and organizations can promote themselves, connect with local business and community leaders and grow their customer base by participating as a vendor. The event features food tastes from local restaurants as well as beer, wine and appetizers and the opportunity to network with businesses in a fun and interactive setting.
Pleasanton Young Professionals event
First Thursday Monthly Mixer and Give Back
5:00 to 6:30 p.m.
Monthly Mixer
6:30 p.m.
Sunshine Saloon
Watch: City Council Candidates Forum
In case you missed it, watch it here
There are five candidates for two City Council seats. For District 1, Jeff Nibert and Dean Wallace are seeking to be elected while in District 3, incumbent Julie Testa will face off against Joel Liu and Jamie Yee. Mayor Karla Brown is running unopposed.
Thank you for an amazing golf tournament
Great day on the links at Callippe
The Pleasanton Chamber of Commerce would like to thank all of our sponsors, golfers, contributors and volunteers for a wonderful day at our annual Golf Outing.
We returned to Callippe Preserve Golf Course for our biggest fundraising event of the year, and we were thrilled to have over 120 golfers participate in a fun-filled afternoon. The day was successful for the Chamber, and we realize that this is due to the many participants and contributors, such as you. On top of 18 holes of scramble golf, golfers had great sandwiches from Safeway for lunch, on-course tacos from Rancho Grande, beer served by one of OMRON's robots, margaritas and bundt cakes just to name a few followed by dinner and raffle prizes. Contests for putting, long drive, and closest to the pin were part of the day as well.
We hope you had a good time and enjoyed the day, and we hope to see you all at our golf tournament next year.
Economic Development and Government Relations
Learn more about this committee
Recent Letters of Support
Recent articles from EDGR
Congratulations to these new members that have recently joined the Chamber