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God's Guidance in Every Change

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." (Hebrews 13:8)

As time flies by and the weather warms up, we eagerly anticipate the arrival of summer. Although the sunshine and vacations bring joy, this summer holds a bittersweet note for us at Living Stones. Our Community Health Worker, Carrie Weber, and her family will be moving to North Carolina, with Carrie's last day being June 30th. The Webers have been pivotal to our organization, dedicating immense time and love to serving our neighbors. Carrie, her husband, and her children have worked side by side, fulfilling various roles throughout our organization. Whether serving food, working in the kitchen, mingling with guests, providing flu shots, or helping with setup, cleanup, and ensuring safe parking for our neighbors, the Webers have consistently shown up each week to do it all.

While we will all miss Carrie and her family, her time with us has shown how we can continue to best serve our neighbors. We've discovered that the social aspect of our dinners is profoundly important to many in our community, who often struggle with loneliness and lack social support and capital. Living Stones is using this transition as an opportunity to refocus on these needs.

As we bid farewell to Carrie, Lisa Tyger, who has been serving with us in an outreach capacity, will step into the role of Community Outreach Coordinator and pursue certification as a Community Health Worker. She will step into the same role that Carrie has been serving in, but without the medical responsibilities. Lisa is already well-loved by our neighbors and is familiar with their needs and prayer requests, ensuring that this transition will be seamless.We are confident that Lisa will excel in this position and continue to bring great value and joy to our community.

Additionally, we are thrilled to welcome Lisa Wahl as our new Program Director. Wahl will take over the responsibilities previously managed by Lisa Tyger, including organizing and coordinating our Sunday dinners and My Monday Thing events. She will oversee setup, cleanup, and all aspects of our serving days. Lisa's enthusiasm for serving shines brightly as she swiftly immersed herself in Living Stones' ministry. We are thrilled to welcome her to our team and to have her serve alongside us.

This year has brought many changes, yet we are reminded that God remains faithful to his promises, continually opening doors and guiding this ministry. While we may undergo changes, our purpose remains steadfast: rooted in the one who is unchanging throughout time—yesterday, today, and forever.

Come to the Table


Second Sunday of every month

Brentwood Presbyterian Church

3725 Brownsville Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15227


Third Sunday of every month

North Way Christian Community Church

Corner of Espy Ave. & Potomac Ave.

Dormont, PA 15216

Across from Potomac Avenue T stop

Last Sunday of every month

Fairhaven United Methodist Church

2415 Saw Mill Run Blvd., Pittsburgh, PA 15234

To support the work we do, simply scan a code below or make a check payable to

Living Stones and mail it to

Living Stones, PO Box 13077, Pittsburgh, PA 15243

Thank you!

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Contact Us

Living Stones fosters the cultivation of relationships with neighbors who join us for meals. As relationships develop and deepen, Living Stones volunteers come alongside those individuals and families to assist them in navigating the challenges in their lives and encourage them to find hope in Christ as they learn to trust Him.

"Won't you be my neighbor?"

Fred Rogers